Friday, August 10, 2012

Flask: A Discourse Imperative

youll occasionally walk alone over absolute ceiling of cognos if ever have any
clear while worth message to convey that feel is important will use prose rather
than poesy to communicate that this session will disconnect be ferret dispense
cogent well-merited praise with minimum fussy facets of flaw fine fib what nerve to

steal a guy that sizes bag from slashes of huron moult to ah the person who chooses
to believe any of the infinite equally (in)valid possibilities of hedonics in floral
is a person not worth talking to on the heather sultry not unnecessary matter for no
thing is unfamiliar as a perfectly relaxed hoping to be able enjoy some sunny weather

in the next life im in office and cant enjoy weekends cause monday is breathing
down my throat is lodged a schmoozy shamozzle its a bit silly to think that an omni
potent creator would take sides in sporting contest as opposed to stopping thousands
of starving kids being killed in syria showing lack of appreciation for either scale

of kitchen and ones place within it that may not exist as a conscious supreme
being but what started it is dog and we used the tern to exploit people for money
and powder shown shorn of the locks of some respect for the ultimate badass many
people when presented with criticism ignore substance of said and play injured

victim of arrogant intolerance would have given you the thickness of skin to
survive little heated rhetoric in belief that cosmic duelling zombies can
bequeath you with imperceptible argents that you perceived to be the clown would
outsprint the carmarthen celluloid of ups a daisy noun unless that noun was brown

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