Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adagio For Choose Moose

the transition from frog to nymph while looking back at the meathook
as the purple shadow of asphyxiation envelopes the broken doorknob
and the warm distant twinkle of asthmatic lights sparkling to kant
gave the fading gigolo a run for his money back to chugging bellow

if he wasnt making enough money selling drugs in that playground to
feed his electric kettle habit hed be forced in to larceny fuse doubt
of iron gurneys ploy to defeat the so viet onion and fulfill the ill
uminati plan to unify the worlds banks and control the dissemination

of informative iconic images of humanitys triumphant dance with the
cosmos havin some ketchup on them abolishing all existing debt that
any country has outstanding exam results in will be trying to move
less if feels right why does her sister smell like a telephone unless

anyone who has any interest in seeing this film is not interesting to
the intellectual train crash in 1965 you could leave your bike unlock
ed leaning against the oconnell monument overnight and it would still
be there the next day you could also be buggered as a child by a pri

est and nobody would do anything about it so i am implacably opposed
to the continued existence and freedom of cynthia and i will pursue
any means to ensure her unhappiness and imprisonment i choose to identify
this irrational impulse and belief as my religion so you cant say owt about it

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