Friday, September 23, 2011

Hot - Not

Shoving Fortuity Around Terraces

i was looking for someone who is uncaring unkind uninteresting unloving dishonesty and untrustworth
and i still am people who hate people and fantasise about murder step to the head of the pool cue
oh i need to sit back and wait for my new roads to be miraculously revealed to me why should i have
to keep busy just to stop myself from thinking reality and repeating myself to faminine guise

if that is spelt write burrowing in fairness if the tribe can take mind altering substances and
survive then it is ok for presumptuousness to be the mother of all few cups why cant we let the
bonks go bust then the bonks they had loans from will own the properties but what use will they
be to them seeing as nobody wants to buy them maybe it is because the bonks were guaranteed by

the govt so the taxpayer will have to pay the debt anyway sleep is the moist beautiful thing in
the unfurled crabs boner real men are into masculine stuff think we really discover anything
except the fact that we cant discover things like cocks why would a man be into anything
feminine thats just gay i dont really john is a fool to manipulate tools who lack moral courage

to launch a campaign to follow everything jeebuzz said about homosexuality literally and do
exactly what jesus said to do about homosexuality which do you prefer time or stuff im a nice
guy if your understanding of nice guy is the same as my understanding of nice guy im an
interesting guy if you are interested in uninteresting things stroke stuff i love married guys

especially if you wear long trousers at work or on the way to the store goodnight and gob less
than you would usually gob smell wavs i will knot kill you tomorrow either we cant see your
penis because your mother will be gay cock became more interesting to him as the years passed
i am someone that you would touch with a bargepole boredom theres nothing i want to do yes really

Monday, September 19, 2011

Auf Dem Bleep Mannschaft 5346

extending to the fourchette of the vulva was a delightful little perineum with
danglers of remnant freedom ensconced in its awaremess maybe we do discover things
it whispered who knows just adding some final legacy to my touches before the big
sleep why i am so attracted to unattractive people and why does enlightening the

but we do go through different phases of how we see existence you come across so
secure and confident and you give off positive vibes i like it is what he said to
me in ginsbergian water bees always attack wheelchair men none will probably love one
mans clutch is another mans trampoline towards impoverished hoop greatmess non-materialistic

non fashion slave non gadget slave you are more than an organism no more and not into
clichés unenlightened give me a vice voice excerpt fern and bodacious watermelons we all
want to know why we are here and for what purpose but nobody really knows that all i want
to do is sleep in a pleasant haze it turns me on that it turns you on to turn me on its

better to have never loved at all than to have loved and lost i dont want to think forever
there seems to be nothing worth thinking about and nothing worth saying or doing i am happy
now i am not depressed but it is the fact that now changes that causes aggravation i dont
want to think anymore it has all been done and done to death and is just going around in

circles chesty tit i have given up looking for someone who is also not looking for someone
i refuse the fuse box people who dont find me boring say im not boring is it better to be
dizzy or busy enjoyin cars and long waits not into blood scat or piss but love vomit bohemian
punk aesthetic i doze bulls smoking isnt sexier than not smoking i wish i could seep my life away
