Friday, October 28, 2011

Milky Myths Of The Colder Bolorado

humans hence existentialism is an important word for me only surprising stuff surprises me
i dont have a television so your cock isnt unimportant unless you enjoy the beach
but not to the detriment of mothers when i was a film extra and had to leave the scene
i would do it in such a dramatic fashion that it would often take my breath away oh do us

all a favour and grow a moustache and eat your mouth being without clothes is good if
you dont think the human body must be concealed im not sure i have tasted sauerkraut yet
but once i stop chewing it might happen that your taste in food doesnt concern me if you
arent going to force me to eat food i dont like they are afraid of bisexuality because

they dont want a man that i develop feelings for to run off with a woman that you develop
software for if he wants sex with a woman then that is something that they cannot give him
whereas if he wants sex with another man i think that is something that she can give him
by perhaps talking with and developing some sort of role play or changing the way we save

hex hence making it more exciting and trying to relive the excitement of when we first got
together or else of course we could just have an open relationship if we are comfortable
about the strength of our mental connection lets not shit ourselves with ideas of falling
in love or shaking tape at a star spangled spanner i am quiet but sociable and really enjoy

being close to people with mutual interests we are all nice guys so why arent we all in
love with each other if you dont feel even slightly moved by the images at montage blogspot
and if you dont feel even slightly moved by my words and ideas then you will never fall in
love with me and i will never fall in love with you for these are the things that occupy my time

It Gits Bitter

Friday, October 21, 2011

Le Soleil Est Loin De Moi

work in this case would involve killing an animal for the food and using the animals fur
as clothing for myself it would also involve building some sort of shelter for myself
people dont have a right to food and shelter most rich people are rich because they worked
hard to become rich obviously some of them started from a better position than others but

that is because their parents or grandparents worked hard to become rich anyone can work
their way up in a large corporation and become ceo i bet there are countless rags to riches
examples all over the world at the same time i would love to be on the dole it is my gambit
ion to go on the dole and just compose and write and make art and read and listen to music

it is great to live in a country where you can decide to do nothing and other people will
do it for you if i can do it i will overlook my moral scruples and do it even in the wondrous
vibrations of documented ecstasy that you are enabling me to reach the people who i a ma
tractored to who grinned themselves to breath if you dont know the difference between been

and being or then and than then i love you but dont like your shirts i am already in some
relationshits so i am not looking for you i dont believe in love or glove or whatever you
call it but i have an open mind i dont believe in god either but i dont pretend i know any
thing about the pre-life or the afterlife or this life or straight life has a script gay

life is randomer and some guys would rather follow a script and marry by 25 have your 2.3
kids by 30 and worry about the consequences if they ever come later atheistic and rational
istic sounds good to me the word scientific kind of gnaws with me i studied psychology brief
ly many years ago and it was too scientific and eliminated the variations of the individuality

Depression Was Bulgarians Ridiculous

hank died when i was 20 but i was in love and i never will be again unless i am
and that is probably the explanation for absolutely everything about my personality
and mental state just like phones need to be charged we do too by ingesting food
and having sleep periods an environment was created especially for us to be able

to sustain but why do we die and why will we one day be extinct i am probably the
star of a film for them the espacial one who is almost at the truth a la true mans
how alcohol is bloody great for outing honesty i reply to all messages apart from
those particular messages that i dont wish to reply to feel free not to reply we

die because if stuff lasts forever capitalism doesnt work and we have been sold
but the world is so bizarre and varied and everyone has been on a different path
to where they are today that you so cant really make any judgements and you are
afraid of alienating yourself more than i already am if you dont reply i am intell

igent enough to understand that you are not interested without thinking that your
non-interest means that you are not a wonderful person yes all art is about express
ing the confusing hypocrisy that we all are what about that wonderful crackle that
you would be missing out on there is such a vast range of sexualities within the hom

o sexuality that i barely feel a part of any group politics and capitalism and demo
cracy are not perfect if the giraffes are made out of almost every material and made
into almost every kind of item i always relate it back to how i would be in a hunter/
gatherer stone age type of world if i was hungry or cold i would have to go out and werk

Legendary Rubix Cuber

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Your Penis Is Lovely Marzuki

i refuse to let myself drawn into get emotional fog someone with i am preten
ding i am not pretentious right now dont you get it im buried in a lovely
chichester cemetery close to the b56 airshow a married couple should combine
their two names and not willing to compromise their personality to avoid the

stigma of being single people b who have killed anyone step ahead of those who
dont have to have the last word and if you are 50 and a half you are the one
and i will give you a scooch bag for xmas no matter how hard you try to make
the t towel or anything inside airtight you cant because there is space to

allow the air to escape so you are doing your bite for the en virus mental
race i have some views that not many people would agree with in that despite
being a beatnik hippie punk i dont really give a shit about the poor because
everybody needs to create their own food and shelter and if i wont do it for

myself i deserve to die why should someone else do it for me it is a fell known
wacked that st bernard gods do not warm to biracial women if youre not interested
enough in music to know and love a lot of the music of sufjan and dan bejar i
will never ever ever fall in love with you if you are not interested in soccer

enough to love Messi/Rooney/Iniesta then i will never fall in love with you if
you are not interested enough in the human situation to not believe in anything
then i will never fall in love with you if you are not interested enough in the
human situation to have eaten cauliflower at least once i will never fall in love with a little prepubescent boy

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Normal Fate Of Ab Stares Stair

i need to want something but i want to need nothing i need to want nothing
but i want to need something i want to need something but i need to want
nothing i want to need nothing but i need to want something he suggested
that the only people you think are normal people are the ones you dont know

very well and that the length of my cock is irrelevant to him unless it is
less than 3 inches when erect i love bringing my vinyl collection to work on
the bus (and to the beach) it is a bit clunky and when the bus goes over a
bump the record skips but it is still worth it for the sheer amazingness

of the sound quality it gives to metallurgy conventionalistas and there are
very few men with below average size d crux in battle creek lira you can hear
instruments and melodies that you just cannot hear on cd or god forbode ink mp3
its not you i dont like its your personality until the evil grip of capitalism

has been loosened from the necks of the working masses stealth and replaced with
barter with mp3 with out it is always impossible to hear the melody line of a
clarinet or a ukelele and if both a string section and a piano are playing the
same melody it is impossible to hear the piano wealth is wetter than health cant

teach old dog old betwixt i only trust people who dont trust people who dont bite
their nails i want to have my cake but oh not to eat it rudimentary wishing less
people didnt not know who dan be jar touched yesterday and it wasnt an extremely
normal guy although it nearly was someone who pretends t hey are unpretentious and

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Arms Control Poseur

Arms Control Poseur by Mark E Smith
Death of a sense of humour
’n death of sense
How do you recover from this? 

What do you fear? 
Being found out
Then why do you always give yourself away? 

What do you want to do? 
Then why go out and make an exhibition of yourself? 

What do you seek? 
And drugs walk the streets

What you want to be able to do
Is worst advice
Louse given in largesse

Arms control
Arms control poseur
Arms control

Parliment connives a diseased access company
There’s nothing much I can do about this
So I drink in recline with an acquaintance, sound

Spouse is talking on the phone
To well-armed arms control poseur

Arms control poseur

I found my home
I made a calendar that wasn’t there
To find whether it was the first of december
Or not

Armed control poseur
In pity and envy
Dragged from the streets
I quite very very much enjoyed
His jovial lies

Arms control poseur

Arms control poseur
Arms control poseur

Sports car interior
Encrusted with bluebottles
Armoured car interior
Encrusted with bluebottles
I even stoop to an icy vodka
As I feel the inevitable
Battle creep nearer and nearer
Chip! chip!
Arms control poseur

Arms control poseur

(armoured car interior
Encrusted with bluebottles
I even stoop to an icy vodka
As I feel the inevitable
Battle creep nearer and nearer
Armed control poseur

As my great great great great great
Great great great great
Familiar found out
As my great great great great
Similar found out
As my great great great great great
Great great grandfather found out)

Get me a nice wooly polo neck
With a red cardigan
From next
Ideal summer wear!

Arms control poseur

Land Anne Avid

that they were the first to use synths and i never noticed the synths coz any music i hear
i just expect it to have good production and it doesnt matter that it used synths it is all
about the tunes if the tunes were shit the synth soundscapes would be irrelevant and boring
but as an icing on top of good tunes they sound good artists gotta do what they love the

result of and hope someone else will too for if you try to pre-empt what people will love
then you is bra king up the rung tray and lots might admire but bifurcation or shanghaied
into a quelled shearing putative clearing exfolient splurge if the internet is killing
music by making composers unable to make enough of a living to continue to compose we must

remember that it is so cheap to record and release an album these days that no-one needs
a studio to bite a ruck without a forced masculinity everyone is an american diorama meddler
im the moist genuine person within two feet of myself sultry eat snow beagle deal
a smart veil across the loosened helmet instead of sunglasses could be an option

heroin use in dublin soared last night when a train driver sang cum by ah my lord
on top of a bust acetate quango in a scenic area plagued by illegal dumb ping
if you have nice hands you have nice feet in a curious detail of his passing
he was found to have had an orange segment in his mouth at the time of his debt

if you feel that you are inexorably drawn to being unfaithful discuss with your
partner the need for an open relationship or get out of the relationship ephemera
you dont look deaf or homosexual anyone who is an original just has faith in themselves
and realizes that the teachers and professors wouldnt be teachers and professors if they were artists with a really had a passion for it passion

Friday, October 7, 2011

Complaint Of A Compliant Violinist

much effort into it because i am ok the way i am and in my experience the effort isnt worth it
if it is meant to be two people will just have a natural conversation flow and be interested and
passionate about the same things in my case it is philosophy music sport (soccer gaa rugby)
morality a few films a particular sense of humour that isnt possible to express properly here

it probably isnt meant to be and thats fine if you think im selfish for not trying hard to make
relationships work then i guess you wont fall in love with me or i with you if anyone has a real
conversation with me they will see how genuine sincere and human i am if they are superficial
with me they will probably see me as weird but it is them who is weird and inhuman in that

case and so i dont care what they think i am a nicer person than your grandfather and the
doctrine of your obsolescence i think i dont really want to spend time with people i dont
have carnal knowledge of i am tactile so give me everything you own john shaun doyle-foyle
someone might have feelings with a woman means not gay being to some people to have with sex

the complexities of being attracted to the sheer definition of society defines it could ease
lily make someone shy away from letting others interpret them that way foreign stance i love
people who give me a lot of money without me even asking for it eyelid flutter so if your
mother or sister or brother was violently raped or violently murdered you would consider

those equal crimes i think about you every 247 minutes you mean that much to me smell they
were talking about the ladder in the gents toilets on the 3rd floor there is a ladder there
that assists you in looking into the adjacent cubicle the more you show the person that you
cant live without them the more reasons you are giving them to take you for granted helium

Le Futur Ist Futuristikalu

the fact that other brains are different to mine and both minneapolis shows are soul
doubt being sexually attracted to a man is not having a keen interest in women and
being only willing to have sex with men but not feelings in the same way oh my god i
better not commit suicide because my family and friends and the person who finds my

dead body is going to have to go through 1% of the torment that i am going through
and if my father had made me mow the lawn to perfection i would be a far sexier man
today but not tomorrow to take the role of a classic heel in pro and pro fantasy
erotic match is to see the fleece of goad and live in long slow sweaty erotic action

he is obviously not sexually attracted to you otherwise he would be homosexual or
bisexual lots of people have sex with people that they are not sexually attracted to
i have sex with my pillow small frocks are as welcome as backgammon to a pearly
bleaker scans than retired diplomats with fox on their seat foes on their and shutter

liking ghost things in life except intimacy for the dame on allbrans brilliance why
the sofa in my lovers arms is lighter than a federal wardens hardening asking do you care
or are you not a carer or if you dont adore defecating into giraffes mouths who are you
unretractable wingless plane crashes while i am in school then let home flying bus team talk

if he would like to redefine either of those words please ask him to submit his application to
the arbiters of the english language otherwise tell him everybody knows his hopes and fears and
embraces them wholeheartedly and of course i wouldnt turn down or run from a connection with
a like minded soul with similar interests but im not looking for him and im not willing to put

On The Horse

of it and see how bad i can get how do you pass the time i woke up after 8 hours sleep
and couldnt sleep so i went into a drink dream far away from the little unscathed children
writer straight actor and composer of myself err on the side of the innocent
people who have never hurt anyone dont err on the side of the person who decided

for whatever reason that it was ok to kill someone her future husbands trailer
was her aunt polls are used to influence peoples opinions if you would like to
imply that all it takes for a relationship is that 2 nice guys meet and that
you have never met a nice guy then by all means write in your profile that you

are a nice guy looking for a nice guy and the spotted hyena is a moderately
large terrestrial carnivore native to a freaker some djs in fanta say miaow nooks
eco war flair have never even heard of hosted terry tick i despair i falsely despair
no i am happy enough in the knowledge that i will only ever luxuriate to the spectral

sounds of harm and chariots in the solitary confines of my own brain to the making
worms give whales to doves uninitiated i want to retire i am ready to retire i need
to retire i have achieved all that i am capable of if gay men can have sex with women
then why do gay men have a problem with straight men having sex with men and calling

themselves straight nobody knows what is going on in anybodys head apart from the owner
of that head maybe hes not gay as he sees it ie his understanding of gay is being able
to fall in love with man hence more of the muddiness caused by the word gay or caused by
the stupidity of apes anyway i am tired of the stupidity of other humans or do i mean

Schnockta, Caw Will On Schnockta

its interesting to be readin about roxy m and invariably and sucking the bell of a little
in the dream about the abandoned satellite that the plane crashed into sexual attraction
occurred when the sexual organ became aroused and the owner is the only one who knows
what caused the arousal of louise-sylvia o'hara-archdeacon and the smile of the bone

with a loaded gun at hand i could easily have a few drinks and blow my head off
i dont like these suicide "attempts" that have a possibility of being unsuckcesspitfull
drink is more important to me than any man i can rely on drink any man has to fit
into my drinking schedule its not that one cant rely on men its just that i wont

ever be in love with one and i have come to rely on my drinking routine for the love
it lets me feel perhaps i am so alone it because probably doesnt matter what the melodies
and song structure like is if i dont like the voice instrumentation and production
15 miles to culver city i just want to sleep all the time anytime i wake up i want to

immediately take a sleeping pill and fall asleep for 8 more hours until i die it doesnt
matter that i never do another thing it is of no consequence ok instead of sleeping
pills i will take alcohol and enter that dreamy unreal life anything (dumb) i do or
say when drunk i will just blame the fact that i was in a dream i could buy a camper

van with my 50k or i could just take whatever one room place the govt gives me i will
go into a drink dream to cope with my horrible living circumstances what other option
do i have i dont want to write music i am just doing it because im not dead im still
slightly interested in this thing we call life but i want to experience the nothingness

Minute Creativity