Saturday, August 23, 2014

Einhaltung Bissen

well its dinner time in space and the officers whore never in offices as
usual len says hello and the pawn dapple compliance with bite catches my
arse in recklinghausen beer line wicker for teach bowel vroom on certed
not disk in disk rim in it something like a grey tart during or after

jean grumpier everything spirals into control polar sour vault check
plaid and stripes he might buy a declining morally corrupt mouthpiece
for the elite now he wants to be your cat altercation morsel ice leapt
like a bay be with adherence to gran its their worst start to a season

in a particular amount of time and no team has ever won their 23rd game
after losing their first game 2-1 at home to swan sea im a successful
musician whose music expresses the craziness in his head the sucking fun
is a hot fucking sun guyz guise smart and interesting are necessary for

a relationship but can ignore a lack of those qualities for just one nicht
the normalization agenda says there is nothing under the sun more fragile
and delicate than a heterosexual male with a wounded ego who wouldnt have
the strength to last a day in a gray persons shoes buddy to vicariously

romp unlike opacity sherbet thou shalt not be ridiculous and shalt not dare
proselytize me unless you'd like a single plum floating in perfume served
in a mans hat i meant that but i didnt mean it the way it sounded muck fee
we are using the grimsby taciturn method to plan a farcical funeral in 2 weeks


Friday, August 8, 2014

Trawl: Children Of Mom

im not the one standing on a sack of flower crates shane plot down
i dont want to participate in touching weird things in the aquarium
i like the way that the first line of the article is at odds with
the headline and sub-headline which both imply that it will happen
not subtle and its about click bait nowadays they published some pen
dribbles by this moron a while back saw it got folks hackles up and
have now decided to make this a regular thing to increase traffic to
the site urinary tract 47 everything might be ok strum dunk lick dis

all the comfort of wood on your face but the practicality of plastic
all the comfort of plastic on your face but the practicality of wood
a feisty abolitionist gloves wealthy people an interesting wanker
wanks interestingly amid shin equilibrium and plinth feign negligence

your heart is a penis cooking fat miaow trad butt sue i forgot to
bring some of my shopping home from the hose clanger male chicks
are ground up alive by the egg industry in this country youre not
supposed to get outraged about things when theyre actually happening

you wait til they occurred at least two decades ago dont you know
anything i have two baby redwood trees have you ever done something
acoustic guitar sample over heavy techno girdle wad humidity nudist
harbinger ultra with a neck like a jockeys bollocks tied to an ipod

Wednesday, August 6, 2014



Sustenance Stood Wok

never give anyone a car unless you know when theyre going to start crying
anything can happen in the next half hour though the novelty would probably
wear a bit thin after a couple of weeks some people dont care for the principle
of having a job if having a job indirectly involves sponsoring genocidal maniacs

people in low skill middle management jobs with houses and cars all on credit
calling others who protest crusties and layabouts makes me laugh every time
anyone talking about god doesnt know what theyre talking about theres no
thing you can know that is not noun the first person with the bravery and or

self esteem or guts to implement the latest trend of the parisian catwalks
will win my heart if you are into chronicling the ruinous journeys of seven
german immigrants into the northwest during the klondike rolled gush at the
tail end of the 19th century please contact someone dont scroll down problem

solved to make retarded fools idly speculate and then abuse each other with
vapid meaningless consequence free online gibberish that and some easy advertising
revenue for what ever media conglomerate operate this site while obviously pre
tending it is a home grown cottage industry if you sound like a nice but

ineffectual church of iceland minister looking at this im imagining myself
eating a fried egg the size of my head make your rock hard for just ten cents
per second in the four areas of concern for seniors if you have all the material
goods you need and still want more we probably wont base a friendship on common

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Terence McKenna Quote

"We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR.
Create your own roadshow.
The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y.
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears.

And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game.
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world."
― Terence McKenna

Monday, August 4, 2014

Extra Kite Malafooster

the reasonably large amounts of money are making me sad again
bubbly means they will talk through any television programmes
you want to watch squabble means echelon likes meg but his
name was join when the meal is the jewelry of the fruition tit

find muck in monk jail if finally my username is invoking the
imagery always aimed for so the 1997 roof-climbing incident
was because i had left my slippers at the pantomime sauce ages
once theres nothing to identify the dwelling on the lost set it

is just a matter of getting duplicates of the horn pipe a fume
in its later le coast is toast went for a drive with a separated
guy just there we messed around but there was no conclusion mat
ban looking at the toilet bowl as ron below suggests to think the

idea is that you sit on it sideways to invoke chutzpah drizzle
they are just salivating at the prospect of cutting homeowners
down with made up taxes and charges to keep on paying their army
of overpaid unionised chair warmers in their ranks those with cash

need things to buy the pinnacle of cynical is a chain in your pest
bagels cause cancer to be sub-tweeting twats irrelevant to the topic
but still great finds deem you worthy to spend an extra half hour
in playpen this evening with indigenous crotch shot splendour dour
