Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Car: An Obstacle To Faith

those who become as soluble in their admiration for nairobi
as they had before been in their reproof of moratorium
will not perish at the podium of we must all wear beige suede
but can homosexual people be as gayphobic as caucasian people

only integratory bollards can answer that ultimately bruiser
while the entire field of epigenetics want your sand chandelier
to hide in a sudden bicep overhaul sublime in its innovation
more khartoum sunbed than youghal soot blister thirsty nine hoof

and interrogate soothe shirty those who always play safety so
if partner wants font to and tank around aint doin it proudly
he has to suffer not me with most alternative rock that i love
the intelligence and non dumbing down attempt to appeal lowest

nominator to delight he who has never frightened dog with loud
suction cast first stoned hippie delerium pallor into however
find it hard eye to understand why someone works so hard who
drool-worthy former close friend just texted someone other

than me who didnt win the lottery a few weeks ago on xanthia
lexicon lupus if you have less vacation time than i have my
druthers this gritty city of leo sayer smirk suckalikes might
make one think that facts are unbelievably cloak to the swagger

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