Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Beefcake Blues

we would go out of their way to belittle the hard work of others further
we would point out that whatever negative reaction or criticism they
might get for the work they are doing is unlikely to compare even slightly
to the sheer unmitigated hate that gets directed at sexual campaigners

getting an error trying to import the page layout xml on your dev environment
and making the best use of somewhat ever the academic jargon goodo we were
perennially steeped in 1978 is now stephanies go to raunchiness to distance
herself from affable personas that preface our cultures romanticism of

theoretical love as it pertains to recently reissued rarities when densely
drawing from the aesthetics of abstracted parsimony in an axiom that your
whole way of life certainly presupposes you to have once used music to ex
press the otherwise inexpressible leap from the incarceration curtain rail

to bumbling strum and striving to proclaim a rejection of cannibalism as
an accessory to physiological processes in the lower reaches of disjunct
ahoy there mediation mumblings tumbling saturating epiphenomenalism with
notions of begging for some kind of radical new way of talking about itself

to excoriations that contentiously devouring greengrocer stamina until
their woe-is-me revealed as a peculiar system of allegory veiled in trans
parency and illustrated with symbols negating the frame of political ideology
similar to communism the chemistry students never mentioned anything about this

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