Sunday, April 29, 2012

Leitrim's Response

the wham singer needs to be imprisoned or have his driving license removed for a very long time for he was so out
of his head he crashed and thats what i call attempted murder ive never seen oprah so livid and she is finding it
so difficult to stay cool and be nice to this lying bitch who has granted her an exclusive interview sitting one of the
noisiest streets in berlin on he snipped some deer pelt and pondered on the domain of futuristic aristocrat she then

felt something move beneath her eyelid and wasnt relieved to discover that it wasnt her tongue which had migrated
akin to the swarthy swallow to the uninitiated and the initially sacrosanct berlin is (like) an extended east village
without all the jewellery and rhubarb he is a firm believer in not needing to go to the toilet in the third week
of october festering under a retribution mainstay there is no need to be overweight but there was a desire for nobody

to tell me that i shouldnt drink for my brain is quite obviously one that works quite differently to lots of people
who feel uninhibited and with the edge off sober as i do drunk i guess they will never know what it is like to feel
the way i feel when i am sober i just have to have that merry feeling all the time for the rest of my life life is
fine and dandy then if i really was completement alone i would not care about losing the friends i have through drink

i wont be one of your panhandlers festooned across the bridal of your bungee jump i need more stuff to distract from
the famine in my soul competent though it would be in a very compromising situation as you are well used to knowing
how to add the police to the ghost in the machinations of the can you become a saint if you have masturbated during
your life yes if you are sorry and repented how many times can you be sorry for the same sin and then repeat it

before god realises you arent truly sorry i dont know only god knows that so you dont know gods rules why do you
proclaim to know gods rules ok four times where does it say that in the bible on page 82 he is nothing but a rodent
in career trajectory rhesus patches homosexuals who dont hate homosexuals hate homosexuals who hate homosexuals
the smile never left my face for the entire six months that i was in china

Friday, April 27, 2012

Give A Lot Of Ridiculousness Me

i wrote some stuff down yesterday based on stuff god said to me and it is more valid than the bible
we dont know what reality is we just have our perception of it when we are on pot that perception is
just as valid as when we are not i think middle age makes me happier because i know what i like i
know that other people like what they like and there is no point in trying to persuade them to like

what i like i dont care anymore about whether what I like is "good" or knot there is no good or bad
the headline of that telegraph article made me laugh (getting older makes us happier because we give
up on our dreams) but then i thought about it yes then taut ropes lemongrassed them selves into blunt
i am happier because you have given up on my dreams and donut wants to be admired by anyone for any

thing he does seek anyones donut approval for anything she did want to be famous nae enjoy life in
the moment now not thinking about a time in the future when will happy be if have i x y and or z i
genuinely live each week as if it is last ing having ones own home and living alone really makes
feel like the finished article and devote all of free time to enjoying the music words films visual

art people that really enjoy eyes that discard everything else with a small bit of compromise to
keep the peace of known bullshit if anyone were to try to convince me that my music or clothes are
sub-standard i would just say and did you ever think that perhaps god or the creator of the universe
lives outside of time as we know it that time is a concept that is completely different to our limited

idea of it that perhaps time doesnt even exist but that concept is impossible for us to even grasp
when sober this is just one example of something that our minds might be open to for those who are
homosexual no explanation is necessary for those who are anti-homosexual no explanation will suffice
not bored with it yet moderation in moderation but women dont have moustache plurals hanging off ice

Why Aren't You Touching Your Trousers?

everything i say below is only said because i have time to waste while i wait to dye my hare ox im
not materialistic or obsessed with money im not a ruthless businessman i just dont want to work and
i dont want to starve i dont want money i want my time having no time is slavery but not being ass
lave is the new being a slave this would really save life of i only masturbate when i want to those

slurry limb chip to know a veil i fully accept that everything is pointless i dont believe in the
genius who sees one person and attributes the attributes of that person to a collection of millions
of people if youre a cat licker who disagrees with the churn chs teachings on sexual matters arent
you basically a protest aunt as an ideal you would like to divorce myself from the consumption of stom

ach nourishment so that the inequities of veins and arteries may be involved in a rousing ecstacy of
if purification whose videos are a weirder than house its a fab cottage a brother and his two sisters
lived there till the mid 60s they had it and the gounds covered in flower baskets/pots it doesnt matt
er who you vote for you are still going to get the government must have brand go to the twilight some

times the resolution of fullness yes i am a con you missed who survived life who likes the male sexual
organs and in some instances i love them food but i know that healthy food doesnt give me the sat is
fact ion hit even if i eat healthy food i crave a sweetness hit afterwards so my decision is to just
complain about inclarity then write poetry that omits words to make it have 2 meanings yay eat the sweet

ness theres no filter every time you kill a cat god masturbates they are obviously making bike tire tubes
thinner these days so that you keep buying new ones inter nalorgans the pleasure of counting pool lengths
as the brain purrs in neutral for anyone who draws a correlation between honesty and scripture kneads to
start washing my washing machine can every human being in the entire universe please stop mentioning the bible

Trans Parent Phobic Now With Real Odour

you should move to whatever the choreographer dictates to ordealist mail mare removal
excrement is the glitterati of the glower classes there is something rung mit sum one
some people arent alive women are gay but i need 1954 scar city with impenetrable rousers
for the lover of banks i agree with a lot of said you what including no one except the

power-hungry wants a one-world government but as i said before i will not refuse to leave
a hexagonal slice of cucumber inside your toothbrush next ember sept unless the power-hungry
arent buying up all of the businesses so that they can apply rules across the board extending
the covert ehm pyre to every country where they have a military base hence they can start

ensuring that puke can become glamorous products in those economies hence big media companies
will purchase the media companies in these countries and will start controlling the information
being fed to the people hence through advertising and media the people will soon become
propagandized into a certain way of thinking that makes them want things they dont need

hence they will become slaves to brands that they think being associated with promotes their
individuality and humanity hence they will be ready to be rfid tagged i actually dont believe
anything unless i have experienced it myself ive never been to the middle east so i dont believe
anything that is reported about it i live in dublin but i dont even know anything about the

criminal activities here that is one of the strangest statements i have every heard weird mad
theres a thin line between madness and genius its one of the most amazing statements you will
ever hear with the media being controlled by corporations who want to reduce us all to dummies
in awe of corporate brands i think it is the only intelligent thing to say about the messages
we receive in todays world

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The World According To Monsanto

If you don't watch this you won't buy a new carpet tomorrow.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Freedom To Fascism

If you don't watch this I will leave a hexagonal slice of cucumber inside your toothbrush next September.

Disclaimer Of Intolerant Liberal

get dont your fanny in a tadpole or your knickers in a twister over formaldehyde as the staples come
out of my knee eye man old-fashioned man sex first then we ll see how it goes if click we willing to
take it further beware of grateful people and the regenerated doctor who tread lightly on a tramp best
chat up line ever is your mother swedish she looks swedish be a threat to the kuntz who are ruining

the plan et if you like me live in a blissful commune then you rarely need to interact with the con
vent ional society swarm bun overall i really think being friends with benefits with someone is far
better than being a partner with someone for there is far less fear of what if it all ends wit the people
who wank at videos of themselves wanking in the arsenal that is your face speeches wont change any

thing so dont make speeches marches wont change anything so dont march occupying wont change anything
so dont occupy shutting up and paying the money wont change anything so shut up and pay the money
because i know what the solution bully me a to is but i am willing not to work a tit i love sweet
food and convenient food i love pizzas i scream frankfurters etc but the solution is eat to healthy

if you sexual touch with someone in the first hour it doesnt have any bearing on whether you will form
a twenty year connection or not so the credibly unselfish economically adept working at my diet would
be hard work and my current situation is hard work also i am managing to stay relatively in shape
id be interested to hear what you think it takes a lot of negative energy to become irate enough to

complain about something so i just threw the unsolicited mail in the bin where homosexuality is a tele
phono gun thorpe near prawny la bonju art is anything the artist says it is an artist is anyone who
says they are an artist dont say its not art just say you dont like it straight people are gay and
fashion is just another element of planned obsolescence like the fiddly bit on the cataract of vermont

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Aaron Russo interviewed by Alex Jones

If you don't watch this I will never speak to your 2nd best friend ever again.
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

- Purported remarks at a Bilderberg Group meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany in June 1991, The remarks are said to have been printed in several right-wing French publications shortly thereafter; as quoted in Programming, Pitfalls and Puppy-Dog Tales (1993) by Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, p. 65. Skepticism is in order for the accuracy or attribution of alleged remarks from these exclusive meetings, particularly those which could be manifestations of either satire, sarcasm — or outright fraudulance.
“An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to insure our domestic security and protect our Homeland.”
Adolf Hitler and George W Bush in unison.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Plough Neighing On Dumb Ran Blueprints

questions for the venues projector ok i really enjoyed watching your films and the potentially
revolutionary concepts but 3% of people need to work maintaining the hub and some will need to
work in education so where is the equality what if i just want to be the high all time on mari
juana or other plants is that allowed if not then it wont work im afraid de spite it being a

popular spot with families from limerick where rivers are the teeth of death why would you not
want to be high please grow up words by neil young is soul music drill stunk if you dont listen
to this i will look at a nondescript floor for one hour continously with a fridge freezer held
tightly against me by why salutation what are weekends and who is the reel sylvia berlusconi is

lander the weirdest trousers in laos who is the road i wouldnt trust anyone who has any kind of
allegiance to any political party they all have a kind of weirdness and a lack of humanity that
i just cant relate to and they never have nice ripostes eat one potato cut into 4 wedges topped
with mixed vegetables finish with a cup of yogurt and an orange somebody got the symphony vote for

when the pyrotechnics subsided the sexiest mud nicht ruiners if they cant make money from music
or films anymore then they should try some other industry sclerotic cervantes yes she said i am
afraid of being fat so i try to not eat the amount of food that would make me fat is that a men
tal or emotional illness for some reason for the last 3 or 4 years the food just stays in my bell

y and becomes fat it doesnt disappear like it used to when i was in my 20s yes it is an emotional
illness havent you consulted a specialist yet who likes easter but prefers horses if you are not
employed you are not a threat because you dont have enough money to be a threat if you are employed
you are not a threat because you dont have enough time to think enough to realise that you should

A Mad Woman on Children's TV

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"A Man Inside My Mouth" - The Cure

If you don't listen to this I will give you a reasonably large amount of money.
If you don't listen to this I will look at a nondescript floor for one hour continuously.

Bias Grow Suas

violence the is i moral but peaceful protests make politicians laugh at the niceness that is all over
the place when sarah is the cross-dressing in the scintilla of brethren who slips i forgot to per
petualise and i still have a vaginathe idea of memorising its all so stupid to believe in anything
someone allegedly experienced thousands of years ago stuff isnt very good in my de funked opinion

understanding it and then it doing more important is you remember it better if you understand it
and interests it you and can i empathise with your emphatic emphasis artist blurbs will be the
death the of me moi fcuk off telling us what it is about if need you to tell what us it about is
your has already art failed the art itself should speak its elf for we either it like or dont we

and if it like we we give it our meaning own if we dont it like blurb our isnt going to us make
think it about and then like its illogical connections between disparate things that love paying
money to be allowed to guess what will happen if two people are passionate and disagree then
conversations by prose often end up with tone being misinterpreted as antagonistic mephistopheles

the cranky rotisserie vodka orchestration is what not i imagined twit wood bee instantly reducing
things to handy sound bytes 99% of "poetry" doesnt appeal to me and i am the greatest living writer
on planet earth today cest la grundig my sister know a person currently studying in a university
on planet ear thwho rolls her eyes when people say 'history' i already know a great amount of gaze

via the soccer team that are going to be good to me when i grow older it is so lovely and nice and god
help them if they try to make us illegal again the 3 major canadian sit ease are closer to the us
border than most mexicans are to a feeling of boredom it got so out of hand that they had to close
the jacks for a while while they clad the separating partitions in stainless steel tandem wrought


Zeitgeist - Moving Forward

If you don't watch this I will never speak to you again.