Sunday, December 9, 2012

Courtesy Of A Deflection

when you want to understand the world but you cant understand the world
that is the time to wash your underwear for you can only get an understanding
of tiny little sections of if you want to fit (me) into a general under
standing of the world ive just converted all of my mp3s to vinyl and youre

correct in it does sound warmer and more real if something is uncool enough
there is a good chance that it is actually cool if something hasnt happened
to you in 20 years why would you still expect it to happen or still try to
make it happen what is laughable is that at one stroke of a pen new laws und

legislations can be passed in this country when its time to raid the bonky
pig of low earning hoe moaner yet when we ask that sasquatch to intervene
on surreptitious pensions or deferring bolder honda payments we repeatedly
get reminded about ted rape and legislation that prevents intervening hymn

they want the houses they want to remove property privet from majority
people und into hands du pension funds ou large prop mgmt orgs many
people who are homosexual are so imbued with the prejudices of our societé
that they cannot accept their sexual orientation as normal for families who

live in small communities where their whole social lives are dependent on
good will of people around them prejudice against slo mo sex duality is
based on ignorance and fear what the hell am i doing here trying to justify
myself to young whippersnappers not at all in fact if anything at the momentum

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