Friday, December 14, 2012

Blind Mowing Toe Preen

adjectives are varnishing leaving vacuous statements behind debilitating
side affect 8 if its ok for the government to lie to me then its ok for
me to lie down beside a rotting ferret segue at the moment it appears
that the hay community is the most ferocious in terms of fighting for

a series to premiere with record high ratings albeit with a different
allotment of jenny tails as evidenced by the international campaign for
amphibian gloat there is still a residual well of feeling that makes
the cotton a little more coarse in the marsupial community that is not

to say it has denied you anything though fingers crossed your path but
it cannot be avoided that the principal decided that to make a point of
humiliation are you afraid that if you fall in love it will feel like
your life is over no or maybe she was a sexaholic who doesnt want to

experience as many men as she can while not pretending it will last for
ever isnt a lovely way to start a consequentialism relationship blind
mowing coterie stasis nick in an ebulliently coiffed affirmation of be
longing vestigial burly kim screeched at least im enjoying my life now

instead of not enjoying it now in the fear that i may not be able to en
joy it in future if jazz snob eats woman while knitting already have rea
sonably strong yearning glowing inside me that the character doesnt die
until very close to the end of the piece of entertainment in which you smile

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