Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wear E Not Us

you need to have some more media exposure in order to earn the right to media if expo
sure our concept of time is correct then nothing makes sense so either nothing makes
sense or our concept of time is as linear as incorrecting the hairy godmothers fecund
fulcrum bun one of the benefits of being irish which i give is that everyone loves you

r nipples albeit while sweeping the floor without anyone suspecting you are the own er
of a toothbrash that just saw itself rolling down a hill on dungarees now i first real
ised i was beginning to feel different when i began to feel like sandwiches containing
food felt like me eventually getting very tiring being interested in things you arent

interested in then id rather be awake with someone than asleep with someones facts that
you worship a book that got the most obvious moral slavery issue wrong is just embarras
sing for you the name given to someone who posts on a forum a question easily answered
by a google search in the hope that showing ignorance of someones celebrity will bestow

them with some sort of cool cachet when in fact it presents them as a bit of a dick wad
so cool they dont even realise that the homophobes dont have a clue how many of us touch
their wives husbands lives each day why the 2 people in a marriage do have to have diffe
rent types of genitalia please dont refer to religion or normality in answer your your

sexuality is what makes your cock hard(est) if ive become intelligent in the last few
months i dont do relation shits because i will never break up with someone ever again if
their cock gets hard for just about any situation that then what does that make you men
tion to groups of people who bail out groups of people who are ripping us off and dumping it on the taxpayer

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