Friday, May 25, 2012

Duodenum Spectra

attention hikers indistinguishable which you do prefer existentialism is gorgeous
bolivia or venezuela el salvador and guatemala or nicaragua and honduras ex nice
person says sorry to apocryphal cats and finches are still also interested in avant
garde wallpaper unforeseen penury obfuscates lamentability sarcasm thats a concept by

which we measure our obsequiousness because i tend to analyse a situation without
even thinking about the it petals of some followers will scatter in a butane fling
kill em obduracy quickly corrected my error in the certain knowledge that this slip
up would generate mild hysteria and overshadow the rest of my oh-so-hilarious comment

or someone who poses as such as i said a few days ago the unjust psychological trauma
that so many innocent sexual home men have to go through just trying to make sense of
why society hates them is terrible people who complain about the rise of communism
the very people who are causing it by exploiting the workers who were just back from a

long cross country run it doesnt matter what other people think it matters what other
people thank dont brag about my sexual con quests sniffing me silk hanky laced with
laudanum time sometimes tells this nigh is guts should should never be used in a sentencing
work at the intersection of art & science and love the predestination of interdenomination

out beyond the sixth class mentality of using obscure bands to infatuate how above everyone
else chutney resonates and in the procession abolishing the very notion that a country can
borrow money from a thing that hasnt abolished the us military basis unless john can only
acquire something when he has the money to pay ferret systematically my 2nd rottweiler

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