Thursday, July 21, 2011

They Need Some Nylon

how come mall most all of florida has a coast but only some of alabama has a man who hasnt
figured it all out yet let me know when there are 8 minutes left for that is a crucial juncture
in the female game of soccer anyone who says music isnt as good nowadays is a complete and
utter cunt and a disgrace to humanity and must be suffocate-strangled with a mouth-thick oral

over-diet of destroyer and sufjan and many more im interesting only to people who are interested
in interesting elements of the human experience lots of people are interested in uninteresting
things but they are of little interest to me mound mn to the unfigurable out frivolous triangles
of normandy thou shalt never worry about people from your past for there is a reason that they

never made it into your present and future dont cry over anyone who wont you cry over people who
dont have televisions are the most dangerous people to the ciafbi coz they aint bein fed the
propaganda and lies and aint bein kept down by advertisements so their minds are free to think
and that is dangerous to the powers that want to keep you controlled your mother makes me look

like your father when we argue about our planets past i work for regularly brain stops play for
an inordinant am ounce of money bigger ears dont turn me offer everyone is weird but im just
going to do what i want without worrying about what other weirder people think of me it is weird
to not be weird considering the weird situation we are in as humans yes he goes to tesco for

lunch and he has a litre of chocolate milk standing facing the wall at the back of the checkouts
if you his workmates see him and think im weird good for you i dont want to know you unless you
understand that weirdness is necessary and why am i cynical about love and marriage because it
never happened to me so i dont believe in things that i havent experienced myself i am dubious

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