Saturday, December 13, 2014

People Won't 11110

professional man living in small nebraska town throws impromptu glance
inhabited by inhibitions to harm monica whose name is infrequent meta
morphosis but you can call me detrimental manifestation plethora nancy
youve a lot to yearn lung man there is no scientific evidence to back

this up but it is a fact my life could have gone so differently if i had
said yes to cormac barry when he asked if i wanted to go into the barracks
field with him and get sunk up always afraid we will miss something on the
internet so lets embrace the missing of things everyone seems to be in

a state of perpetual outrage these days is tomorrow today if so or if not
if they move its fine chill out id rather be me first then be you your
powerful riposte has turned this little to and fro completely on its head
also pretty sure theyre actually his jocks theres a hint of waistband

at one point there and his jeans are so low youd be seeing buttcrack if
there were no jocks on display can one thing be strewn i walked past the
door on the way to the bathroom saying do i have to get up and he says
im going to and then goes over and turns it off we are all stupid to

be in the situation we are in and remain in it there is nothing to worry
about except me as a 1980s new yorkshire style breakdance instructor i
have 9 tattoos and i have a unique sense of style i am quite impressed by
stuff she gave me a tennis ball react nicely and maybe i will ask questions again

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