Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lick The Plastic

someone who doesnt kill baby kangaroos will inherit message someone who
doesnt loathe gnocchi left under bush near front door of someone who gets
very excited watching base trawl on transistor of someone who doesnt kill
wallaby babies seems god rewards those who dont believe afraid to discus

relic groin with parents for fear of making them regret entire lives of
belief sad because adult life ha skilled our belief in freedom but why
do you call yourself adieu when you dont believe in the by bell or god i
am a member of the kindergarten my parents had me in for couple years

when i was baby ive provo cat all writing is trying to be provo cat ivy
so all writing is trolling well not really hiv neutral a man who is not
needy kneed amen qui dont need each other weir busy with lives and there
is no whole to fill commodity no thing comes from nothing if absolutely

nothing had ever existed there would be absolutely nothing now since abso
lutely nothing cant have never existed some entity must have always existed
the word god has been so abused and tainted instead of calling that entity
god lets call that entity uncaused cause without it theres an infinite

regression which is conceptually futile time cause and effect apply to
universe not to its creator he is beyond time and is not subject to fizz
ical laws he established science cannot explain origins of university
le cause ist supernatural how do i know this well i dont have no sense of time

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