Friday, October 5, 2012

Derogatory Shelving

consider this in precarious economy that we life in i could lose yore job
at any time and then have a huge mortgage unable to pay bluffing go if ire
land hadnt allowed us planes to use shannon we wouldve been branded comm
unists und invaded but we speak english so twould have been more difficult

if one of your gloves is crumpled into shape of cavan by sheer force
of weight of doors then you have nothing to worry about but facecloths
of our liaisons + our metaphors are like me scintillating and brawny unlike
anything youve ever driven i only taste sherry with people who cant kill me

with dismissive or exclusionary stances tis unclear if kids know something
that world tries to make em unlearn later in life but gratitude is em
anating from every pore of calf muscles my while p latitudes are etched on
palms of my asian paints beach beige featuring object oriented tube er cue

low system of melodic death metal for those demented with opinions based on ext
rapolating wrongs committed by individual members or even a sizeable minority
of group to justify blindly discriminating against all members of said group
who are fascinated by my own journey into advanced years they do a butternut

squash tortellini with white wine cream sauce that has to be tasted to be
believed when i feel like a tummy i just rub yours coz none of them managed
to corral their glisteners for me to write some things down after my funeral
alcohol does not solve any problems but neither does milk levee you craning ho

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