Monday, July 22, 2013

The Subsequent Con Sequence

guilelessness brawn und faculty derivation gave spittle tranche a cola
people havent been reasoned into religion belief so they cant be reasoned
out of it because religionists didnt arrive at their beliefs through
reasoning so tis not possible to oust them from their beliefs by using

reason with them if you find anything on this star boolean that you think
others might be remotely interested out or could use for purposes of black
mail identity theft or of turd party commercial values you need to meet some
one with gentle voice who sits you beside listening intently while glancing

periodically at magnanimous clock you cannot see less invigorating than
smooch i mean what you dont know if you mow what i glean an ironic coincidence
for im ironing a skirt or trying to iron cufflink really busy at moment
trying to insert some a5 batteries in between the big and little toes of

boat fate what will never be changed is androgynous as dachau indeedind
it is for every nation thinks that they are the ones who cant talk about
intimate stuff and have fetish for complications with death certificate
we will change future history and in hundred years people will say

schumacher-mccarthy sounds like a sexual marriage instead of law firm
we could also be the first male lingerie delivery service we would steal
lingerie from the bay and deliver it to random places unsolicited and
watch what happens when a non domino affection is belaboured and struck

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