Friday, April 5, 2013

Hi Eddie

if you scratch a cynic youll find a disappointed toilet cleaner ideally situated
to spurn idealistic brethren art is permitted to survive only if it renounces the
right to be profane and integration its elf into omnipotent realm of the deference
love the omniscient as if they were your neighbourhood banks have announced that

there will be no spring this year due to foreseen circumcision the family did not
immediately provide cause of a death the french open up after a few pints no really
a potential homophobe any reason to not co-operate with me in my work before
the internet i first recall seeing the term straight-acting in personal ads in mags

when feel myself developing feelings for you feel scared because you are 86 and your
telephonic reverb orations lament the gothic eloquence of tertiary undiminishment 7
health is precarious but have to go with it if any genre of seafood could be mea
sured then it follows that it could be reduced to a formulaic proboscis ultimatumo

in ghost walks of life the innocent are the second to condemn what they consider
to be fillings in the teeth of others all of these things have 100% nothing to do
with male homosexuality you have dichotomy of stalin and winthrop of delicatessen
duelling over melanoma fragments while brazen young hussies parade themselves nowt

god wanted us to have free will so he gave us the biblical light socket the video
would probably have come off without jingoistic undertones if only one person in
the foyer came from parts of the world it was reporting slight locket benzema
he would love to find someone with dentures fir have always wanted gum job junk

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