Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Overlords Of Aretha

as i led a group of protesters to release the incarcerated heiress from quito bay
king soda is kinda cool said joan and i couldnt look away from the invisible harm
being done to my invisible soul because the invisible deity that i bray to would
prefer tables to remain invisible translations on the cusp of cups ultimately

protecting the invisible friends of the expletive noriega among the restaurant in
dustry which has done an extremely masterful propaganda job of stigmatizing people
who tip as stingy this also extends to a fear that if you dont tip and you return
to the same establishment they will remember you and spit into your food the death

of a child is sad because there is the potential for that child to not turn into an
adult who is merely a consumer who gives nothing to the world when a child dies
we are left wondering whether that child would have turned out to be a magnificent
artist or sportsman instead of a boring mal wart assistant the death of an adult

isnt as sad unless that adult has a direct positive impact on our lives someone we
choose to communicado with regularly and meet regularly because there is a nice
chemistry there or an artist who is still producing work that enriches my life some
say love it is a penis thrusting forcefully into the defecation orifice of an in

continent rodent i say love it is a rottweiler passionately ripping the head off
a power-craving barbie doll monolith traumatized by the ejaculationary svelte bud
concentrating on condemning its active support of the mandatory celibate that is
welcome to abuse sit ups lifestyle that is the only one they are entitled to condemn

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