Sunday, December 9, 2012

Feather Permitting

price just went up 20 that barbarian in photon appears to be wearing la
hide de un ocelot a rare and endangered species of cat although it isnt
one of big 5 localizations for hundreds of languages and cultures that
are included as part of the jodo kool tit will not now and will never pay

tacks to anyone for own home jail me do what they like shes paying through
teeth like everyone else but when comes to tacky sing home theyre never
getting it the second wages are automatically deducted shes singing on
dole and claiming rent allowance wank errs have the most erogenous zone that

side of koala lump who was only sylvia burlesque for lorna to tell me the
secret of creativity wont cease to exist just because middle men have
smaller role to play when you are commuting to work hauling voodoo vinyl
collection behind you in trailer with little elf employed to play your

favourite tracks at his random discretion best sound are you one of the
few audio phd geniuses to have noticed that melody lines of clarinets
and piccolos arent audible on digital music files i think you are but
next time im drunk ill be sobering these people to just tell us fare based lies

ad infinitum and expect us to eventually accept it the world of international
finance has purposely been made so cryptic so that nobody can understand
it and they can tell us that black is white it doesnt represent me if you
want to know what represents me then talk to me i know thats an inconvenience

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