Friday, December 7, 2012

Maynard Yak

when the tenuousness of the resemblance ist its whole raisin debt
sanctimonious fingers will hurl cut berts penultimate glance at a
critical hippo of epidemiology and its awning pole court clutcher
tired of disagreeing with conflict stemming from septicaemia bob

my own personal silent revolt getting my freedom is more important than
having her as boyfriend if you regularly retreat into cathedrals filled
with enough homeless people to belch where you regularly kill but are
seriously injured to limit the application of the concept a key character

istic of an absence of something strongly wished for but without an identi
fiable furnishing at whose feet blame can be laid who lives his life like
an episodic beast blending out with by owning my home taxpayers wont have
to pay for his accommodation when he is over 65 he is punished for this

its getting to the stage where it isnt worth hiss while to be making niche
scenes seem populist for workers of baden near kitchen nest er a sore leg
is just sensible wound hygiene policy licking it off let her get expelled
for not wearing the uniform who needs government education nowadays anyway

its chilled ab use let them educate themselves on internet le curriculum
is just for passing exams to get into 3rd level to pass more exams teach
your child the things she needs to know to survive as an adult doing the
things she likes if all you can afford is a 5 euro bottle of wine then the

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