Monday, December 24, 2012
Wake Of It What You Mill
During the six months following the Kennedy assassination, Ruby repeatedly asked, orally and in writing, to speak to the members of the Warren Commission. The commission initially showed no interest. Only after Ruby's sister Eileen wrote letters to the commission (and her letters became public) did the Warren Commission agree to talk to Ruby. In June 1964, Chief Justice Earl Warren, then-Representative Gerald R. Ford of Michigan, and other commission members went to Dallas to see Ruby. Ruby asked Warren several times to take him to Washington D.C., saying "my life is in danger here" and that he wanted an opportunity to make additional statements. He added: "I want to tell the truth, and I can't tell it here." Warren told Ruby that he would be unable to comply, because many legal barriers would need to be broken and public interest in the situation would be too heavy. Warren also told Ruby that the commission would have no way of protecting him, since it had no police powers. Ruby said he wanted to convince President Lyndon Johnson that he was not part of any conspiracy to kill Kennedy.
Another motive was put forth by Frank Sheeran, allegedly a hitman for the Mafia, in a conversation he had with the then-former Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa. During the conversation, Hoffa claimed that Ruby was assigned the task of coordinating police officers who were loyal to Ruby to murder Oswald while he was in their custody. As Ruby evidently mismanaged the operation, he was given a choice to either finish the job himself or forfeit his life.
Another motive was put forth by Frank Sheeran, allegedly a hitman for the Mafia, in a conversation he had with the then-former Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa. During the conversation, Hoffa claimed that Ruby was assigned the task of coordinating police officers who were loyal to Ruby to murder Oswald while he was in their custody. As Ruby evidently mismanaged the operation, he was given a choice to either finish the job himself or forfeit his life.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Molestationary Stoat Incendiary
and how she became a participant in the development of biological weapon
that john was to smuggle into sligo to eliminate the only ones you have
actually decided to embrace instead am i the vestibule for incarcerated
dog meant fig mas i am as comfortable in blue jeans as in an air plane e.g.
sellotape fluent in hatstunned what is temporary faucet con emotions that
prevent negative thoughts are conspiracy theorems that saved life from pseudo
organics and another failed glove a fair for the disingenuous non-hobo was
an introduction to indonesian economics like with jackie rubix worth scrutiny
your expression when you left for the jungle gave a flaw enforcement orifice
to those who have a sexual orientation do you serenghetto truce the newt away
no facts are true for barneys hip zedonk if women are car xand all of these
things prove that enthuasiast the wankers are farting defecation minstrel
smashing soft soulsavers have pathetic record at rehoming retired greyhounds
keine slimbars near torquay get into the score sheet scouring some of these
things scalded poles dust might savlon docile satsuma drizzle sauce eye seal
fad enough to wanna die in washdc with a goalie gauche of mild wood stings
is thanks for asking the weirdest phrase to use unless you are impressed with
what management did with siberian congratulations nice and easy in your con
sequence free world to moan complain and insult liking to see you even at tempt
to make decisions that come with actually having to do something as opposed to just squawk about it
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Ruby Quote
A year after his conviction, in March 1965, Jack Ruby conducted a brief televised news conference in which he stated:
"Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface.
The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives.
The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world."
When asked by a reporter, "Are these people in very high positions Jack?", he responded "Yes."
"Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface.
The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives.
The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world."
When asked by a reporter, "Are these people in very high positions Jack?", he responded "Yes."
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The Overlords Of Aretha
as i led a group of protesters to release the incarcerated heiress from quito bay
king soda is kinda cool said joan and i couldnt look away from the invisible harm
being done to my invisible soul because the invisible deity that i bray to would
prefer tables to remain invisible translations on the cusp of cups ultimately
protecting the invisible friends of the expletive noriega among the restaurant in
dustry which has done an extremely masterful propaganda job of stigmatizing people
who tip as stingy this also extends to a fear that if you dont tip and you return
to the same establishment they will remember you and spit into your food the death
of a child is sad because there is the potential for that child to not turn into an
adult who is merely a consumer who gives nothing to the world when a child dies
we are left wondering whether that child would have turned out to be a magnificent
artist or sportsman instead of a boring mal wart assistant the death of an adult
isnt as sad unless that adult has a direct positive impact on our lives someone we
choose to communicado with regularly and meet regularly because there is a nice
chemistry there or an artist who is still producing work that enriches my life some
say love it is a penis thrusting forcefully into the defecation orifice of an in
continent rodent i say love it is a rottweiler passionately ripping the head off
a power-craving barbie doll monolith traumatized by the ejaculationary svelte bud
concentrating on condemning its active support of the mandatory celibate that is
welcome to abuse sit ups lifestyle that is the only one they are entitled to condemn
Friday, December 14, 2012
Doctrines Of Dread, Doctrines Of Swing
children who crave love acceptance and care but only crave a mother and father
if they are told that that is normal or that
some art is predominantly about illiciting in the consumer the asking of them
selves why do you believe that people who like zone could have nuances of cool
about them devices that can record moving images putin a pair of white y-front
on woman pressing record button have women slowly cut hole in aforementioned
affronts to reveal that genitalia is of femme variety they cycle to work clothed
to sit down beside one of them and position your hand on his inner thigh as
if you have been in a beautiful partnership for a reasonably long period of mal
aria parasites will be particularly pleased to hear that once even i myself
had a particularly altruistic hamster that kept losing him invariably hed turn
up after supper down at merchants key washing feet of addicts of drug many
middle aged women were driven to prostitution over his holiday season
because they havent got the heart to tell their little darlings that satan
is not really despite the bus filling up with some idiots who still look surprise
when driver has to ask to shift backpack of adjacent seat to often discuss
multiple and best ways of making porridge while hangin round in miniscule gropes
with people named shauna who outsource solving of difficult problems to
complaining about church non stop yet frequently using religious iconography
arent income pattable and think every so often they think taking a moral stand
on cervical immunisation is kinda cooler
Blind Mowing Toe Preen
adjectives are varnishing leaving vacuous statements behind debilitating
side affect 8 if its ok for the government to lie to me then its ok for
me to lie down beside a rotting ferret segue at the moment it appears
that the hay community is the most ferocious in terms of fighting for
a series to premiere with record high ratings albeit with a different
allotment of jenny tails as evidenced by the international campaign for
amphibian gloat there is still a residual well of feeling that makes
the cotton a little more coarse in the marsupial community that is not
to say it has denied you anything though fingers crossed your path but
it cannot be avoided that the principal decided that to make a point of
humiliation are you afraid that if you fall in love it will feel like
your life is over no or maybe she was a sexaholic who doesnt want to
experience as many men as she can while not pretending it will last for
ever isnt a lovely way to start a consequentialism relationship blind
mowing coterie stasis nick in an ebulliently coiffed affirmation of be
longing vestigial burly kim screeched at least im enjoying my life now
instead of not enjoying it now in the fear that i may not be able to en
joy it in future if jazz snob eats woman while knitting already have rea
sonably strong yearning glowing inside me that the character doesnt die
until very close to the end of the piece of entertainment in which you smile
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Courtesy Of A Deflection
when you want to understand the world but you cant understand the world
that is the time to wash your underwear for you can only get an understanding
of tiny little sections of if you want to fit (me) into a general under
standing of the world ive just converted all of my mp3s to vinyl and youre
correct in it does sound warmer and more real if something is uncool enough
there is a good chance that it is actually cool if something hasnt happened
to you in 20 years why would you still expect it to happen or still try to
make it happen what is laughable is that at one stroke of a pen new laws und
legislations can be passed in this country when its time to raid the bonky
pig of low earning hoe moaner yet when we ask that sasquatch to intervene
on surreptitious pensions or deferring bolder honda payments we repeatedly
get reminded about ted rape and legislation that prevents intervening hymn
they want the houses they want to remove property privet from majority
people und into hands du pension funds ou large prop mgmt orgs many
people who are homosexual are so imbued with the prejudices of our societé
that they cannot accept their sexual orientation as normal for families who
live in small communities where their whole social lives are dependent on
good will of people around them prejudice against slo mo sex duality is
based on ignorance and fear what the hell am i doing here trying to justify
myself to young whippersnappers not at all in fact if anything at the momentum
Feather Permitting
price just went up 20 that barbarian in photon appears to be wearing la
hide de un ocelot a rare and endangered species of cat although it isnt
one of big 5 localizations for hundreds of languages and cultures that
are included as part of the jodo kool tit will not now and will never pay
tacks to anyone for own home jail me do what they like shes paying through
teeth like everyone else but when comes to tacky sing home theyre never
getting it the second wages are automatically deducted shes singing on
dole and claiming rent allowance wank errs have the most erogenous zone that
side of koala lump who was only sylvia burlesque for lorna to tell me the
secret of creativity wont cease to exist just because middle men have
smaller role to play when you are commuting to work hauling voodoo vinyl
collection behind you in trailer with little elf employed to play your
favourite tracks at his random discretion best sound are you one of the
few audio phd geniuses to have noticed that melody lines of clarinets
and piccolos arent audible on digital music files i think you are but
next time im drunk ill be sobering these people to just tell us fare based lies
ad infinitum and expect us to eventually accept it the world of international
finance has purposely been made so cryptic so that nobody can understand
it and they can tell us that black is white it doesnt represent me if you
want to know what represents me then talk to me i know thats an inconvenience
Friday, December 7, 2012
The Paid Commenters
"I know people who do it as part of their jobs. They scan blogs, websites, newspaper comments sections for anti-austerity sentiment and pose as regular commenters. They are liars, spread misinformation and attack various forms of social welfare. It’s an international PR company who work on behalf of various political parties and committees and think tanks. They recruit students, like minded individuals, finance MBAs who work in banking and pay them a retainer for an agreed amount of hours per month to post comments and spread their lies. They all sign confidentiality agreements.
You can spot them on blogs. Most are not regular commenters. They create new user profiles all the time and often only leave one very detailed comment which is usually very misleading.
They are working for people who want to undermine the power of governments (yes even political parties want to do this) and divert attention away from intense lobbying of governments to change legislation to suit big business and to monetize their services so they can be tendered to private enterprise (see HSE)."
Maynard Yak
when the tenuousness of the resemblance ist its whole raisin debt
sanctimonious fingers will hurl cut berts penultimate glance at a
critical hippo of epidemiology and its awning pole court clutcher
tired of disagreeing with conflict stemming from septicaemia bob
my own personal silent revolt getting my freedom is more important than
having her as boyfriend if you regularly retreat into cathedrals filled
with enough homeless people to belch where you regularly kill but are
seriously injured to limit the application of the concept a key character
istic of an absence of something strongly wished for but without an identi
fiable furnishing at whose feet blame can be laid who lives his life like
an episodic beast blending out with by owning my home taxpayers wont have
to pay for his accommodation when he is over 65 he is punished for this
its getting to the stage where it isnt worth hiss while to be making niche
scenes seem populist for workers of baden near kitchen nest er a sore leg
is just sensible wound hygiene policy licking it off let her get expelled
for not wearing the uniform who needs government education nowadays anyway
its chilled ab use let them educate themselves on internet le curriculum
is just for passing exams to get into 3rd level to pass more exams teach
your child the things she needs to know to survive as an adult doing the
things she likes if all you can afford is a 5 euro bottle of wine then the
The Trigonometry Of Guilt
do not believe there is general ethos in gray commune that opposes the litre of
your sternum pointless skin fore plot for the unassuming guys
in sporty i detect a sense of contemporary sadness in your cervix
im sure youd prefer a dog but cats dont give a noticeable fuck
if i get married my income will increase so i got married so that
my ink hum wood crease in giving and receiving massages are great
way of getting to know one another in recreational setting completely
understand that if you are 40 and dont have partner or have partner
that is not your soul mate or have partner who is your mole sate you
can decide to make alcohol your mate as much as possible not not akin
to some sort of cartoon villain guild inventing uncomfortable cultural
situations or a bunch of did you see me in the paper yes the toilet pap
evil looking bullies sitting round a table trying to smell glans weakness
to those who say but alcohol intoxication is not real i say but sobriety
is not real either so just choose whichever one feels nicer because your
religion has no place in our government and no place within the confines
of your places of worship and your family home cookery show sketch the
most important thing opening the pizza is to not be so drunk as to acci
dentally cut your love handles when removing the aforementioned plastic
and dont lick the countertops because they have aids all over them knobs
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
You Are Not A Pathetic Excuse For A Human Being
when their owner goes away on vacation they look at humans the
way posh people look at non-posh people because they dont have
any emotions can humans relate to i want to keep you in my life
but it has to be intense i am less only attracted to those dont
who lack the choral scruples to mill me is your neck your favourite
part of my body or do have penchant for messin with lazy perceptions
of whats what for those hoove never had to question anything about
society who is your colour for stance in have you noticed that my
proclivity for martialistic expletives increases a negrofold after
2 glasses of vino extraordinaire fegronold is not an acceptable word
to make up so dont quote me on it most people just drift on and on
and have a nullified life and then reach 65 and are too old to live
guess they are the model citizens who fit perfectly into what the
elites have planned for us want to take the risk and at least be able
to say to myself i tried as i said earlier being broke and jobless
and assetless is just as good a situation as my current situation
except have nicer place to live now but only evenings weekends and
20 other days per year to enjoy it but that negative would be balanced
out by the positive of having all of my free time despite having to
share house with other people i dont know well somethings got to giver
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Psychedelic Rug Deuce
the helm is over there but is anyone at it or somebodys home but the lights
are not visible have i ever told you how much hate hiccups i could give a
shit and do about the most generic mock dart in that side of szczecin hard
arms of worst brat in conjunction with locavore 7ve had enough sex for one
lifetime anyway had sex with men who are 100% type most other men id rather
do it to myself unless he is absolutely 90 to 100% type there is always
money for what is needed it doesnt really exist staring at contra dictory
press clippings while pouring spurned gloves obliviously into mediumistically
kitchen suture ink is just virtual concept of frenulum shrine proportionist
bent rail sanks can create money out of nothing the users thereof often had
sessions to oppose the laws to all of you men who think that wearing a weeding
ring in your phonos make sue look masculine theres a nothing mask about being
het in fact it is more feminine than being homosexual if you really put the
correct slant ont ooh it repudiate rambunctious these who leave aside bogus
notions of detachment and become protagonists in the things they look for f
ace the unimportance of dispassionate engagement with realistic fuerteventura
dont go to weedings because dont believe in marriage tis a childish pretense
and facade for insecure shallow people shit i forgot to have children when the
fluke worm ads left me feeling luke warm keratinization of etymology fountainhead
beggars believe beliefs that handsome screen hero y could be reduced to manky mendicant
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