Friday, December 16, 2011

Squelchy Umbrage

disagreeing with people for whom my logic is foreign is not nicer than your mother being
in mite rousers yes i am alone the word god could be said to mean the energy which moves
the universe nobody knows what god i shit me with your strychnine logo putrid bonzai
paint a picture i 6 foot by 4 foot every time allow excrement i to fall from the cavity

behind my scrotum into a relatively small puddle of water workmates my dont bat a lid eye
when return i to desk my splattered with paint or if it tuesday is between 3.35 3.57 and
write a lengthy poem i about ancient zimbabwe isnt that what does everyone seems completely
natural it in some families do the daddies and/or mammies detailed instructions give to the

sons about defecation ok obviously you arent going to sit on the toilet unless there is shit
ready to come out so sit on it let the shit come out now that the shit has come out whether
you feel that there is a little bit left or not prepare yourself to sit there for at least 5
minutes maybe 10 or 15 this is not really about excretion anymore this is about some special

time for you to escape from the world in your own little cubicle cocoon so open up the reading
material that you brought in with you or the material that is always at the side of the throne
which you currently inhabit relax and read for 5 minutes or until you get bored do the wipe
and return to the world of the sobriety i never received these instructions so i just shite

and exit if i need another shite later i return later and shite again thats not a sin isnt it
religion/belief requires no explanation it is for those who wish to avoid rational thinking if
something can be explained you then know it so you cease believing it allegedly harmless sub
stance in kills immortal person shocker be careful not to eat vegetables yes even organic ones

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