Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our Turbulent Lady

find muck to the fairy hinge songkok where synthesizers are another thing that makes sounds
in a trilby fedora glass tweeds fee tissue mild beige yelps slacker too outfit consisted
but right face the to has there be also hope the opiate is of bespectacled antelope the of
freckled wildebeest the by the way bray rhymes with hippopotamus or gay and howth rhymes

with both you would think that you blink if you travel a lot in a rolling bordello pulled
by truck the heading in general direction toyosa hill of foreskins just got in the way of
irrational mindset the inability or lack of motive to people to turn away from sheepish the
distractions that helped get us some belgian blue chocolato i hate idea the of music videos

not tired of all the bullshit yet so guys with no pictures are welcome to go to the shop
with the way sting of my thyme or is this my first biological offspring now isnt that an
endearing terminology to be reading in a strange new interview in colon mag fresco we evolve
can someone please trace back to its exact origin the meticulously organized source of this

announcement where the word footage came from will not kill someone but sport is liquification
den of the cowgirlie tassle on the hum drum of the haberdashery swagger it is important to
discard the packaging of commodities in different locations far too cool to be seen as cooler
than the unconscious guy spreadeagled across the steps of city hall this afternoon if you are

out for a walk in a wooded area and have already identified all of the different plantation types
it can be a real treat to then try to identify all of the products that were once packaged inside
myriad pieces of coloured plastic if you strolling through are cemented streets where the buildings
grey and lifeless are or multicoloured and full of life it can serve as a real reminder of the remainder of wonders

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