Saturday, December 31, 2011

Schnauzer Cab raVulvo

we do not relinquish solely upon science terrific handy treason because
these are necessary rather than sufficient factor ease but we distrust any
thing that contradicts appliance or outrages imelda we may differ on m
any things but what we respect is free paté open nudeness and the hirsute

of ideas for their own entrée speculator that it at least possible is that
once people accepted the fact of their short and haggling livers they might
behave getter toward each other and not worsening i dont believe in a solo but
you will never go around broadcasting to the world what your favourite ice cream

was the religion that has caused innumerable iguanas to complement mile high
macabre club people not just to conduct themselves no better than pizza but
to award themselves pheasant to behave in ways that would make a lot of sauna
keeper or an ethnic cleanser raise an eyebrow to tell white lie to simplify

you could say im selfish or you could say i dont want to regret not doing the things
i love in my life have a roundabout way of saying things some times because like to make
i sure we renew our definitions of words that have been lost we a revolving at an alarm
ing rate and the pop says dont spend so much on flashy clothes and houses give your money

to the ch ch so we can spend it on glittery frocks that looking for someone who falls in
love with inch cox and live such soulless lives without snow bird majesty and follies
of the looter and alcohol is a mans best friend because it allows you to not have to speak
to them when you have said all in life that you want to say and it doesnt answer back

Angela's Scenes - Six Feet Under Series 1, Episode 10

Illeana Douglas is the actress.
She plays the insanely annoying person brilliantly.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ttable Whey - "He Asked To Be Born"

Sunday, December 25, 2011


redolent of lawn and field avuncularity david burned the step marking seance i loved no
am chomping at the sky gui delivering us from olives that are approaching the eye sage
so dont bend that knee blend someone who was engloved with your uncle once when you
have no desire to change anyone anymore then you are at peace yes everyone is very

different and sum body wiz perfect we have ollie would movies to thank for implanting such
majestic dreams into our malleable brains if it is meant to be it wouldve ha penned into
2 people ether click or they donut we mustnt become careful to become the fabled boar
strewn sensors of the old zeal and races for a lot of my life i was a second class sit

i zen well now i do my own thing and i dont hurt anyone unless you are hurt by me not
hanging out with you your pictures make you look lovelier than hilarity suspends motif
if one of you is too insecure or unaware at the time you meet to make it happen then that
slice of formaggio in my experience needs to become completely happy being self-sufficient

and not even wanting anybody else then you might meet somebody on neutral terms where neither
of you needs anyone but you both actually really really have so much in commons and like one
another enough that it is very difficult to avoid spending time with each other im not even
anywhere near your wavelength enough to begin to empathise with what emotions you would have

about me being gone i think it is very wrong to compensate for the difficulty of life by
creating another life anyone who recommends a good proxy service so i can appear to live in
peru or syria sheep lays volley down at the feet of the slave the unshared life never really
existed and doesnt he obviously thinks that all black africans share a similar personality trait


The Meaning of "Austerity"

Friday, December 23, 2011

Ex Duality Is A Tennis Bell

the callous dough boys wouldnt jesus yew into sub fission have written all of the rules and ex
plantations down in le true bible so that wii could all read them and decide whether to follow
them or did god rem ember some other stuff about existence after hey zeus died my wife recently
passed away and though ive had some sexual encounters with men in the past i would now like to

purse you sexual relations with men my own age say hi bill who without blindness there can be no
death think about it my testicles are switching refrigerators off without kindness there will all
ways be breath ah its so nice to grow older and move away from such insecurities everything is
essentially incredibly fucked up drag dripping babies into the birth wetter to make rope benedict

egg you on to touch stuff will youd rather die than be happy alive cutting out a lot of the bull
shit once you buy your own home and live alone you really grow up all of this shite just makes me
think it would be best to just go on the dole whats the point in working when you have to pay tax
on everything you buy youre punished for having enough money to buy stuff im tired of dealing with

idiots so i stay on my own mostly yeah i know im the idiot in the nonchalant negligé of my cornucopia
swine i leant across your brow to furrow all that wasnt mine there is just a lot of lot of things
that i just dont want to be aware of and i dont want anyone to have power over deciding what i am a
ware of and what i am not organ glam or our why resistors cant fish great yes i know where it is ive

been there a couple of minks if we werent under the flap of the elite could life be perfect i dont
think so it is nice to leave them with notions that gigantic power and money will bring them more
contentment than reasonably large amounts of power and money personally i prefer a lot of the in
dependent stuff which tends to not be produced for the lowest common denominator in society

Twisternederland’s Best Fails Of 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kid After Anaesthetic

Homosexuals Weren't Gay

i would only be solely mates with someone else who doesnt believe in the sole mate thang
or those who love veterans will soon be a tray of betrayal to sky trot if you hand out
these cutlets in honour of calf mussels everything is essentially incredibly fucked up
drag but i like all the things that it is cool to like because my favourite person lusted

me at 25 but not at 37 but i still lust him at 67 you are less horny for it and you seek
someone who also has a matching personality with the dark of the bog ive met at least 3
people who go on about their big dicks and their dicks are absolutely average he was found
on the padded floor of the indoor flight enclosure at rat world sanctuary curled up in a

little ball i see the anus as a depositor not a depository if you have not found peace and
happiness inside of you youll never find it outside those without understanding of what it
is like to be mr x and have mr y make assumptions about mr x based on what mr y has seen as
being the personality traits of mr z who simply happens to have the same colour eyes as mr x

the brilliance of a tomato is like a sulphur in the dormant god didnt send jesus because if
he did that would have given some humans proof of his existence and an unfair advantage in
getting to heaven he has no understanding that we are all individuals and we cannot make ass
umptions about the personalities of people based on the colour of their skin or part of their

sexuality or why your sisters arent in my sled a very very strange thing happened god did the
amazing amazing thing of sending his only son down from heaven after going to all this trouble
and doing this amazing thing jesus didnt bother to outline everything for us clearly and simply
he obviously forgot a few things so later god sent this new information in visions to other people

Friday, December 16, 2011

How To Open A Door

Gnat Ash A Carol

outcasts if we dont shower every day or if we dont use soap type products to clean ourselves
they are just trying to make us purchase products i often go a few days without washing/showering
i keep my dick clean though by keeping the foreskin pulled back id love to meet a man who has good
manors when i realized i wasnt attracted to women i decided to not be attracted to women when i

realized i was attracted to men i decided to be attracted to men the only decision was not to
feel bad and kill myself over something harmless and good your therapist the rapist listened to
you about quiet nights out and wild nights in if you dont know who nekvuk is you need to get
out more or stay in more i thought you meant gay as in sub-standard and worthy of derision of

blue leather i try to place plastic packaging in beautiful free locations at least once every 6
hours i hate to see selfish humans picking up my art installations and hiding them in containers
labeled garbage that were returned to albuquerque in the midst of a firefly controversy there is
something wrong with your hair if you mind me saying sew to needling profess ion ales in the miss

tickle pattern youve imposed on reality you call yourself spiritual daw kins to me does a word mean
what the majority understand it to mean rather than what the dictionary says it means the word gay
is a complete and utter euphemism to avert people from the idea of homosexuality even gay people
say that the word homosexual sounds too sexual and makes them feel uneasy how can we gain their sup

port if their monogamy isnt a kind of fascinating hardwood oil monster painting way messed bother
soul music is not a genre for it can be acoustic electronic electric instrumental or vocal or if
you are considering learning how to perform gardening in goa before you have ever had a sexual en
counter with a man you are incredibly horny for it when you have had many encounters over many years

The Quality Of Art Is Immeasurable Y-Front

they might cause cancer too and above all do not ever consume any processed foodstuffs that come
in euphemistic packaging being correct is useless because if those who are incorrect were capable
of understanding then they would also be correct beforehand documentaries of the incorrect being
wondrous at the lives of the great are like boring for i hate them consumers not doers stupid

documentaries that focus on some outlandish behaviour of the great while overlooking the great
art he made just broadcast him ive no time or patience for metaphor i dont hold it against you
for taking umbrage about rain i was only speaking for myself it has something to do with mortons
salt on the container it shows a little girl taking a walk in the rain she wears a bright frock

and carries a nun opened umbrella in one hand and in the other the box the subcription says
when it stains it roars am i that little girl no i am the 3rd incarnation of vase vays or vaws
aha the power of consumer-packaging as my future great-grand-children will squeal never consume
anything unless it was never packaged of the industrial revolution to casually observe the discarded

packaging of beautiful products floating on the breeze or smudged poignantly into pavement cracks
im self sufficient and dont require or want a partner dont want to live with someone most of the
things that occupy most of my time pleasantly are things that i can probably only really do alone
apart from watching soccer rugby football on tv so if you are into that and have a curiousity about

life his strength is one of his strengths i am not shocked why would a man want to kiss a woman
wearing lipstick that is so gain we copy everything about us a so we are becoming obsessed with
cleanliness too but ive learned enough about the commercial reasons behind so much of the things
that have become taboo to know that we dont need to shower every day tv ads make us feel like dirty

Squelchy Umbrage

disagreeing with people for whom my logic is foreign is not nicer than your mother being
in mite rousers yes i am alone the word god could be said to mean the energy which moves
the universe nobody knows what god i shit me with your strychnine logo putrid bonzai
paint a picture i 6 foot by 4 foot every time allow excrement i to fall from the cavity

behind my scrotum into a relatively small puddle of water workmates my dont bat a lid eye
when return i to desk my splattered with paint or if it tuesday is between 3.35 3.57 and
write a lengthy poem i about ancient zimbabwe isnt that what does everyone seems completely
natural it in some families do the daddies and/or mammies detailed instructions give to the

sons about defecation ok obviously you arent going to sit on the toilet unless there is shit
ready to come out so sit on it let the shit come out now that the shit has come out whether
you feel that there is a little bit left or not prepare yourself to sit there for at least 5
minutes maybe 10 or 15 this is not really about excretion anymore this is about some special

time for you to escape from the world in your own little cubicle cocoon so open up the reading
material that you brought in with you or the material that is always at the side of the throne
which you currently inhabit relax and read for 5 minutes or until you get bored do the wipe
and return to the world of the sobriety i never received these instructions so i just shite

and exit if i need another shite later i return later and shite again thats not a sin isnt it
religion/belief requires no explanation it is for those who wish to avoid rational thinking if
something can be explained you then know it so you cease believing it allegedly harmless sub
stance in kills immortal person shocker be careful not to eat vegetables yes even organic ones

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ian McKellen writes about Michael Portillo

If illicit gay sex did no harm to Mr Portillo why does his voting record assume that others will be harmed by it? Also, if he is fit to serve his constituents in parliament, why should other gay men and women be unfit to serve in the nation's military?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Mobile Phone in Microwave

Charles Bukowski Quotes That Resonate With Me

Frankly, I was horrified by life, at what a man had to do simply in order to eat, sleep, and keep himself clothed. So I stayed in bed and drank. When you drank the world was still out there, but for the moment it didn’t have you by the throat.

An intellectual is a man who says a simple thing in a difficult way; an artist is a man who says a difficult thing in a simple way.

Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and eight times out of nine I'll show you a man with detestable spiritual qualities.

The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them.

It was true that I didn't have much ambition, but there ought to be a place for people without ambition, I mean a better place than the one usually reserved. How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?

Drink was the only thing that kept a man from feeling forever stunned and useless. Everything else just kept picking and picking, hacking away. And nothing was interesting, nothing. The people were restrictive and careful, all alike. And I've got to live with these fuckers for the rest of my life, I thought. God, they all had assholes and sexual organs and their mouths and their armpits. They shit and they chattered and they were dull as horse dung. The girls looked good from a distance, the sun shining through their dresses, their hair. But get up close and listen to their minds running out of their mouths, you felt like digging in under a hill and hiding out with a tommy-gun. I would certainly never be able to be happy, to get married, I could never have children. Hell, I couldn't even get a job as a dishwasher.

There's nothing to mourn about death any more than there is to mourn about the growing of a flower. What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don't live up until their death. They don't honor their own lives, they piss on their lives. They shit them away. Dumb fuckers. They concentrate too much on fucking, movies, money, family, fucking. Their minds are full of cotton. They swallow God without thinking, they swallow country without thinking. Soon they forget how to think, they let others think for them. Their brains are stuffed with cotton. They look ugly, they talk ugly, they walk ugly. Play them the great music of the centuries and they can't hear it. Most people's deaths are a sham. There's nothing left to die.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

If I'm an ass, I should say so. If I don't, somebody else will. If I say it first, that disarms them.

I think that everything should be made available to everybody, and I mean LSD, cocaine, codeine, grass, opium, the works. Nothing on earth available to any man should be confiscated and made unlawful by other men in more seemingly powerful and advantageous positions. More often than not Democratic Law works to the advantage of the few even though the many have voted; this, of course, is because the few have told them how to vote. I grow tired of 18th century moralities in a 20th century space-atomic age. If I want to kill myself I feel that should be my business. If I go out and hold up gas stations at night to pay for my supply it is because the law inflates a very cheap thing into an escalated war against my nerves and my soul.

I've never met another man I'd rather be.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Heartwarming Tale Of The Miraculous Singing Shark

Our Turbulent Lady

find muck to the fairy hinge songkok where synthesizers are another thing that makes sounds
in a trilby fedora glass tweeds fee tissue mild beige yelps slacker too outfit consisted
but right face the to has there be also hope the opiate is of bespectacled antelope the of
freckled wildebeest the by the way bray rhymes with hippopotamus or gay and howth rhymes

with both you would think that you blink if you travel a lot in a rolling bordello pulled
by truck the heading in general direction toyosa hill of foreskins just got in the way of
irrational mindset the inability or lack of motive to people to turn away from sheepish the
distractions that helped get us some belgian blue chocolato i hate idea the of music videos

not tired of all the bullshit yet so guys with no pictures are welcome to go to the shop
with the way sting of my thyme or is this my first biological offspring now isnt that an
endearing terminology to be reading in a strange new interview in colon mag fresco we evolve
can someone please trace back to its exact origin the meticulously organized source of this

announcement where the word footage came from will not kill someone but sport is liquification
den of the cowgirlie tassle on the hum drum of the haberdashery swagger it is important to
discard the packaging of commodities in different locations far too cool to be seen as cooler
than the unconscious guy spreadeagled across the steps of city hall this afternoon if you are

out for a walk in a wooded area and have already identified all of the different plantation types
it can be a real treat to then try to identify all of the products that were once packaged inside
myriad pieces of coloured plastic if you strolling through are cemented streets where the buildings
grey and lifeless are or multicoloured and full of life it can serve as a real reminder of the remainder of wonders

Friday, December 2, 2011


Slippers Of Dad

when men grow long hair and take up a sport that appeals to children i will be frolicking clothed
in a chamber aghast at the choices of knickers-knitting rugby plyers pandering to spoiled child
wren who acted as if they were entitled to things of little worth that would bring a grand total
of 3-minutes of play just does not appeal im not a nurse so im not going to spend time with some

one who needs to be told to cop themselves on you like sex with attractive people but you do not
find unattractive people attractive many people now avoid using homos ex jewel because of the emphasis
this term places on sexuality anyone worth their weight in hydrogen knows that homos ex duel has nothing
to do with sexual arousal stimuli indeed the words gay and lesbian which stress cultural and social

matters over sex are frequently better choices so there is no point in engaging with the religious
there are some things that people can only figure out by themselves if we cant know something
we should reserve judgement not choose to believe one of many equally valid possibilities people
who believe they need no explanation or evidence in fact zero evidence is a requirement in order

to believe something i care what people think of me it is not the responsibility of the lgbtqwxyz
community to embrace those who are still committed to religion or risk losing them to the religious
ex-g0y groups that will nourish their need for validation of their faith hello if you want to be a
part of an organization that says consensual homosexual acts are immoral and sinful for no rational

reason if you choose to not use your brain to figure out whether something is immoral or not then
it is the responsibility of the lgbtqwxyz commune to call you a scumbag like first of all you are
choosing to follow a belief system when there is zero evidence to recommend it to the irrational
mindset t hey should be starting to see that now anyway if but you are a fascinating monster bet

Matriarch For On Velo P

plot thickens shaft for ex-ex-gay in nice person shocker elusive allusion of a filigree
skiing craters to the very uppermost crust and blocked off any attraction to women for good
i am going to die like the bisexual boner sophistry praise the lard unless you know someone
who doesnt hate orgasms anti-vivisectionist spurn preposterous ladies and men you are very

welcome to the show eliciting illicit porcupine colon thou shalt not walk two arm high
cable curl looking for gloves in the all bright places lay re hegs your mother is a mice
hipster woman the carbohydrate of choice these daze is not the pot atom when you metatarsaled
me into sub mitten dont do i euphemisms tell it like it i is waste so much time doing mean

ingless work but life is meaningless and time is there to be wasted what was the industrial
revolution was that when products began to be produced are those magnets from the fridge
whats the point in having friends that you stay in touch with only by organised catch-up
thingies yes i also drink to make people seem interesting dont choose to search for i know

ledge just let life i happen to it and mould it into whatever it is dont think one HAS TO
embrace and delight in misery but one can suspend judgement and just enjoy the ride by hot
tubby i am laughing now just as much as i was with my ex-friend the internet is my very best
friend as it doesnt answer back do you want me to try to convince you that something is good

you actually need to be very intelligent to figure out what this sexual drive does to the bra
in and also to realise that you are bored with sex and bored with people who just want to or
gasm or that you just dont get on with even with your sexual ideal the sex wanes after a while
unless you only have sex once per month or so i laughed a lot today i am laughing a lot lately
should be i worried