Monday, October 25, 2010
Women Opening Fridges Will One Day Save Mone(y)
Women Opening Fridges Will One Day Save Mone(y)
how would you decry the seldom smelt absolutely who amongst us didst shroud the vernacular temporal in visceral
monotony for the drawn out dichotomy nervosa of the shrivelled up pock mark and how would you describe my fizz eek
ezekiel for you are borne out for the shiny malignant oh mesmeric of zany to atone totally gorgeous homo
sexual seeks scrawny apollo jeez for the possibility that in your eyes my home is an irk of wart if he finds it
finds the configuration parameter what the name of it is i will try to put it in the right place for effectiveness
people are only in relationships for sex i only need sex with another man once per month i like living on my own
with masturbation the rest of the time you killed my sister you have got no thermal warehouse vaughan
i have achieved everything so what have i left to live for apart from the spacious tulip of ukelele honing
please start mattering to the slant keep brigand ear oh how randily rad are the prescient marbles of the prime
politics is a game and a joke if you watch leaders question time jingoistic immunitas senior sounds heavy eh
then apologetic urethra pelvis trusts while you were doing it you were outlining to all and sundry that you
probably would not remember doing it which i found quite odd but the women who are interviewing me all over the phone
are in america the are ray pisseds drawing pictures so i dont core the concerns of the general population
pulled the snigger of the showroom that triggers me with hair to smelt like an undercurrent of pal time
attics fun gusto pour bicep lubrication down to hardy brew net cosmologicalitily harping on about bodice bulkings
posture rised to within a bench press of its beer belied mortality rate stupendosity toggling flack taken krupps
surely people just drink out of loneliness or boredom i suspect is it just me or is it confusing in my brain
that comfortableness of shambolica ripped the stupidity matrix from the calyx of the frowned upon supine flattery
will get you somewhere cat skillfulls of skinned fulminatory godsends i hope i die one day but i severely doubt
whether or not kettles can supplant the retribution of the ferryman punition vole that rolled the dice of lip
how would you decry the seldom smelt absolutely who amongst us didst shroud the vernacular temporal in visceral
monotony for the drawn out dichotomy nervosa of the shrivelled up pock mark and how would you describe my fizz eek
ezekiel for you are borne out for the shiny malignant oh mesmeric of zany to atone totally gorgeous homo
sexual seeks scrawny apollo jeez for the possibility that in your eyes my home is an irk of wart if he finds it
finds the configuration parameter what the name of it is i will try to put it in the right place for effectiveness
people are only in relationships for sex i only need sex with another man once per month i like living on my own
with masturbation the rest of the time you killed my sister you have got no thermal warehouse vaughan
i have achieved everything so what have i left to live for apart from the spacious tulip of ukelele honing
please start mattering to the slant keep brigand ear oh how randily rad are the prescient marbles of the prime
politics is a game and a joke if you watch leaders question time jingoistic immunitas senior sounds heavy eh
then apologetic urethra pelvis trusts while you were doing it you were outlining to all and sundry that you
probably would not remember doing it which i found quite odd but the women who are interviewing me all over the phone
are in america the are ray pisseds drawing pictures so i dont core the concerns of the general population
pulled the snigger of the showroom that triggers me with hair to smelt like an undercurrent of pal time
attics fun gusto pour bicep lubrication down to hardy brew net cosmologicalitily harping on about bodice bulkings
posture rised to within a bench press of its beer belied mortality rate stupendosity toggling flack taken krupps
surely people just drink out of loneliness or boredom i suspect is it just me or is it confusing in my brain
that comfortableness of shambolica ripped the stupidity matrix from the calyx of the frowned upon supine flattery
will get you somewhere cat skillfulls of skinned fulminatory godsends i hope i die one day but i severely doubt
whether or not kettles can supplant the retribution of the ferryman punition vole that rolled the dice of lip