Monday, October 25, 2010

Put Up Curtains And The World Puts Up Curtains With You

Put Up Curtains And The World Puts Up Curtains With You

the rock coaches of delilah have trauma ties de lung frequent to drill a whole won of the race ron
and the actress who died of can sir on july 25 is making my bud bathe against the youre gonna die
of sum thang even e fits joust told adage age the trade unionist who died peacefully on april 9th
is roundly rem embered for his cheekbones and trilby plus prudish about noodles on the cobblestones

if you expect me to expect a surprise then you expect me to believe that you will perch yourself on
a bar stool in the foggy glen and hike up the bicycle shorts on your left peg and hopefully all going
well you will be able to watch the final rugby game on the glare that the pub tv will throw on your
inner thigh fight my own battles thank you very match oh so freudian on the other internet

festive: of relating to or appropriate for a feast or festival sacrilege or pantry scalding
i usually have the sound of it on while i am watching silent movies on the taplap and i henceforth
did always wander what the visuals of glee were going to once ounce look a laika if you are only interested
in uninteresting things then i am interested in the prospect of you buying a shawl from a cayman islander

thanks for meaning astonishing it i could agree more if i was only joking about the australian bra
i said why would people enjoy silly wafers after eating oreos between then and than tut tut
you make me feel so implausible yowza its a humdinger gone awry how DARE you try to taunt me into switching
on the visualized nordics of weirder noses plundered for the sake of bewildered nervousness

yeah my argument to religionists is that they dont even take it seriously enough to be honest about their thoughts
about it all so why should i give them the time of day day if people who recently started playing racquetball
turn you off allow me to turn the page of whatever book magazine or leaf you are journal to make excuses
for bruces misuses of truces that could have altruistic denizens broadened were it not for the mooses