Monday, February 17, 2014

Seek Le Yonderbu

if digital capitulation is involved so the cannibals monocular point of view is
imperative to create visual hybrids that appear to vacillate between drowning and
cryptography i vomit through the over a ton iron rod of a window coagulation sum
it isnt fart ooh cold to be sharing warts today unless your calves get buns locked

when the weather is good most of the time you dont have to rush out to avail of it
the very people who are supposed to police us are themselves corrupt and looking
out for themselves then in turn politicians who are supposed to represent citizen
are also on the take and backing a dodgy police force to save their own skins

if everyone was capable of keeping a clear head and acting sensibly when in a cramped
crushing environment then we wouldnt need episiotomies that want you to believe in
heaven in next life so that you will accept/believe that this life is supposed to be
a struggle in actual fact this life is supposed to be heave but they have taken that

once the national broadcaster censors the sincerely held views of a citizen and hands
over public funds to self appointed moral guardians we need to start asking hard quest
ions about the color of the center for a mericanized spelling is gray we want to disc
rim in eight against homosexuals to protect children except for those children who are

homosexual and created by man und frau ive been defamed by being accused unfairly
of making defamatory comments this defamation payment would be funny if it were just
money wasted but it goes beyond that and affects the future of public debate in this
country escalationista of the white notch man in the larking pot of orwellian eli

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