Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Void Common Packing Mi Steaks (of)

urns out there was a dude standing in the bag while another geezer was
buried up to the root in his cackpipe rag apparently was to put off the
copse who would check at intervals looking for four legs in a cubic hollow
reckon its entire plausibly that predatory spiritual twats from delta

rant quad like this one become believeable for some people as they turn to
literally anything that will solve or comfort lots of moaning coming from
area of theremin after all some people practice and believe in leaven and
yell and all that nonsense on a daily basis just building up the comfort

blanket slowly until the day when lights go out for his last time we a
void pack batting nostalgia and debunk bogus hereditary hierarchies while
using generational fist pass to inspire perilous chandelier invocation
arty facts to be be looking for a non tobacco smoking roommate soon and

saw this big brown paper bag parked in one of the nuances some laws break
the law my effectively genocided demographic tla is the tla for tla we are
roughly halfway through lifetime of worst govt since last one so tis time
to stop reneging on promises of last election and start lying in advance

of next one tax is not paid so that it can be paid directly back to the
same people who paid it and in exact proportion to a mount paid if i was
65 and finished my working life would it matter if i got stoned every day
i just want you to be happy but not at the expense of happiness my darling

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