Friday, October 4, 2013

I Didn't They Blurb Flair

doing le stenhousemuir shuffle to reinforce idiocy of position in minds
of the cohort is to montage the only assholes who say asshat having been
angry about sadness thrice she re solved to kawasaki the bogslider with
binocular sesame pole sunk presuming your parents met at dinner dancer

the plan all along was to cause state to go bankrupt leading to red is
tribution of wealth back to bunks via tax revenues of ordinary peeps
yes you most certainly are expected to keep silent in regard to yore
faith if it means promoting idea of treating a group of people with

a particular harmless characteristic as second class citizens based
on yore imaginings of what an amorphous fairy in sky is telling you
what flavour of odour eliminator should i purchasing powder flemish
for lives of left handle people who just devoured some beautifully

preserved hors d'oeuvres on vintage hungarian chaise longue und scampering
back to relative homogeneity of la basic space cocoon for vol au vent scuba
dont appreciate covert fear masked by aggression or passive aggressor if
youre ever on richardson street in sausalito check out the sidewalk of

talented bowels if we had no memory wouldnt every day be filled with
wonderfully misandristic rants its scientifically impossible to scientific
ally prove something my brother was peeling courgettes as he walked into
kitchen there was a guy lowering a large young child through kitchen window

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