Saturday, August 10, 2013

Give Me A Piece Of Paw Pear

you blow my brains with out footprints of the persian phoenix parka gain
any normal person doesnt want to be politician and i bet you have asked
yourself what makes people become politicians and it perplexes you well
the answer is money and absolutely zero empathy or conscience or morals

reginald elucidation can still remain a non e mush with our new com meant
system for irish english german when i grow up im gonna be a prisoner dud
who will call his first child zoom towards economic hypnotism and hypnotic
economics with the most massive irony being that the bankers who control

usa and now the world are actually communists but the ones who want to be
more equal than the others drinkin is greater coz it makes me feel like i
can just end it all without a care in the world or that because i am ready
to end it all i am justified in giving one more thing a chance and that

thing is unemployment and self indulgence in art and justified in not going
to work tomorrow and ive come up with some friends but they are ridiculous
this club poses at 2am for the monroe doctrine marilyned and couched in
diplomatic language corollary for a tlantic potion portions the framers of

us foreign policy in a night club invocation tremble for hegemonic hibernia
whose prolific profligacy is undocumented thus fray a filibuster is someone
who engages in an unauthorized military expedition into a foreign country
to foment or support a revolution tv imprint media ist propaganda ministry

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