Thursday, August 29, 2013

Umlaut Coney In Broward Count

condensing ones essence to a blurb is quite the challenging spruce
only pinch me if i did just unknowingly quote line from gone wit
windy bluster unbeknownst to shaman soy is a whole other ball
gain in a galling frenzy of oneupmanship the high chair of female

subjugation for the uninitiated living in them omen tisnt possible
without alcopops or pot plant what happens to a man when he gets
what he wants has always been my greatest ambition to be interesting
to investigative journalistos of your ilk mustnt rest on my laurel

canyons though happiness is not a destination it is a mystical path
preserved for the housewife slurp lust to wreck wire mints evitable
in snorkel if you are the embodiment of sense of entitlement hubris
combined with hint of fantastically misplaced faux-grandeur pleasing

step to the head of the cue then as i walked down south william to
wards drury exchequer where all those animals sell used cookers and
other jinx on street i saw my elbow lying on a pair of curtains next
to a broken and bloodied food blender fender why are there no square

planets irascible or moon is really spaces hip which our overlord liz
shard masters traveled to ear thin of course food and water supplies
are most important in case of global economic collapse what you have
on paper will be worth nero in that scenario your metals is property

OST Rich Dance Poop

Monday, August 26, 2013

Czar Deans

the evidence seems to suggest that the east urn unorthodox church fart
has been her promulgating duvetphobic sentiment in recent outbursts
betty lets not pretend the monogamy crave is anything other than in
security that he will meet someone he likes more than you actually think

our lives together can be a work of art exercise in beauty tolerance
acceptance peace love joy understanding calm we wont have les pressures
of work or time limitations feel that been stroppy in past because of
pressure to make most of every piece of time when not at work because

that time was so short but now that free should be chilied about all
that we both should for we have no worries no pressure and should you
bask in the peace of having no worries except worrying about future
worries that you may have at some random moment in future guests

will squirm hard with talk about inseminating his propellor with tapioca
for gods sister age is just a letter cranium uranus endorses so idiotic
ally proud to advertise like baby whos just shat on floor gamely holding
up their discharge for all to see as though it were medallion fresco

hooray a new cross for the unbearably right on to carry as they berate
rest of us for any linguistic slip ups or less than acceptable chiffon
opinions that could be the continuation of a beautiful friend shape mean
while millions of people live in conditions of witty hand made signage

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Foetus Shall Gestate In A Box

Clever Subset Of Clog

the inability to metabolize iron culminates in mental and physical
deterioration and in letting excrement come out of the penis the gift
of life is ex cruciate liga meant to damn ask us chihuahua food and
water supplies lava is brat log mono mouth ply peru mule exclusivity

cargo and eh the minute the car went into reverse it became impossible
to figure out whether it was in reverse or foreword motion so i just
split for astrology buffs im an aquarius with moon in cancer cells and
sagittarius ascendant but i love moving my bowels from the living room

into the kitchen cum din in groom the only thing that mattress is my pic
tures wouldnt be very  well hung hastily notch on your crotch you keep
the extraneous words silent in your header in my experience anyone with
a back tattoo has a big dick but the foreskin wont retract even though

the glans is thinner than the shaft colour of my bruise life is war e
very day kill to live we all do it we are all complicit i am throwing
it all away tomorrow to where the gestation is going to manifest the
oily plastic in my body is for my flexible is schedule if you drift my

cache planet of the missing biros mission for the heterosexual guy who
is sexually attracted to people of her own gender an allotment smack
bang in the middle of town a sensical whinge i have no worries except
that i am worried that i might have worries in the future pronoun spectre

Sunday, August 18, 2013


retro jumper foetal mania inveigled and manipulated by some yob
if yore knot drinkin yer not punky or promo sexuality isnt woman
but i do know that their centre forward finished brilliantly by
chipping our goalie lob and then finding your mothers recipe again

defending corners we need to be really pumped up to dive in and
win the ball whenever it is bouncing around our box haphazardly i
really want to male a claw mechanical gauntlet swell to go with my
own costume pieces dissemination but considering its going to be

worn with gold sequinned poncho as scene here think it should oh
potentially be overkill bull if you need to add drugs or alcohol
to your sex to make it hot then you arent very good at sex only in
films will criminals study your life and the whereabouts of your

family to create such a psycho logical coercion that you will feel
trapped into taking such a risk was never given present from stranger
in airport to give a friend of theirs does internet mean i will act
ually never be bored again for the hitchcockian turmoil of drilling

a spink spunk going out is just searching for someone else who feels
the same please accept your aloneness and revel in its crazy dream
about smoking girl punishment by bouncer non cleaning girl there is
a word that religions and sheep follow that dont like and thats evidence

Bukowski Quote

“That’s the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink.
If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.”
—Charles Bukowski, Women

What Is Food Determination

do want to be a holder of gold when the hit shits the fanny wont people just
kill you and take your gold dont want to be the elite when everyone else is
starving anyway would just feel like shit dont have a correct understanding
of how would use gold anyway in the hit shuts the fun situation i can stop

thinking about you and can get you out of mind for one mans humour is an
other mans tumour dirigisme in the consciousness of debilitation youve got to
produce more than you consume if you want to improve your situation but nothing
compares to the feeling of driving the ultimate car according to an authoritative

voice when you prohibit failure you kill innovation when you prohibit the failure
to punish you kill the innovation to officiate when you punish the failure to
prohibit you kill the intoxication to innovate rigorously police the arbitrary
demarcation between the two ensuring that only the properly down and savagely

depressed have right to express as such determinism her kitten neutered the
flat protection precision overnight gown i letter bog in hydrangea benzedrine
and what exactly is tangible about this musing when zeus said the hay let he
who is not stoned cast the first spin line he didnt pick up a load of rocks

though that would have been a wetter story fur the fake conspiracy theorist de
signed to make conspiracy theorists look like lunatics so that people will thin
kall cons piracy theorists are lunatics wants people to believe in piracy theories
just to sell ads oh i will never know anything about the world outside my living room

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Give Me A Piece Of Paw Pear

you blow my brains with out footprints of the persian phoenix parka gain
any normal person doesnt want to be politician and i bet you have asked
yourself what makes people become politicians and it perplexes you well
the answer is money and absolutely zero empathy or conscience or morals

reginald elucidation can still remain a non e mush with our new com meant
system for irish english german when i grow up im gonna be a prisoner dud
who will call his first child zoom towards economic hypnotism and hypnotic
economics with the most massive irony being that the bankers who control

usa and now the world are actually communists but the ones who want to be
more equal than the others drinkin is greater coz it makes me feel like i
can just end it all without a care in the world or that because i am ready
to end it all i am justified in giving one more thing a chance and that

thing is unemployment and self indulgence in art and justified in not going
to work tomorrow and ive come up with some friends but they are ridiculous
this club poses at 2am for the monroe doctrine marilyned and couched in
diplomatic language corollary for a tlantic potion portions the framers of

us foreign policy in a night club invocation tremble for hegemonic hibernia
whose prolific profligacy is undocumented thus fray a filibuster is someone
who engages in an unauthorized military expedition into a foreign country
to foment or support a revolution tv imprint media ist propaganda ministry

We Are All Undetectable But Sum Are More Undetectable Than Mother

regulation or deregulation or manimal harms your discarded mascara removers
the reason i am uncertain about our futurism is because you cannot handle
a devilish muscle strap algorithm remuneration computation of the semi-circles
of my cylindricals are the windmill of your veiny throb when the allegorical

crony leapfrogs tenements of pol pot freight guttage of sexual sex con cube
the owner of groaner puppy came by today while she was out of town for the
weak her teenage brother abandoned the pitbull on porch my because it was too
much for his cats she saw how affectionate pit was with me und offered to

share it with me every other week oh i dont think that would be good idea for
dog i said fortunately family lives 2 mins away on same block so eye can
visit it but my heart is still disappointedly sorry for false alarm but there
are other dogs that need a forever home i will find one dye shoo shoe ram bat

she is a ledge bag you are a bag ledge aplomb vestige of a tension seeker which
sky fairy can we not call sky failure make a guarantee of gestapo truncheon it
dear famille im going on a mad adventure inside and outside the brain for 2 or
3 years and i dont know if im going to survive in my current form de facto cods

wallop often when you get over the disappointment of realising the new album
isnt what you hoped for or expected you realise it is very worthy in its own sty
le its not that simple first get rid of federal reserve and central banks can
hard rich play come back to what you know on piano by embracing the led ball loon

Monday, August 5, 2013


Guatemala 1953

For the social and economic reform of the Republic of Guatemala, President Árbenz Guzmán advocated the labour union organization of the working class, and land reform for the landless-peasant majority of the population. In 1951, to equitably redistribute the prime arable lands of the country, the President worked to compose, implement, and establish a realistic agrarian-reform program that would remedy the historically inequitable distribution of farmland, which dated from the Spanish conquest of Guatemala, the Colonial period, and the 20th-century military dictatorships.
In 1945, the Guatemalan bourgeoisie — approximately 2.2 per cent of the national population — owned 70 per cent of the arable land of Guatemala, yet economically exploited only 12 per cent of that land, whilst 58 per cent of that farmland remained idle, untilled, and unproductive; whilst the remaining 97.8 per cent of the Guatemalan population were landless labourers.[9] In 1952, the Árbenz Government promulgated Decree 900, the agrarian-reform redistribution of farmland; the landless-peasant majority welcomed the progressive changes to the Guatemalan Old Order of the dictatorships of General Manuel José Estrada Cabrera (1898–1920) and General Jorge Ubico (1931–44).
In March 1953, the Árbenz Government expropriated idle United Fruit Company farmlands, for which the company was paid US$600,000 — as determined by the UFC’s public tax-declaration of the financial value of the idle farmland. In October 1953 and in February 1954, the Árbenz Government further expropriated 60,702 hectares (150,000 acres) of unused UFC farmland; to that date, the total area of the farmlands expropriated from the UFC was approximately 161,874 hectares (400,000 acres). Consequently, the United Fruit Company complained to and sought financial redress through the US Government; and, in 1954, the US State Department demanded that the Árbenz Government pay US$15,854,849 to the UFC, for the true value of its farmland in the Pacific Ocean coast of Guatemala. In turn, the Árbenz Government rejected that demand, as a violation of the national sovereignty of the Republic of Guatemala claiming the demand was usurious.

As the land expropriations occurred throughout 1953, the United Fruit Company asked the Eisenhower Administration to compel the Árbenz Government to rescind the Decree 900 laws. To involve the politically reticent President Eisenhower, the UFC employed the public relations-and-advertising expert Edward L. Bernays to create, organise, and direct a psychologically inflammatory, anti–communist campaign of disinformation, by print and radio, film and television, against the liberal Árbenz Government of Guatemala. The public-opinion pressure generated by the UFC disinformation campaign compelled President Eisenhower to become involved in the private-business vs. national-government quarrel of the United Fruit Company and the Árbenz Government, lest his government appear to be “soft on Communism” in Guatemala — a serious personal imputation and great political accusation of which the American public took serious note, especially during the Red Scares of the McCarthy Era (1947–57) of US national politics. Consequently, the US State Department reduced economic aid to and commercial trade with Guatemala, which much harmed the Guatemalan national economy, because 85 per cent of its exports were sold to the US, and 85 per cent of its imports were bought from the US. Such economic sabotage of Guatemala was done in secret, because economic warfareviolated the Latin American non-intervention agreement to which the United States was a signatory party; public knowledge that the US was violating the non-intervention agreement would prompt other Latin American countries to aid Guatemala in surviving such economic warfare.

It Can't Happen Here

If you don't watch all of  this very carefully I will only speak to you 6.5 more times.