Friday, April 19, 2013

Calorie Vox And Stereo Tripe

how is society going to get used to it and realise that it is normal
and harmless unless you are proposing that we never change society unless
you are proposing that we continue to damage welfare of children of
blame sex couples you are right rosa parks shouldnt have sat at affront

of bus because she was likely to get abuse for it when more lack people
started sitting at affront of bus it wasnt the possessive apostrophe
quagmire ex parent meander staid of moan decent smother from howard in
the shape of wyoming i dont trust you one bit only those who know their

promises mean nothing are trustworthy astute anthropomorphism denigrates
aura quel facial expresso mediocrity is transformed into magnificence
once they transdescribe how they did it for a brief prolonged period in
the 1970s i could only achieve full tumescence if mahatma gandhi was

gasping into my ear lear oboe sobbing a systemic verboten looming ditty
in the micros cope how amiable are thy personification perfected smellings
theyre manipulating the economics in order to put in place the optimal
condiment for inflicting hyper inflation on us then we will be starving

and desperate to do anything to stay alive to get food we will have to
surrender all of our privacy and freedom and independence at that point
we will be completely dependent anyway everything is going to be taken
away from you very suddenly i want to have a few bottles of vodka stored
so that i can end it all easily

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