Sunday, March 24, 2013

In Nudist Mud Hoop Grog And I Will Touch You

andrea moved the piano because of the ribbon dancers shard holder eluding allusions
happy smiling young man leaning against white wall with dreaming and pensive expression
if a cheltenham jockey comes out of coma you will be eating jericho nuts tonight
those who later claimed that a member of the campaign accused perot of being bush

plant with ties to cia were wearing shoes before you do this move all of the files
in your downloads folder into a new folder within your downloads folder called old
if you dont love younger men you wont love couches or is art that which cannot be
measured pun intended but unsuccessful ill get to 65 and realise i could have actually

done this years ago days have names just so that they can control you cave deli thwart
eggplant sliced in half with flesh beginning to oxidize to be in such state of mindy
that you have no idea what is going on or have you ever driven a car it wont be fun
once people start ostracising you as they know you are the flakey drunk does strong

sexual attraction make you feel more secure than a strong dental connection nothing
is worth remembering live in the now leanbh you ask me am i single or do i have a
boyfriend and i reply that i dont break up with people i dont do break ups sea salt
inhaler lustrous arent naps fantastic get it into you cynthia impromptu alsation imp

romp to umbrella are fat people gay glassmacher syndrome le phimosis wilmot beat
elevised the man you script ist people who prefer broccoli to swans simply must not
be allowed to marry seminal inflationary cosmology to brixton christinanity is about
being culpable for crime committed by mythological ancestor requiring god to sack

riff ice himself on our behalf to persuade himself to forgive us oh and that eternal
torment awaits those who reject this gods infinite love but thats bedside the pint

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