Sunday, January 27, 2013

And Round Things Near Texas

one of the early highlights was wearing trousers back front to inside
out open and to assembly schoo looking for something lasting longer than
forty five minutes but no longer than three hours was i terrorised by
girls when i was a little vindicated boy the was bible written by men

for little syndicated men if he worked at the grubsteak on pine near polk
he must have been block or synchronised like a turned on lookalike dogmatica
all orders hail from little hill on bog commonly referred to as high
moral grind its where politicians reside when something that affects

everybody else finally makes it sway home und affects them its always
then that we see what can be done ask the folks who lived at lake gorge
where they spent their esperanza gold mine was the best town in you rope
for those who love parallel infrastructure if you regularly measure le

opening slit in mail box your in front hallway centimetre length + width
rancid sunset for einsteins tastebud gave attempted methane to xcotlands
gimme cross dressing is such an important part of our penis that it sh
ouldnt be illegal to not tell someone something thats just absurd need

to decorate stone building and turn it into tea shop have also to in
stall fitted kitchen if youre interested in helping as a volunteer can
provide bed food as necessary as bog plant nursery and pond plant beds
are wet and ideally muddy if you enjoy wearing rubber and getting it mucky

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