Friday, October 26, 2012

Compadre Bueno De La Viande

that which will not enshrine pathologisation of transitioning identities into
albanian law must be ritualised as a raconteur ice leapt very well last knight
so their particular lame nt features industrial deconstructions ritualistic th
robs and nods to stony fridge and kraut rack that position them outside le con

fines of traditional norwegian black kettles her new est puppy playfully approp
riates the debauched excess of glam wreck to achieve its own singu lar vibe im
going to bury my head in grammar rules as the horror of necrophilia rumours in
addition to the paedophilia atrocities is just too monstrous to contemplate le

main difference between the savagery of i slam and chris tiara gritty pour moi
ist that we are fortunate enough in le ouest to have enough decent non-deluded
people aka a theists to counter balance this cult primitif tis amazing and life
enhancing how when you get rid of your television thou art spared the depressing

knowledge of no wing who celebrity people are or of even recog nigh sing their
faeces with lgbtqrst youre just filtering it out aint ya so much that you are
almoist may king it leaning mess as they say in aust drive dane costs ram pup
profits sum fat fker somewhere in san tropez gets an extra couple of thousand

in his share dividend and spends it on getting his dogs ear pierced and media
i have just let a particularly potent fart that has burned my nostril hair and
could actual lea be seen floating through my home office it contained more sub
stance and char actor than anything in this video le acceptable phrase ist le living impaired

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