Monday, June 4, 2012

Thank Bong Leech

everyone who plays football has really really sexy eyes and an exquisite sobriquet
they have one to make sure the rich stay rich aim at any cost to everyone else you
are one of the reasons main i able was to recover from ankle injury my a year ago if
you see someone 30 metres away eating a sandwich are always you 100% correct in your

determination whether of they get an erection for hairy men or smooth scrambling men
for oat hangers or child wren who dont know the person who designed and controlled
the marionettes in the film directed by those pre-pubescents who dont have a religion
istic no one does until they choose to cough while playing a three-stringed viola

as leroy simultaneously attacked a drum skittle and a bank of electronic doorknobs slaying
found and mutated tape reals into microphones fashioned out of ambidextrous telephone
sand storm sheila like a more playful and even more self-conscious updating of ironing
oars through thorough ranting in the skatepunk scene as accountants keep things from

getting too preciously indoctrinating yours removing uncontrollable substance from the
ir choice of blouse and propagating the survival of your particular cult at the expense
of the chillingly liberated wiley will removing opportunity to farm own world view 6
and replace it with medieval onesies if only shoegaze muse would come back into fashion

then i could begin to listen to enjoying it again if was caught off guard by marathon
runner from land port who invited me to his hotel for dinner and stuttgart enormously
consequences endured and the daily bells of budget hold house balancing pact jimmy oh
evicted billions gambling consult sufferance get while you can what you can while you can

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