Friday, July 8, 2011

Apparently Facts Are Now Subjective

for those homosexuals who hanker for the (g)old(en) days when it was more underground
craving sexual contact so much so that it drives you to public toilets and you get
arrested and imprisoned and feel like a freak until you are seriously mentally fucked
up yes bring it on please at least gore vidal is a shining beacon of hope and sense

experience has taught me that being attracted to a picture of somebody is just that it
just means that i am attracted to a picture of you it does not mean that i am attracted
to you so never assume that i will be attracted to you in person and i wont either
boast mars bore me and i wont be into spending hours and hours there unless the music is

my type and that is very rare an hour or two is sometimes good and if there is a tool
pablo i can play on thats better than an an evangelist for bisexuality with the dilemma
of the homosexual in the witty cindy theories based on the very limited research results
available to them at that point in time overbearing mother theory yes we all know thousands

of homosexuals where that was not the case now im not interested in sex im just homosexual
i think i read somewhere that phobias can be got over but the less young we get the more i
realise that nobody knows anything and we are all just making stabs in the dork scrotum toes
toe scrum boot fall foots groovy scrotum all is miraculous cozumel mex something mightnt kill

you linda shatner is not interested in uninteresting things sure why would she be at the
headquarters of zanussi today i shat you knot with grundig splendour i kneed a sound like
columbus needs a roadrail stuff thats good for you is bad for you it will happen so keep
waiting for the mail homosexual who likes vaginas will counteract the more wild gene hill

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