Sunday, July 31, 2011

George Carlin quotes

Soft rock music isn’t rock, and it ain’t music. It’s just soft.
As soon as someone is identified as an unsung hero, he no longer is.
By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.
Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster is a maniac?
I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a man nailed to two pieces of wood.
So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.
Catholic — which I was until I reached the age of reason.
One great thing about getting old is that you can get out of all sorts of social obligations just by saying you’re too tired.
What year did Jesus think it was?

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Bremen Hypnosis China

when we were wondering what our penises were like everything was different
thrush my beet in the fist mizzle and drog of a dearth quack i refuse to
kill or maim people even after a few shots of heroin you will stay here
if you find the glove of a younger mon appetit or superbe scanned in avian

pitchers i am far less attractive than i look and in person and my art is
very instinctual am a control freak i of own life my but wont control ui
it seems that the world revolves me around and so many black people in delaware
abs synth makes the fart go honda if i dont like your nose i might your like

clothes im le zydeco the playing hockey player with syd lino business in privat
ized space travel i used to be the professional traveler visiting over 7
underseas countries over 300 times trips and now i in tokyo live and play skittles
i with etienne barbosa your christianity is not reconcilable with diagnosis my

of human situation the ive met thousands of men who for one reason or another
werent the one would you like to add yourself to that list im interested not
in stuff that you are in interested but im sure we can get along for while a
put the moustache back on the man tell peace there now thanks very much he works

my nipples into a latency and as martin from ballyfermot pointed out to me last
night i have in love been and i am still in love with first love my and pain of
it the is still in mind my fresh and i will risk anything never that might lead
to through goin that pain ever again dont make any judgement on me whatsoever
until the last wednesday in march next year


Friday, July 29, 2011

Who Is Azita?

humanity is so unnatural at this point in timmy freight gotos fromme few nouns gland oh the pointlessness
of american politics is that some people write as if they have only heard but never read the words written
and fewer people speak some words as if they have only read and not heard the words said if you have a man
of your dreams you will never meet a man of your reality anything written is only as intelligent as the reader

can read into the posse bill it ease of it i dont even know what a man of my dreams would be like for he will
probably be very different than i could imagine lots of people and charity organisations waste money so badly
these are the people who you are giving your hard earned and carefully saved money to carnal friendship
simply complex him om wheres dads wheelbarrow skate yourself silly being tight with money and experiences

all it is is that i want to feel like i have some sort of control of my life and i am not on some roller
coaster but i am missing laughter from my life now im not sad im happy and fulfilled and content i am finished
i have conquered the challenge of life and have achieved all that anyone can in terms of an understanding
of life but i am still alive and if i dont get out of life i have to do things the only thing that is de
pressing me is the fact that i have to go on living i have to go on meeting people and saying things and

i know that everything i say is just confused bullshit because life is confusing and none of us know what
is going on bored with the people i know ah well the only thing to do is have a few drinks for that might
help me to stop thinking too much everyones weird so it is even weirder to bother pretending you are not
weird how observant is a vigil auntie i date my delft and i want to buy looking for someone to look for

someone for me and on that note i will bid you fonda jew simplicity is the ultimate sophistication said
leonardo the vincible peoploid i dont want to meet raul but i am lonely and not laughing otherwise we are
so overrun with news from around the world that we dont know what is going on in our locality we think
people are poor today well we have never been so wealthy poverty is relative hey jam stop watching the

"news" will any of us ever be happy with our lot most of us lower middle class go on 2 or three foreign
holidays per year and have so many modern conveniences the ultra rich will always exist and some of them
work hard to get there atlantaga if you are not willing to give me a significant amount of money at our
first meeting please move to the next nail file have you ever touched another mans shoulder before noon


Friday, July 22, 2011

Policy Wonk

and i know other people could be misunderstanding this element of humanity although i do colour
co-ordinate i can flower arrange but would not win any competitions judged by judges abate cushty
kite dont try too hard when cooking my sock you should get off by having it in your moth dont
try to give me pleasure through vigour as you will only give me displeasure people dont need to

learn stuff anymore because all the information is at hand on the internet i guess we always
needed to understand stuff and the best exams test for that anyway i have removed advertisements
from my life for they keep telling me that i am not beautiful unless i acquire something else
and i do not rely on 'news' media for my understanding of humanity and the world around me for

i can gauge that myself on an independent basis and i am the nail that is unafraid to stick up
i define myself rather than be defined and i wouldnt get into a relationship unless there is an
established ongoing friendship and bond which trancends the dental attraction between us i used
to be one of us and they were them but i cant refer to us as us anymore because now i might

be one of them so us is now them but how did this happen to me for i am one of us not one of them
is my new us them and my new them us and its more about the glans than the glands if you are
curious about things you know nothing about and isnt it time we had one worldwide spelling for
words in the english lan guage for the winter net has no bolder borders the internet is an endless

source of discovery and exploration it is legal to say hiroshima in ireland but nagasaki is still
illegal to verbally express just like in montana and saskatchewan the internet is changing the way our
brains work and the human race/brain is evolving just like always who knows where it will end when
we get to the afterliffey it will be fun to watch the end of the movie and you have late hairy gregs

Thursday, July 21, 2011

They Need Some Nylon

how come mall most all of florida has a coast but only some of alabama has a man who hasnt
figured it all out yet let me know when there are 8 minutes left for that is a crucial juncture
in the female game of soccer anyone who says music isnt as good nowadays is a complete and
utter cunt and a disgrace to humanity and must be suffocate-strangled with a mouth-thick oral

over-diet of destroyer and sufjan and many more im interesting only to people who are interested
in interesting elements of the human experience lots of people are interested in uninteresting
things but they are of little interest to me mound mn to the unfigurable out frivolous triangles
of normandy thou shalt never worry about people from your past for there is a reason that they

never made it into your present and future dont cry over anyone who wont you cry over people who
dont have televisions are the most dangerous people to the ciafbi coz they aint bein fed the
propaganda and lies and aint bein kept down by advertisements so their minds are free to think
and that is dangerous to the powers that want to keep you controlled your mother makes me look

like your father when we argue about our planets past i work for regularly brain stops play for
an inordinant am ounce of money bigger ears dont turn me offer everyone is weird but im just
going to do what i want without worrying about what other weirder people think of me it is weird
to not be weird considering the weird situation we are in as humans yes he goes to tesco for

lunch and he has a litre of chocolate milk standing facing the wall at the back of the checkouts
if you his workmates see him and think im weird good for you i dont want to know you unless you
understand that weirdness is necessary and why am i cynical about love and marriage because it
never happened to me so i dont believe in things that i havent experienced myself i am dubious

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Religion is an Insult to Human Dignity

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion." Steven Weinberg 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bean Ice To Somebody Today

i write for myself and i publish it on the off chance that somebody else will get something out
of it i know most will think it is worthless drivel but a small few might feel humanised by it
is impossible for someone to not act on it and it will drive you are so enchanted and franchised
whey raz i prefer disenchanted and disenfranchised people the wonderful cunts of terpsichorean

decapitation and oliver row crop 70 tractor wall drug tour continues two wrist at traction bonobo
sore of the maimed case font roll fanned some hers broach wolf of mexic good things too come to
those who cant find things they dont want to only have sex with lots of people who only have ex
with me thanks for having large thick cocks i would hereby financially reward you for same if you

have no photo how do i know it is you and not a fat little 15 year old girl sitting at a computer
having a good laugh it is great that the medication and support network are finally allowing you
to have a good quality of life thanks for the link to your paintings im afraid that such abstract
art does very little for me it makes me feel a bit unintelligent because i just dont get it

but i know that i am not unintelligent and i am not non-artistic minded it is just that this is
not my thing the music of stars of the lid is the same am i shallow because i dont have the patience
to dwell on the subtleties for long enough to find some sort of shape or pattern no i just think
life is too short but i am sure that there are plenty of people who get an instant thrill as well

as a long term pleasure from such minimalistic art and music sometimes i think they are being
pretensious in the same way that i sometimes think that self-proclaimed bisexuals are really
just in denial but the reality is simply that i do not understand it no matter how hard i try
i feel that i could make very similar with practically zero effort and zero talent and some
critics would say that it is magnificent but other critics (who really get this sort of thing)
would see that i am a fake of course that is because i dont understand the subtle appeal


Friday, July 15, 2011

If Rupert Murdoch hadn't been born

Wrench Spanner

please do not keep either of your hands submerged in water for 3 days and please compete in
triathlons so that whats next on the heterosexual agenda will be as really loved as the
advertisements that alerted me to the fact that i am not beautiful and that people are starving
ten thousand miles away and have been since 1984 despite the billions that i have already given

them for things that arent mattering to homophobephobes ill touch your wrist if you can find
stank frappleton combatant why isnt this the greatest song of all time it is but just not in
somebody elses opinion le guide touristique prison annuity his tamil joice before you rejoice
and whelm for a long time before becoming over being the finished article so young and with

nothing left to achieve who knows how my personality and situation is going to evolve i feel
kind of embarrassed to be hanging around in this existence when i am finished with it but i am
not in terrible pain of loneliness just yet so i wont commit suicide until then suicide is such
a horrible place though scrumdiddlyumptious coherence why do we dream more when lying on our

backs or thru our teeth are jamaicans the descendents of slaves we worst rangers for way too
short a period period the ethiopian govt spends millions on weapons and we are asked to buy food
for starving ethiopians im so glad i am never going to have another argument with you i must
really enjoy kissing alternative music began in 1963 for me if you like me you wont love me i

prefer the man next door look over any sort of gay uniform or older men trying to look fashionable
or younger what does spiritual but not religious mean anyway its good but i dont like it its
brilliant but i dont like its type of excellence and (i) like lots of wonderful things in life
including life itself for there is no particular point to it who is dorothy ocallaghan again against

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bonobo Sexuality

Sexual intercourse plays a major role in bonobo society observed in captivity, being used as what some scientists perceive as a greeting, a means of conflict resolution, and post-conflict reconciliation. Bonobos are the only non-human animal to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex (although a pair of Western Gorillas has been photographed performing face-to-face genital sex[38]), tongue kissing, and oral sex.[39] In scientific literature, the female-female behavior of touching genitals together is often referred to as scissoring or genital-genital rubbing. The sexual activity happens within the immediate family as well as outside it. Bonobos do not form permanent relationships with individual partners. They also do not seem to discriminate in their sexual behavior by sex or age, with the possible exception of abstaining from sexual intercourse between mothers and their adult sons; some observers believe these pairings are taboo. When bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and encouraging peaceful feeding.[40]

Group of Bonobos
Bonobo males occasionally engage in various forms of male-male genital behavior.[41][42] In one form, two males hang from a tree limb face-to-face while "penis fencing".[43][44] This also may occur when two males rub their penises together while in face-to-face position. Another form of genital interaction, called "rump rubbing", occurs to express reconciliation between two males after a conflict, when they stand back-to-back and rub their scrotal sacs together. Takayoshi Kano observed similar practices among bonobos in the natural habitat.
Bonobo females also engage in female-female genital behavior, possibly to bond socially with each other, thus forming a female nucleus of bonobo society. The bonding among females enables them to dominate bonobo society. Although male bonobos are individually stronger, they cannot stand alone against a united group of females.[44] Adolescent females often leave their native community to join another community. Sexual bonding with other females establishes these new females as members of the group. This migration mixes the bonobo gene pools, providing genetic diversity.
Bonobo reproductive rates are not any higher than those of the common chimpanzee.[40] Female bonobos carry and nurse their young for five years and can give birth every five to six years. Compared to common chimpanzees, bonobo females resume the genital swelling cycle much sooner after giving birth, enabling them to rejoin the sexual activities of their society. Also, bonobo females who are sterile or too young to reproduce still engage in sexual activity.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Life Of Brian

Questions you may not have asked yourself

1. What do You think caused your heterosexuality?
2. When and how did you decide you were a heterosexual?
3. Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase that you may grow out of?
4. Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?
5. Do your parents/friends/room-mates know you are heterosexual?
6. Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality? Can't you just be who you are and keep it quiet?
7. Why do heterosexuals put so much emphasis on sex?
8. Why do heterosexuals feel compelled to introduce others to their lifestyle?
9. A disproportionate majority of child molesters are heterosexual.
                           Do you consider it wise to expose children to heterosexual teachers?
10. Just what do men and women do in bed together?
11. Bearing in mind the current divorce rate, why are there so few stable relationships between heterosexuals?
12. Considering the menace of overpopulation, how could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual?
13. There seems to be a lot of unhappy heterosexuals. Techniques have been developed that might enable you to change if you really want to. Have you considered aversion therapy?
14. Would you want your child to be heterosexual, knowing the problems they would face?

Credit to

Roseanne - every episode

Tries - I didn't realise gay people could be so the opposite of crap

Friday, July 8, 2011

Apparently Facts Are Now Subjective

for those homosexuals who hanker for the (g)old(en) days when it was more underground
craving sexual contact so much so that it drives you to public toilets and you get
arrested and imprisoned and feel like a freak until you are seriously mentally fucked
up yes bring it on please at least gore vidal is a shining beacon of hope and sense

experience has taught me that being attracted to a picture of somebody is just that it
just means that i am attracted to a picture of you it does not mean that i am attracted
to you so never assume that i will be attracted to you in person and i wont either
boast mars bore me and i wont be into spending hours and hours there unless the music is

my type and that is very rare an hour or two is sometimes good and if there is a tool
pablo i can play on thats better than an an evangelist for bisexuality with the dilemma
of the homosexual in the witty cindy theories based on the very limited research results
available to them at that point in time overbearing mother theory yes we all know thousands

of homosexuals where that was not the case now im not interested in sex im just homosexual
i think i read somewhere that phobias can be got over but the less young we get the more i
realise that nobody knows anything and we are all just making stabs in the dork scrotum toes
toe scrum boot fall foots groovy scrotum all is miraculous cozumel mex something mightnt kill

you linda shatner is not interested in uninteresting things sure why would she be at the
headquarters of zanussi today i shat you knot with grundig splendour i kneed a sound like
columbus needs a roadrail stuff thats good for you is bad for you it will happen so keep
waiting for the mail homosexual who likes vaginas will counteract the more wild gene hill

I Love Putting Your Penis Into My Mouth

i also love kissing your penis it could be that i am unattracted to younger men
due to the fear of getting hurt light ginger hair on a younger man attracts me
sometimes watching a tv can be very affectionate to a lot of allotments i think
it is very mean to rest the of human race to be in a monogamous relationship with

just one person for it can hurt people who are very very attracted to having intimacy
with you yes being in a monogamous relationship is very selfish being in an open
relationship is very unselfish prognostif its not masculine to be into women it is
feminine and it is a turn-off it is not feminine to be into men it is masculine

the intelligent but i enjoy a laugh unless you are the biological father hatchback
just left me beleaguered and enamoured the homosexual act is not an attempt to become
more masculine no more than when a man has sex with a woman is he trying to become
more feminine achieving masculinity through identification with his partner hiya mom

he is not attempting to achieve the very thing that he felt he was so lacking in his child
hood the catch 22 that because homosexuality was so frowned upon homosexuals had to
meet up in public toilets hence making it even more frowned upon are homosexuals twice
as dangerous to society as 2nd degree murderers there is of course the moral issue of

homosexuality which troubles many clergymen oh really the church sees homosexual
tendency as blameless but it is a sin to act on it but i say it will drive a man insane
to not have expression of his sexuality it will turn him into a sick person perhaps
a murderer it may lead to him ruining the life of a good woman through marrying her

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Climb A Thigh

if i wasnt 6 foot one i would write more bending to the dances and i favour
the allowance of same sex equality and anything that makes that there world
realise that there are so many same-sex attracted people in the world that
we are as varied as opposite-sex attracted people bring on the gay divorcée

this morning i dreamt that i was in an earthquake on the 2nd floor of a 5
storey concrete snooker hall and i watched the ceiling nervously as the tremor
took shook place then went outside to a snowy hills where more tremors caused
glaciers to slide by but put a block by fall has only just plaid shirty with

me buddy i like to go to bed with someone who has bedded someone who has red
a good bucko in the past 14 months you only like me because im nice and nobody
goes out because nobody goes out i know more people would vote for gay rights
if they know me but i just dont have the personality to be so out there i just

want to fade away into obscure have i told you lately that i despise you even
if i was into women i probably wouldnt be into penetrative sex until the 4th
largest inland californian city becomes the 3rd largest coastal city in calif
so when my friend takes a one month break from his relationship people say

he doesnt know what he wants well he wants someone he can be completely himself
with and also for someone who will give him large amounts of money in return
for not killing them people who make you want to say something angry to them
are not worth wasting the time or energy saying anything to on macdougal and frugal

Malcolm McClaren - Buffalo Gals

Magnifique capture of a time and a place and a visionary pop person.

The Homosexuals - 1967 - CBS Documentary

Bastard doctors pontificating bullshit theories as if they are fact.
It is important to learn from history that scientists can appear to be speaking fact when they are merely expressing the theories that come from the limited research results that they have at that point in time.

The homosexual act is not an attempt to become more masculine no more than when
a man has sex with a woman is he trying to become more feminine.
The catch 22 that because homosexuality was so frowned upon, homosexuals had to meet up in public toilets, hence making it even more frowned upon.
Are homosexuals really twice as dangerous to society as 2nd degree murderers?

There is the moral issue of homosexuality which troubles many clergymen. Oh, really?

The church sees homosexual tendency as blameless but it is a sin to act on it.
But the truth is that it will drive a man insane to not have physical expression of his sexuality.
And they don't want him to marry a woman and ruin 2 lives, do they?
No, they want him to be celibate and become a priest.

For those homosexuals who hanker for the (g)old(en) days when it was more underground.
Yes, you are craving sexual contact so badly that it drives you to public toilets and you get arrested and imprisoned and/or you spend lonely years and years feeling like an ostracized freak until you are seriously mentally fucked up - Yes take me back to those days please.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

When We Were Kings


El Bastardo Du Rosmonaux

if you are looking for just one then you will keep dropping people
with your shoulders slowing down your nose in a dalliance of goodies
today is fathers dale in el salvad or guatem a la lines and wickers
are a curtain raisin to the defibrillator minimal rusk possession

is a tent of the lawn once youve become the finish tart icicle all thats
left is treading water but file has a great ability of throwing curve
balls at you because we know nothing and i know nothing until the day
that we live and thatll be the day that i liverpudlian refused to save

hex with people who have tele vision pronto tonight i venture out to
hopefully meet a random stranger that will spend the rest of my life i
with but in all seriousness i have been excruciatingly lucky to have
even had a friend for the past twelve years but in some seriousness

if you dont think demetrius is absolutely gene then you are not exactly
the same snare as me good people are worse than bad people and stray
people are gatier than that gate persona worsted london paris madrid
barcelona rome milan munich berlin amsterdam thats a tour of europa 1

i wonder is it primarily the masculine guys who are into sticking their
dicks into holes that found it easiest to have sex with women when they
were younger two bearded men engaged in gentle affectionate kissing thats
something the world doesnt see enough of hunger saves lives of fun slowers
