Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"I don't like peas and I'm glad I don't like them because if I liked them I would eat them and I hate them" - Quentin Crisp

to be homosexuality at airports i love the way my stomach moves when someone four seats
away moves their leg slightly because the seats at cohorts are all connected unlike flight
the head looks totally separate the shading is the key how the light catching the body
defines the curves no real lines just tone changes the body doesnt have an edge you think

everyone has noticed the slightly red tint of my black soda being rumbled was my thirst
mistake rumbling was my my thirst gay groups of lads in vauxhall park it reminds me of the
teenage years when the most important thing was that you were part of a (the) cool group
and were in ok in the eyes of the group leader raising a family of children made out of

you and someone you like is the meaning of life apart from that life falls flat seamonsters
is an album i like a lot sound check by gorillaz gravity 4 clear melodies playing at once
dark brown dark red marooon dark green dark orange beige these are colours i like how did
england become so populous and ireland not maybe not so many of the how come dogs dont need

to wipe their arses or get married to have sex im not sure that younger generations dont
know what love is always ask yourself has the world changed or have i changed nappies often
we dont realise that we change as the years go by dont be too critical of them maybe love
doesnt exist maybe it never existed and now because sex is easier to attain people dont stay

with people for the sake of sex and call that love or also younger people have to live their
lives and learn from their mistakes just like you and i probably have enjoyed chatting with you
and he tells me the reason is coal people are conservative (in business) because of greed they
are getting huge earnings and are afraid a reduction might be forthcoming if they take a risk

so they take no risks of course this is a reference to people who produce art but arent artistic

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