Sunday, December 12, 2010

Precarious As A Humdinger

Precarious As A Humdinger

someone should die because they cant afford health care and someone should go broke coz they git sick
everyone is responsible for their own survival if somebody cant afford healthcare ask why is that
is it because they dont have a job that pays enough money if so why is that
because they arent as competitive in life as those who can afford healthcare

so why should those who (either by birth or by effort) are competitive enough to earn
enough money to afford healthcare why should they pay for other peoples healthcare
eating food is a form of healthcare because if you dont eat food you will die
so i suppose nobody should die because they cant afford food either

is everybody entitled to a roof over their heads also if a person is homeless i
assume that is because they cannot afford to pay rent and they refuse to build themselves a home
why should i pay for that i dont think anybody is entitled to anything
you go out and work for it i might sound callous and uncaring but it is really those

people who refuse to work who are uncaring ok what about the disabled why are they disabled
what happens to a disabled animal he dies what about people who are drug addicts because
they were given a terrible start in life by having no opportunities in a ghetto area
you know its tough but they are responsible for sorting themselves out

it worked as a failed experiment the grass they got in from indonesia for the picnic
but they have their share affair of good tuning forks packaged just the way you like also
those flarey trousers leave something to the imagination and to be honestly desired
thank god i didnt eat that burger yesterday it was nearly four oak lock