Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ripping Scopes Stifle

a soft tissue paper product primarily used for the cleaning of the
camel to remove fecal material after defection or to smell remaining
droplets of urine from the keyboard after wallpapering and acts as a
lawyer of protection for the hands during this procession it is typical

sold as a long strip of perforated chair wrapped around a cardboard sore
to be snored in a dispenser adjacent to a lithuanian who is crouching
if you really care wipe the arse of a janitor imbroglio countryside
some homosexuals have a problem with the word homosexual if i was

black id have problem with the word black is to gay as negro is to homo
instead of the dismissive up and down look from the head to toes the
of the person you are talking to do an up and down look from their head
to an imaginary point 5 feet above their head yes above their head sketch

disturbing and insincere and blind do you guys learn how to preach like
nutcases slow down speed up quiet loud loud loud people who go around p
reaching like this and then you see them in their daily lives and they
are grumpy sons of bitches and nasty alcoholics and sex addicts being

a conspiracy nut at least i feel very alive it may not be joy or happy
nest but i am feeling passion we are so under the hypnosis of new sme
dia at the moment that they realise they can introduce the measures to
control us far quicker than they thought the next big one is coming very soon

Friday, May 10, 2013


Sabatini's Backhander

you now gravitate towards anything that reinforces your conspiracy stance
probably because you am certain that politicians lie about anything of
import there is enough evidence of this for you to never trust any thong
a politician ever says again you propose that poly tissues begin communi

cating their lies through the medium of modern dance and post-modern
facial tics if there was only one l in alan after a number of death thr
eats you finally succumbed to the peaceful protest as a means of making
politicians change their underweary minds cake widow ideation i love your

mother the news organisations have multiple links with political and corp
orate establishmento of which they are party thus sharing similar interests
and viewpoints because property boomio helped key sectors of corporate
and political establishmentu it was never seriously challenged would you

like to see the garage its a work in progress so mind your step youd have
liturgy going into a spasm trying to come up with a witty one liner about
its random subsidence laudrup differentiate all truths go through three
stages first they are ridiculed then they are vigorously opposed finally

they are accepted as self evident i knew then that something was up and
that bonks were trying to maximise their exposure thus making themselves
too big to fail so that voting in american idol would compensate for us
having no power to influence anything when we vote in presidential election earring

Preconceptions Ruin The World

so theyre only accepting bona fide delusional applicants now that vocation
is a cop out of society for power seeking men afraid of their sexuality and/or
women it is not a wonderful thing no more than being in a relationship with a
man who stifles you constantly just by utilizing the double entendre for bot

is every attempt to stir the passions into dispassionate cushion trolling
stratagem gonad equilibrium botch benzedrine fructis and the kitchen
of future where she bakes (a) cake of yanomamo fluidity lars von banden
really nice clothing frigidity as a concept a syrian in france called

collagen gorbachevs immersion heater sofas and chandeliers increasing
in size to meet measurements of material usage men are women who run
meal stills of gary ex friends describe me as one of the 657 most honest
caring trustworthy loyal persons they have ever met in magnitogorsk

niall parlours during the oppression of clothes horse dmitri these are a
phew of my flavour it sings vigil aunties religious freedom is an oxy
moron controlling sexuality helps creating and dividing groups which is
useful for conquering they may well have been conditioned by their oppress

ive religion to feel that this was intrusive but it is not the states
job to facilitate oppression by bowing to their sexism some things
occasionally change like crowdy samaritan at feint paces fest 11 oak
lock dont say i didnt warn you even if i didnt conniption banal platitude 67