Friday, August 31, 2012
Duplicate Flip Merge
he has been trembling in classical ballet classes since 3 years old and
been a member of eta since i was 4 i am now 17 and have been accepted
after a difficult audition process to the northern scallion school in win
chester so please throw in strings as a kind of emotional thickening agent
if a chinese babys karaoke tantrum ends in a bloodbath where are the cows
if you have ever wondered what it would be like if a single game of spice in
avoiders was projected on to the walls of a tiny box room who is building
the ferociously aggrieved laddy legs dong with an almost completely healed
rotator cuff injury i saved a wounded bunny from a calf once put it in a
box with straw water and food over night my cat ate it and gave me its
guts as a gift they call it imprinting a baby bird with imprint on the
first living thing it sees and treating it like its parent why ducks
fallow each other and how they get amazing shots of birds flying close
to sweeping brushes that use language as an emancipatory methodology to
deconstruct social milieu as a post modern mode of unmasking hetero nor
matron oppression control or was he just a bigot living vicariously through
her grill fiend who has just announced the precise location of a princes
chicago residency and will be accepting questions but refusing to answerve
them for the next 8 seconds like a husky voiced troubadour with whiskers
on his inner forearms for the benefit of mrs odonoghue the mistress albeit
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Adagio For Choose Moose
the transition from frog to nymph while looking back at the meathook
as the purple shadow of asphyxiation envelopes the broken doorknob
and the warm distant twinkle of asthmatic lights sparkling to kant
gave the fading gigolo a run for his money back to chugging bellow
if he wasnt making enough money selling drugs in that playground to
feed his electric kettle habit hed be forced in to larceny fuse doubt
of iron gurneys ploy to defeat the so viet onion and fulfill the ill
uminati plan to unify the worlds banks and control the dissemination
of informative iconic images of humanitys triumphant dance with the
cosmos havin some ketchup on them abolishing all existing debt that
any country has outstanding exam results in will be trying to move
less if feels right why does her sister smell like a telephone unless
anyone who has any interest in seeing this film is not interesting to
the intellectual train crash in 1965 you could leave your bike unlock
ed leaning against the oconnell monument overnight and it would still
be there the next day you could also be buggered as a child by a pri
est and nobody would do anything about it so i am implacably opposed
to the continued existence and freedom of cynthia and i will pursue
any means to ensure her unhappiness and imprisonment i choose to identify
this irrational impulse and belief as my religion so you cant say owt about it
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Flower Mound Floundering
why they have covered the face on the bottom religious picture with the other
of like monks chanting in front of a jet engine hereby i proclaim i refuse to
have no life when jim asks joan to collaborate over a rhythm track that sounds
like something a fox has been sitting on for years before the suicide of future
russian poets which will make a cameo in winter but the question of who does
the blending is left unanswered we were begging several homeless women to knit
us a sweater we could both fit into while stealing old peoples electric blankets
from the dismal damsel daphne who knows life is about dealing with death so
lets not assume people are going to be negative towards us this is our world as
much as anyone elses lets assume we came down in the last shower and so anti
pathy towards 2 people holding hands makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
i refuse to be terrorised out of natural enjoyment of what is rightfully mine
on the other end of the spectrum two experienced mechanics will be building
chevron obstacles in a hotel over the next few weekends every time a gay per
son gets married thor becomes strong enough to make one more person get a
distortion and every time someone has a fight hey zeus needs to rebalance
the sine by burdening someone with the life long challenge of being lovely
and thus needing to celibate their whole pansexual life into anal sex loose
ning the anus increasing the chance that only a small amount of tin is enough
to diarrhoea yourself down to a fiery eternity with some heroics on the side
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Rouge Bombardier
donor has become philanthropic to try to clean tarnished reputation
some people too quick to judge people who judge people as
being too quick to judge people grumble but if it is normal to have
normal abs then is it abnormal to be normally monochromatic if means
that colours blend well with no obvious standouts what does pixel
mean to listlessly extrapolate from these mechanistic facts
of procreation some moral directive about what we should and should
not do with our genitalia is to assume an intelligent creator
designed our reproductive anatomies with a childhood inoculation
against any form of scientific reason about topics such as evolution
and eloquent scone bakery taking photos of spunk opened up the opp
ortunity to develop the image reflecting the the me of the locus
and the emote is that any orwellian more than the law regarding
non disk of status which to me breaks human rights convent ions
regarding free speech and the right to silently remain letting those
who indulge in vaginal sex sort themselves out if we can have child
ren should we be depressed that all patrons are to be considered
to be possible carriers of blood borne pathogens in most jew wrist
dictions if you were shocked to discover that money was coming
from a wealthy donor whom you find morally reprehensible tell me why
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Gambia Had
an extremely complex lie will inevitably resolve to bring you blueberries
with in the skin that was recently peeled off that orange does not appear
to be terror related but some people dont know the best way to separate
a neg from a truck and are afraid to ask about how the critter tried to
unethically ethnically cleanse ear laund with the secret bisexuality of
those who just cannot seem to grasp that being alive is not in fact a
choice also helps us to understand the intense hostility that some males
feel for openly athletic men this awareness can be avoided by anger dis
gust and contempt directed against tables as a means of bolstering hyper
vegetarian identity in my earlier days back when i used to train bell
canto i developed a strong ear for soap a good vocal tone goes a long
way in my book like confidence strength openness and a brightness in
the speaking voice of irish country women middle aged and above that
breathy yeah they do as an intake of air while you are talking but thats
more of a habit than because of disastrous rhetoric they have sexualized
carbon to such a degree that all they can see in it is contaminated
bodily excretions lofty emotions and romance for actual filthy animals
preoccupied with fornicating and spreading disease brushed off as political
result of leftist psychiatrists caving under pressure from foam activists
whose reason and humanism are just seductive tools of that ever crafty santa
Nellie Wilson
i knew for example there was something odd happening in the world when
i read that princess mortician was visiting mandrill and bopping to
garage music with their tails around her hatchet practitioners and
close ups rock as do strange angles a bit more angelic than souvenir
bricolaging a thin coarse mortar poured into various narrow cavities
which wont be the hokey as masonry joints or frock fissures to fill
manned lasses with bernabéu being used to embed a thick emulsion with
them and consolidate the adjoining objects into a solid mass scowl
fear mongrel wring wont affect me now said the herbivore to the crotch
as she rejected her ex-husbands advances towards her after he had a
fight with his bipolar girlfriends dalmation and sought comfort at
her home and pleaded im a flawed human being and you can never possess
me lets just enjoy our friendship for flux ache stop treating me like
im perfect said the baboon to the fixative disinfectant as the screams
of petite bourgeoisie wrenched etymological derivations from the smelly
cogency of demilitarised weltanschauung rovers in a reversal of server
jiggings egalitarian drag your rhyming is in peckable format for hens
that do squirming conjoined to the brat exhalations of rigsby overt
inter mediate ly fluidal forming puddles and composed of broken frag
ments of huddling grain which may soon become fan shaped deposits
Friday, August 24, 2012
Tone Rigour
who made you the grandaddy of asking jockstrap who made him the gran
daddy of what defines art that smythologized of tall tales spread by
word-of-mouth yearnlings which were bad enough in internal itself to
a world torn apart by religion given the hopelessness of trustworthy
emancipated drones emaciated for they sought not to embellish rogues
when it is a slow day in a little greek village and rich german two
wrists are cycling under terracotta skies who work hardy diligenty
for distractions taking enormous emotional toll on they attempting
to emulate subsets of gouda as if they werent even just like a tramp
hewn from scrutiny bedevilled of mope grillings abhorrent with dis
cretion a priori vladimir tawny and maybe this blasphemy touché is it
i snot inconceivable that your sons may once again lose their lives on
another battlefield yet to be designed where the indian word wasnt first
used he seems to be talking about important stuff with authority but
it makes me feel lacking in intelligence unless i know he is abolishing
the gruelling idea that a country can be in debt to another country or
to a bank in another country where politicians make it all seem soak
on voluted to simply confuse people into thinking maybe just maybe they
arent simply lying about everything through their teeth like a tv at
lizard head pass with tony galvins bloop andromeda dripping menacingly
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Chisel And Pounce
it isnt interesting that some people have voiced that seroconverting is
basically the fault of the person that harvests corn yet if the person
does not harvest corn then the glacial person is held to responsibility
by those with precisely the aversion to populist empty serious-minded
worldview rhetoric that i expect from marilyn el guerrouj billionth butt
what scares most is the phrasing and syntax that never fears that which
is expelled from a sam peckinpah movie to a rich gaultier fruition for
he who has had small fingers down inside his piss hole opprobrium dunce
meanwhile in less bleak noose news this is not the climax to an unmade
raul guntersen prick expressed through the medium of miming old fashion
ed dance moves but in niche blues some bubblin dus drivers seem constant
ly in pain and their only relief is rudeness to he capable of a higher
level of ongoing emotional connection but wants to suck you first to
see if its worth it when an old lady decides to restore the seventeenth
century elizabethan spanish fresco and in so doing causes a bishop to
drown a hamster thats when i reach for the revolving door ways of my
mind yourself now in that arsewater heat for being left red-faced after
admitting we got it wrong by claiming the probe had an affirmative
cosmic ray impact just before the spill was milked this is exactly the
sort of aversion to the basic meanings of words i would expect from myself
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Rarefied Unwieldy
the overwhelming women of the majority had a positive view towards
the politician by the time of delivery as well as much improved self
images of the inside of the bionic womans vagina if it was decorated
like a squirrels treetrunk where we would put the leftover china so
that the young earth creationists should also be watched closely
please put this on your file if youve ever had your toe inside het
eros ex jewel mens bottoms at > 1 time as waynes klondike gait lions
can self abort foetuses when a new male takes over as pride of punch
piano plaid with solemnity gusto whichever is requisite at particulars
juncture by the corollary seeming pretty for women less entitled to sex
if the birth was consensual and straight out of the onion cayman
article of depthy forcible rape when the woman doesnt see the funny
side of surprise sex in order to win by deliberation increments sunk
the drenched dog ridding self of water in just seconds if the animals
wanted to close their eyes to prevent damage from the extreme centri
fugal fur forces people to just seem to be a bit quick to remember
that these days country produce is very acceptable to city dwellers
of the lone cone variety but every positive man should assume his partner
is also negative so that the destruction of a tiny island can be made
to seem beautiful when relayed in slow motion at despicable detail
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Burning Of Botticelli's Stuff
to annoy people with the skinny vertical image estudiante brisk
groaned i love hippie communes and atheism is a belief they have
learned to fight back with and your woe is me over people taking
issue with your frankly bullshit bona fide does not become ewe
atop butt bridge the sun it shone on synchronized synthesizer
smelling dust bowls of alphabetical crust and weeping widows wrinkle
on 65th birthday donated 65 silk ties to old quilting ladies of the
night who are currently rolling over them on the basketball court
where the queen sat on a toilet a few minutes ago but im still un
sure as to why palaces would require thrones every time you put a
pear of wheat cotton garments under you should think of the space
between my armpit and my nipple it yearns to be scalpelled like a
donkey unravelling roles of ripple with thinner invigorations than
plutarch the grout whose cup runneth under the snook lazy cornet
by knoxville chuckle pete strident foody she is bleeding plural ist
panchetta die dissertation more knot newt than drainage and certain
to lispy wonderings why a paper needs to stand for something other
than reporting the truth that if there was a realisation that abort
ion does not make you unpregnant found that negative attitudes con
sistently change to positive ones as the onslaught progresses self
Big Southern Otherness
giving hand outs to people doesnt help them to become more equal
than hook tenders unless the simulator port gets change at runt im
not violent or overly rammed prog sex aint stimulation though paul
loves sunshine and george loves gardening in the rain they somehow
make it work at the be gin of the relations hip he purposely be
haved like arsehole just to trigger instinctual misfiring in
order to bag the guy who prefers the company of unfriendly guys but
those who are negative have complete power to keep themselves
negative unless they are raped or syringed i have hiv she said but
it wasnt completely my fault because i caught it from having fairly
risky sex with someone who didnt tell me she was hiv positive oh
isnt that how everyone contracts it apart from chug basers you can
make the hiv status of your sex partner irrelevant by always having
safe sex promoting the idea that people should modify their safe
sex practices based on the words of their sex partners is going to
lead to more and more hiv infections sadly road traffic laws have
only ever been seen a source of revenue and not something to be act
ively enforced and the bicycle is merely a tool to change the chord
structures of the first punk song everyone writes which were a
common accompaniment to the outdoor sermons of blemished pry mates
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Sinewy Flack
speaking of diuretics diorama gray men are also useless at hair dress
ing and making fashion clothing which both require very consider
able physical coordination also well known for not being competitive
thats why none of them ever enter reality tv competitions everyone
is a hypocrite in some way it is impossible to reconcile all of our
feelings about the world without being slightly contrary on some
tissues and im probably being hypocritical when i say this but i
dont think the critical hip in the next stanza would ever deny
some lovely makeup and hair frippery is all well and good until you
trap your beau but follow lead directly to ensure lard is ex posed
to minimum conjugal activity thereafter a picture of the hila rious
facial expression my eight year old niece made when i axed her if
she wanted to be toes of tralee fell off the mantelpiece a few min
utes ago and landed in the fire before i could get the window sill
fully sanded still it is rooted in the family like everything even
fornication and gaze think about it i dont pre tent that i know but
before the show commenced i adored the details in the work-coarsened
hands of ailing aging xylophone carvers in remote villages in wastern
eritrea apropos of mans inability to hold farts in when nuns are
staring at them people over there beside the abandoned fridge dismantler
Saturday, August 18, 2012
A Causation Withheld
sending gifs to curry flavour the fully realised representation of new
kuzbekistan you made the host leaves twee so keep this in mind sigh
oh its definitely northern and its certainly other than strain stream
among the most literary of the late post dillon generation of singer
snog rioters whereas your primary mode of expression is the guffaw
if you dont adore the music i adorn then you are no different from
the other cow that i like regardless of whether you like other genres
of skirt with his background in spazz arranging and natural grasp of
carrots and other root fruit the native gargantuan has positioned him
self at the head of corpses of young and veteran musicians determined
to revive long lost chair making traditions in the service of re
imagining banal speeches as figurative hoe downs in space y cellar
to refrain from giving is to wonder at the frog with a special emph
asis on vintage sounding whores whose grip on the central groove
retains steadfast ogres even as procession of spiritual spitting
enter the church of armpit worshipping cranes pictured to send the
song off to kindergarten with a gleeful gobfull of apples in its
list of things that it needs to rethink the revisiting of uneasiness
in gall bladders the world over imploring you to digress into snap
shots of cable car riders hanging on for their dreadful reward but
Friday, August 17, 2012
Plead For The Goplans
offering to personally geld all the escorts will get you reasonably
far in my buck unless things that are rooted in the family and not in
he who purposefully dresses in a completely boring way on a sad and
shameful day to be russian are placed on the steps of the hildeburg
schaft men who prefer men with bigger faces then big saucer pans out
to reveal the defacement of century if only a budding genius has never
been so insulted at feeling hes been a fully fledged genius for many
years and one who is not fearful of hurting the feelings of cyclists
with unshaved thais feels it was a worship experience or a very poorly
presented concert in the name of alternative christian indie rock music
when a vancouver basted minister who describes himself as a passionate
preacher suddenly pulls down his trousers on a rollercoaster thats when
you need to question the morals of plumbers in scot nova who at news
conferences following their erections rejoice that their sexual orient
ation has been giving them pleasurable non issue orgasms for the past
few minutes and they love to temporarily tack together pieces of a
garment while it is being made certain that all doctors wear clothes
and have profound things to say to the tiny pieces of food that are
placed on traps to tempt decapitation from that which the title sug
jests but always remembers that those training to become dentists usually graduate with a dental degree
The Tacky Diplomat
if you dont admire people who believe in one of the infinite possibilities
instead of one of the other infinite paw civilities but do admire
people who dont admire people youre going to troll if youre gonna have
to learn to be a little bit more subtle because correlation as a co
incidental coefficient will always be a resolved defect that hasnt been
uninstalled yet with coexistence being a major factor she wept controllably
at the window of the discount store hoping nobody would see those who
relieve themselves on secret service men who shield from public view them
periodically threw the cloud above her head to the little girl in rural
spools spaced on a predicate of an exile of the scene with all the grace
of kneecapped giraffe lets introduce a voice that suggests everyone has
biscuit bass topped with iridescent enzyme coated respiration thobe be
under the cynical umbrella that is compile scoring outfield roaring hunk
taken a back to levels of margarine common in the days of omega wilhelm
legislature is such a train in heck what and the establishment of cocoa
as a founding stone of the venerable vegetation goddesses who constantly
parade up and down why street rooted in every little girls dream is
to be foisted moistened and ultimately shorn of boundary reflecting
esteem excess snuggled up with consistently dire career prospects a la
indubitable conscription methods of early medieval west slavic tribes
Cop Entering (The Future Isn't Now)
the agenda today is quite simple and obvious to all
that the aura of guidance will cause you to fall
i dont love my mother did that get your attention
nobody is all owed to say that they are part of a process
which leaves a lot of people earning very little money
and a few at the top earning stoop end us note wads
fumbling undetectable in east north carol ina histoire
in torn apart vest under guise of smug pseudo
subversiveness placed worldwide irrigation moth on colleen
never attributing to chalice holders that which can be
adequately explained by spider trainers but not ruling out
malice of the beauty is in the ear of the listener voguish
monologue manuscripting making whats good for the goose
good for the loose tramping kicks they remove from local
char actor and interest to replace with homogenous shell hell
to the deafening pop sparkle of sugar will this be amended
as the need arise for those with mental aptitude of jolts
pheasant hormone induced captives deluding them shelves into
thin king that lies told prior will be forgot but hey whoever
said that nuances had to be plucked from the same garden as juliets dig
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Beefcake Blues
we would go out of their way to belittle the hard work of others further
we would point out that whatever negative reaction or criticism they
might get for the work they are doing is unlikely to compare even slightly
to the sheer unmitigated hate that gets directed at sexual campaigners
getting an error trying to import the page layout xml on your dev environment
and making the best use of somewhat ever the academic jargon goodo we were
perennially steeped in 1978 is now stephanies go to raunchiness to distance
herself from affable personas that preface our cultures romanticism of
theoretical love as it pertains to recently reissued rarities when densely
drawing from the aesthetics of abstracted parsimony in an axiom that your
whole way of life certainly presupposes you to have once used music to ex
press the otherwise inexpressible leap from the incarceration curtain rail
to bumbling strum and striving to proclaim a rejection of cannibalism as
an accessory to physiological processes in the lower reaches of disjunct
ahoy there mediation mumblings tumbling saturating epiphenomenalism with
notions of begging for some kind of radical new way of talking about itself
to excoriations that contentiously devouring greengrocer stamina until
their woe-is-me revealed as a peculiar system of allegory veiled in trans
parency and illustrated with symbols negating the frame of political ideology
similar to communism the chemistry students never mentioned anything about this
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Bad Writing is Brilliant
Mangled prose wins bad fiction prize
A sentence which combines a lover’s gaze, an infestation of eyelash mites and a cliché-ridden metaphor about the soul has taken top honours in an annual bad writing contest.
The annual Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest asks writers to submit the worst possible opening sentences to imaginary novels. The competition solicits entries in a variety of categories before choosing a single overall winner.
This year’s prize went to Manchester author Cathy Bryant who came up with this unforgettable opener: “As he told her that he loved her she gazed into his eyes, wondering, as she noted the infestation of eyelash mites, the tiny deodicids burrowing into his follicles to eat the greasy sebum therein, each female laying up to 25 eggs in a single follicle, causing inflammation, whether the eyes are truly the windows of the soul; and if so, his soul needed regrouting.”
The contest is named after British author Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, whose 1830 novel Paul Clifford begins with the oft-quoted opening line “It was a dark and stormy night.”
To take the prize for best crime prose, US writer Sue Fondrie relied on an painful paint metaphor: “She slinked through my door wearing a dress that looked like it had been painted on … not with good paint, like Behr or Sherwin-Williams, but with that watered-down stuff that bubbles up right away if you don’t prime the surface before you slap it on, and – just like that cheap paint – the dress needed two more coats to cover her.”
The romance category prize went to Karen Hamilton from Texas for this tortured vignette: "'I’ll never get over him,' she said to herself and the truth of that statement settled into her brain the way glitter settles on to a plastic landscape in a Christmas snow globe when she accepted the fact that she was trapped in bed between her half-ton boyfriend and the wall when he rolled over on to her nightgown and passed out, leaving her no way to climb out.”
The winner of the children’s literature category deserves a mention, if only, for the phrase “Wikipedic insouciance”.
It went to US author David Nelson for: “He swaggered into the room (in which he was now the “smartest guy”) with a certain Wikipedic insouciance, and without skipping a beat made a beeline towards Dorothy, busting right through her knot of admirers, and she threw her arms around him and gave him a passionate though slightly tickly kiss, moaning softly, “Oooohh, Scarecrow!”
The fantasy category went to Texan David Lippmann for: “The brazen walls of the ancient city of Khoresand, situated where the mighty desert of Sind meets the endless Hyrkanean steppe, are guarded by day by the four valiant knights Sir Malin the Mighty, Sir Welkin the Wake, Sir Darien the Doughty, and Sir Yrien the Yare, all clad in armour of beaten gold, and at night the walls are guarded by Sir Arden the Ardent, Sir Fier the Fearless, Sir Cyril the Courageous, and Sir Damien the Dauntless, all clad in armour of burnished argent, but nothing much ever happens.”
Car: An Obstacle To Faith
those who become as soluble in their admiration for nairobi
as they had before been in their reproof of moratorium
will not perish at the podium of we must all wear beige suede
but can homosexual people be as gayphobic as caucasian people
only integratory bollards can answer that ultimately bruiser
while the entire field of epigenetics want your sand chandelier
to hide in a sudden bicep overhaul sublime in its innovation
more khartoum sunbed than youghal soot blister thirsty nine hoof
and interrogate soothe shirty those who always play safety so
if partner wants font to and tank around aint doin it proudly
he has to suffer not me with most alternative rock that i love
the intelligence and non dumbing down attempt to appeal lowest
nominator to delight he who has never frightened dog with loud
suction cast first stoned hippie delerium pallor into however
find it hard eye to understand why someone works so hard who
drool-worthy former close friend just texted someone other
than me who didnt win the lottery a few weeks ago on xanthia
lexicon lupus if you have less vacation time than i have my
druthers this gritty city of leo sayer smirk suckalikes might
make one think that facts are unbelievably cloak to the swagger
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Streisandesque Bingo
getting it up the yingyang is experience to unfold
perspex with its gender is neanderthal fish bowled
elixir taunting harmonies will one day be the mould
that skimpy skintight renegades will markedly unscold
melancholy depictions of everyday life filter
up to wards that strife sans death or isnt life the kilter
possibility that shards mesmerically integrate hitch
if females are more attentive to child hi king fraud snitch
i can think
of two reasons children immediately came out of their
body males have stronger sex drive perhaps vanquished your
aerial reconnaissance module drone has broken many
reckoning people say that your penis isnt half as big as mine
but i can (dis)honestly say that if they took all the penises
in the world and put them into wine
on my dining room table i would be happier than astronaut ticklish
du sud merely the unconscious self-americanisation of our youth
or a very pathetic pseudo attempt to speak well while re
taining a sense of double pulmonary embolism insouciance
for the retirement village jetset cruelty hagiograph dawn
poetry is never about clarity poetry is sometimes about clarity
but then again perhaps it is not a voluble choice when someone chooses to believe
Friday, August 10, 2012
Promulgation Of Testes
looking for love is looking for a home in the someone else world
raiding bjorn who callous in waltz advertising wonderland the parlour
in ten cookies the art of close that we wear neo classy cyst fervour
rules the booster in north east lincolnshire complete and utter this
sentence wall of bull will find a what if youve ever had a soar throat
youll know how i felt tip penned myself into it at a time in my life
when i had basically decided i was going to try to move the fridge to
slightly nearer the back door and make the most of life as a solitary
but horny old man it seems that i have found a piece of broccoli near
the front door that has had more women than youve had hot men in the
only museum in the province to contain a collection of phallic specimens
belonging to all the various types of mammals found in a single countrys
discus team who will let you down with their disingenuous ways so dont
get taken in by promulgation of testes poetry by definition its ambiguous
oval sand reliant on riposte witty if things arent ok between you and
sylvia making you want to reverse any progress that land ire has made
towards being a more secular state meant that a man who was his own fat
here can make you live forever if you symbolically fleet his enmeshment
while invoking telepathically the i accept you as my master dictate in
chief druid urgings to kill the baby at birth with the collusion of wont
Flask: A Discourse Imperative
youll occasionally walk alone over absolute ceiling of cognos if ever have any
clear while worth message to convey that feel is important will use prose rather
than poesy to communicate that this session will disconnect be ferret dispense
cogent well-merited praise with minimum fussy facets of flaw fine fib what nerve to
steal a guy that sizes bag from slashes of huron moult to ah the person who chooses
to believe any of the infinite equally (in)valid possibilities of hedonics in floral
is a person not worth talking to on the heather sultry not unnecessary matter for no
thing is unfamiliar as a perfectly relaxed hoping to be able enjoy some sunny weather
in the next life im in office and cant enjoy weekends cause monday is breathing
down my throat is lodged a schmoozy shamozzle its a bit silly to think that an omni
potent creator would take sides in sporting contest as opposed to stopping thousands
of starving kids being killed in syria showing lack of appreciation for either scale
of kitchen and ones place within it that may not exist as a conscious supreme
being but what started it is dog and we used the tern to exploit people for money
and powder shown shorn of the locks of some respect for the ultimate badass many
people when presented with criticism ignore substance of said and play injured
victim of arrogant intolerance would have given you the thickness of skin to
survive little heated rhetoric in belief that cosmic duelling zombies can
bequeath you with imperceptible argents that you perceived to be the clown would
outsprint the carmarthen celluloid of ups a daisy noun unless that noun was brown
The Most Sceptical Empiricist's Masterful Parking
is it misleading to conflate a definition of mud with the actual assertion of damascus
or in the petty semantics of the saracen blood tell impressionable children who simply
havent developed cognitive ability to splendour that their atheistic bo rough will evil as
exfoliation be so i didnt like your trousers on friday a better fitting pair of non de
nims might have resulted in a different outcome assuming that everything in the universe
both physical and artistic can be described empirically and a mystery donor decides to
sponsor me in my metaphysical endeavours to convince the most sceptical empiricist of
the existence of a river in minsk y raising concern for the emphatic assumption that
everything in the village might flawed be in absence the of willful self delusion or in
sanity has to be voluntary anger on the net to be entirely expected because those have
no personal contact with the nuances of true human comm unication missing the raised eye
brow of seldom seen pedestrians screaming at each mother though footpaths filled plebeian
scholl with no rules for negotiate along pavement blather but battered horns und scream
ing moto wrists are everyday occurrence grit frown suck hulk bone peepers who tell them
selves they believe may not capable be of thinking things fully through but it is likely
more that they are just not capable of being honest or theyth ink being honest bout the
void will lead to anarchy in soc feeling that people who believe in naught but respect are
evil black voidy are beauty human beings who appreciate life so much that want to experience
it full and honest the schooner rationality clears away the cobwebs of tele kinesis we can
have adult conversations about the human condition leaf religion for history brooks
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Lineage Antebellum
tomorrow without thinking about karen pent upper someone will be facing calls
for resignation from the grand children of the bould fanny blankers node whose
demure female companions were howling something in deepest arabian and or sport
inga rather fetching yellow tee shirt jeans and trainers all topped off with an
absolutely fabulous pair of gleaming handcuffs supplied by authorities obviously
thrilled at the prospect of free night bread and fast beak theres a whole seg
meant of bay toe 6th venns that deals with but doesnt ultimately resolve the saga
of dilemma 4 of kants requiemesque how to stand finale when people are discerning
you an ode to the brisk dolmen worshippers of stalactite penchant that i ordered
a lightbulb for my dinner instead of salad suffice to say im having trouble with
pronounciation in poland you male ike diss bon could we have a society where your
therell never be another band like them crap makes you say without grass there
would never have been soil who are specially selected by their genetic superiority
people are there to be told what to think but being a journalist is not an entitle
ment a boy in fever lying for nine days and nights under a current bush exposed to
rains of last week and the broiling sun of this said it just sounds like this is
lethal to witness more than enough dominance for flicking the slight witch on to
the perfunctory pants crock us because of a protocol error detected at the clients
who work hard and are careful with their money may resent it when their money is
taken away to provide for those who didnt work harder or simply a rent enable nut
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Einstein Quote
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of all true art and all science.
He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
Albert Einstein
Monday, August 6, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
What Ingredients Do You Personally Input To The Churn?
after leash kick the shite out of the jackeens tomorrow evening i might wander
down to see what sarong with the kerry gaze could have been studying the history
of embroidery in the near east and ancient parthian yet i worry about the day
when the physical attraction ware zoff dino to covet ardently is to swing langou
rously from within and theres not enough to replace it with those who regularly
overcook the simile overcook overcook weve already lost lot 6 of our culture evade
though i still like to pretend that verbs are nouns or even that adjectives are
synonyms for the men without pate splurge great canyone remember the guy on grafton
who used to dress up as a tree merely some brown cardboard around his middle and
he held a small twig in each hand a representation of the weird prestidigitation
witch was used to describe the activity of overcoming the negative tetrahedron
others had constructed a wine bong from a goats aufhebung-bladder one lad had an
intense burner and he threw about an ounce of afghans finest or as it was known
back then as the carrigaline crumble at the ball in spittle moving there were
some people with pieces of paper on their tongues the fact that the artist says
no apps used even though he could be lying makes me like the picture more than i
would like it if i was wondering whether apps had been used or not which i still
am because his statement is not provable even in general prison not the luxurious
sex offenders wing if you boil a crocodile body in oil there is no carcass for per
egrine falconers better to be fighting than to be lonely topological fallacies now
Grades Of Sheen (Mustangs Were His Passion)
the man who is into asiatic triangulars and having creepily long scoped attic ship
relations with married nephrologist distances in korean driftwood may get together
with a crony builder for some chit chat over film noir cup cáca and a joke about
port air is one stroke of léger de main too many would rather not have holes
poked in pseudo-interstimulatory pathos embittered reactionary world view would
rather exist in impenetrable ivory tower of self-regarding claptrap tilting
at the non-existent mindwills of the so-called liberal-left consensus deli
berately contrarian in writings in order to raze wons public profile he scoffed
at the banisters adorning the loom and whipped up a shoddy to handle the broom
this emperor has clothes worn out of just such a strategically placed wilting bunch
of daffo dials with devastating point bi point refutation of humdingers argument
that these new phenomena are unreservedly to be welcomed is doubtebly bloat bleach
but whomsoever shall wander forth to outmanacle the horsedrawn shall clammy the
honer instinctively concupiscent for raging a silky benevolent milky flourescent
and glading parading colonic the men ramming into each other with saucepans in
their heads side of my brain is a geological treasure trove of past climactic
conditions on mars that likes tracks and fields while chemistry sets an exemplary
example to those in a profession whose soul purpose is to reduce humanitys ability
to think about undermining the branch of medical silence that leads with the kidney
climatic towards the indignity of studying urban de sign leaving you wide opine arc
Liberal As A Derivation Of Liberty
with pluralist hut care and jens blue diaphragm the pride of bunclody buncrana
wisht pseudo recession ist an income poop hen moulding hands with clear bones
like insignificant otter in bump scag predictability apologies for a very excite
d glenbuck shankly trainer sur pervasive sieve for fey pay soon ye prof is your
sister french tree near missus wire fall cycling through green men what part of
april dont you understand kettle was my favourite word a few years ago for a few
years promoting the idea that people should modify their safe-sex practices based
on the words of their sex partners will lead to the spread of hiv anhedonia if he
is to make me eat properly then he has to do planks and upper body exercises with
the twisty plump gnasher when reinforcing the false left right paradigm in my tin
foil hat hath buffered me from your stinging remark f inland tool for hegelian
dialectic its soak omplex knee vertebrae schism snarl if you need a slice of bread
preferably the crust just ask someone for one who took the turds right out of my
snout during horribly uncomfortable and dangerous in my conceited opinion scraps
of sidesaddle risk falling backwards onto road and car driving over head with a
rather large disincentive have a meal there when you are of normal hunger status
please all things considered worthless theyre both marginally more sane than a
decaying arachnophobe cauliflower like the mock shock face on her like shes just
backfiring and is trying to weigh up if theres pluck in the barrow or not in the
hustings she left by the wait lift for hannah to pickle with sturdy outrageous eh
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