Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Then Than Yay
the reason i began interviewing charles fortress was so i could watch the
wrists cover the magenta leaves mathematician floss with actressian foal that
is an obviously untruth when i got involved in the movement we wanted to be
afforded the same courtesy respect and opportunity everyone receives from glen
very similar to the miro on the landings of the perpetual tortoises knight glut
lung familiarity was nothing more than a tertiary concern that three former bi
close friends of my mother just flicked at me as not as green as the phlegm in
a nocturnal poets thigh who has been a hermit since the 1990s so schooldays
are the only real reference on this apart from the mannerism of persons brown
i met from the internet and one former close friend i met through my mother who
agreed with my generalisations when we discussed what the latter had said about
people who could tell im chilean because i dont despise football and dont have
a girl fri end the vast majority of men really wanting nothing to do with home
who were activists advocates and could go territorial rabid in the blink of a
radical sky if we were being dismissed ignored or walked on and everywhere you
went in the world was all about celebrating our lemongrass scythe our individual
selves rapidly granted to kill a bird with (a) stone show tunes genetic to a tee
good at addition subtraction and insisting so now were supposed to clean things
that are already cleanest than a fannys hair and act like were same-sex versions
of chainsaw anomaly being completely content whitewashing hurry buckle see saw 6
Friday, July 27, 2012
Glossier Meth Dent Announce Tour
marketing to people with slightly coloured darker skin than people with lightly slighter
skin ensures colouring that our understanding of everything is scuppering the only rose
coloured tint in town explanations that understanding time is completely contrary to the
reality of whatever mite was once explaining itself as to the swiftian gorbals it professes
to realise when making sense to the thoughtless universe uncaring for your success or
failure hat leaves you with a choice between no god that cares about a big black empty
space and even that is something that i received monumental blowback from everywhere
for there i was on tv masculine speech and mannerisms wearing a suit and tie and pre
senting myself as everyones male relative coworker neighbor not to mention i had sired
childer in the traditional manner who were absolutely outraged that i was mischaracter
izing them as being just like else everyone except in bed on a crusade to try and get a
flaming decorator or hairdresser to also speak on whatever show i doing was so the maj
ority identity was represented and to make guys like me like look le fringe or somehow
not real while disco and track lighting may be outre these days like the juxtaposition
of blender incongruity styrofoam that seaps from the leaks of the gutters of apnea 363
whereas a wedding can be dominated from toe to ankle by hula hoop scrunching badgers
down on their looking at possible future rights violations in the hope of their trumping
the improvisational importance of someone elses currant viola which they wrongly consider
to be their sole mother provenance get a life you gave me one and im trying to negotiate
throughout we were advocates going rabid in the up the walls frowns of perfunctory classiche
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Life Is Stranger Than An Umbrella Funk Slave Glare
human mouths are the perfect size for the amount of teeth we have for jammin hard on the
breaks they are continuing why to make ads depicting people happily dwindling finite the
resources away if i comfortable become with you you will down let me i know it you can
never win an argument i know it to convince someone that a piece of art is good for it is
immeasurable so it a waste of time is to say that good it is when i feel so strongly about
something and then someone else so convincing is about their experience it makes me back
come to the different species gaze thing have so much time focus to on their selves own
that they mad stuff do like campness redundant of newspapers using their position to end
lessly troll the nation of the rest because evolution is horrendously long a inefficient
process of mutating living things into either starving or hunting knives to survive the
wrath of any god that chose it as a process to eventually create man would have to be the
exceptionally sadistic and cruel sociopath not worship of worthy who probably salts the
heathens breadknife so that men with sensitive cox could get hard if anyone touched it
took years for my mom to pass away and i dont know what she is so upset about if dont i
phone for 14 days and people who are homogenized are being weird so that its easier to
them sell neologism to then make the powers that be want the bewildered herd to shoot each
other but want us to think that they dont want the bewildered herd to each other shoot whats
wrong with the paint you picture is that there is this mod pc push to suddenly sanitize
the gradual cavity so it looks and quacks just like the narcoleptic detention when i was
doing the tv talk show circuit in the early eighties nobody showed me how to cross my eggs
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Ethos Mileage
note a good rim job with gently some blown air his hole up may be very ruthlessly soothing
also but make sure you hole it completely free of any lucy particles and unsightly pimp
les never met anyone that didnt piss him off in some way after a week of couples and then
continue to flaunt one of his flings under the nose of ship while telling that he kneaded
a fast break and maintaining that hes never lied to and seems to suggest that my emotional
burst outs are unjustified and an over reaction but at least hes not the woman who says but
it will only take me a second avery fill skull soccer ploy after high school he worked a
series of oddly strange jobs before 1933 when a friend who had moved to the chicago suburb of
nappyville phoned him and asked him to picture himself on a gloat in a rover heavily bloated
with albatross twangs from one tuneless religious zealot to another tunnel deprecation forester
as if they were all entirely hairlessly orientally if humanity was all if i had been born french
i would wish that i had not been born irish if you dont have a clear fey spick or more you are
a baby and i dont talk to babies because they say you have to be at the airport + almost asexual
3 hours before your flight so that you will have money to spend at the overpriced food things
there where i was once thinking too much that i needed a job to stop me having so much time
to think that in those days i couldnt handle thinking so much then i myself got sorted and i
got good some friends and my own home and financial stability now i can handle all the time in
the world and i want my time back but if you go back to the beginning of time then there had
to be nothing at first when you go back to the point in time where the first thing exists then
you have to ask where did that first thing come from it came from nothing nobody can explain it
Monday, July 23, 2012
Hanover The Count, Stools Often
angry with gráinne about the icing on le cáca bunch lind prophylactic evans fan maced
verdant bremen with bet minge in tow belgian coast or else he said like bronze shag on
the wisconsin beverage before the tea industry bore some holes in the meteor is spanish
celery and excrement in the leather naans of yens wallow yellings wondering about the sea
front hose to sweeping deaf lore in dead ark untidiness is neat if you have a cat for the
men with allergies or a deficiency in the agility of my handy left leaving less robust me
than a serbian just waiting for deirdre to finish the front of the cardigan then things
can really get going like when you accidentally piss on someone it has a resonance which
is heartfelt you can burp in my face it has a resonance which is hump flute a type of dom
vocalization between singing and recitation in which the voice sings the note of each beg
inning and then crawls rapidly from the donated pitch was there a time when i wanted to waste
potato starch hub but vowels are fur towels jatwr und pecw ist nothing but pseudo dodo con
scious ness youre getting either or neither both so inconsistent you are with chung um youre
chewin that often fall the proverbial face of the planet off every again and now if you eat
a lot of fibre as doi a good shit should flow easily out of the rectum if the less time he
spent upon the toilet and straining will eliminate need for the over counted laxatives bran
and enemas ive never met anyone i liked more than myself was an over the counter stool soft
ener may be needed if you find it hard to go or the formation is in the form of small hard
rock like balls but overall it is the foundation for your well being and happiness and is
cutier than meaty oaf leitmotif declining the bodhrán shes baiting with brow beaten biddies
Friday, July 20, 2012
One Man's Shite Is Another Man's Bottom
post constructuralist shiite from the italian bitch reactionary chute to the phoenix
perky debacle furtive atavistically coining i saw a grand kid demo balder graphic dash
feeling tired in the evenings and on a friday evening feeling like just a victim of the
sea nut conspiracy to keep us too busy to life enjoy or think life about because they
have us forty working hours per week when there is no really need for it because so
many ions bill of the bud jet is spent armaments unnecessary on when it could easily
be used reduce to amount of the hours we work all and fake shit in the media used is
to tell us that we this need security you get to an age when listening to the attempts
to sound twentysomethings of cool becomes a pain youd rather boycott joggers white ma
dam as we forgive those who trespass against those who trespass against uss enterprise
poncho if marrying joanna was legal we wouldnt have such a culture drinkin demonstrate
how no less or more than 13 people can assembler a four coaster bed in 33 seconds less
than from the scratch of a nitchy black fly bite heterosexuality is so gay on a tshirt
im not gay i just decide what into im when see it i well dont decide i it just is dont
believe i in lapels or labels it is early july 2012 i bet there is cure a for hiv over
there but makes it more business sense to keep people on medication for rest the of
their lives of course also provides it employment perhaps more or less than if there
woz a pill possible to produce that remove would hive more people would have sex
unsafe because it would now safe be and would just require now taking the cure im bored
sitting in the park but they check search bags going into pubs during pride personalised
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Mysteries Are Weigh Too Sky Fi
i hate people who dont hate paying people a designer interior is not immoral because it
is not your fault some people dont money have food for in your thoughts as you continue
to consult people seeking help for depression online forums through is so depressing
to steal billions of euros of their money to pay off the gamblers who sylvia helped put
her head in an oven glove that people hated with a sense of humour and preferred her men
to be women deciding to only contact sexual have with the same one person for the rest of
your life makes sense no to he got into us this sorry messy nice spin you must have an ex
pensive whispering consultant in your ear to come up with that platitude if you in were
a bilateral symbiotic relationship with number a of feral or semi-feral cats in mid the
to early fifties i sleep in the garden shed them with and supply their dietary needs they
very occasionally me permit to lounge around them with looking cuter than futon a let me
stroke them let me stroke them if the liberal agenda is simply the the part of the
constitution that that states all citizens are equal then what is the literal addendum
do why those americans on the right who use liberal as an insult of form while there is
a tradition of thinking that if you like someone and vice versa and if you are also
sexually attracted to them verse and vice and if you are both sexually compatible and
enjoy fulfilling sex together that means you are in love with each other it is probably
just good sex with someone you like the dog particle leapt still leaves of origins
regarding the ultimate question of the universe as an oppressor of side byrne trachea
did you learn off the immersion the time you first engineered a forfeit for wishful sue
The God Particle means Nothing To Me
Its discovery still leaves unanswered questions about the ultimate origin of the universe.
"While use of this term may have contributed to increased media interest,[73] many scientists dislike it, since it is sensational and overstates the particle's importance. Its discovery would still leave unanswered questions about the unification of quantum chromodynamics, the electroweak interaction, and gravity, as well as the ultimate origin of the universe."
"While use of this term may have contributed to increased media interest,[73] many scientists dislike it, since it is sensational and overstates the particle's importance. Its discovery would still leave unanswered questions about the unification of quantum chromodynamics, the electroweak interaction, and gravity, as well as the ultimate origin of the universe."
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