Marcuse strongly criticizes consumerism, arguing that it is a form of social control. He suggests that the system we live in may claim to be democratic, but it is actually authoritarian in that a few individuals dictate our perceptions of freedom by only allowing us choices to buy for happiness. In this state of "unfreedom", consumers act irrationally by working more than they are required to in order to fulfill actual basic needs, by ignoring the psychologically destructive effects, by ignoring the waste and environmental damage it causes, and by searching for social connection through material items.
It is even more irrational in the sense that the creation of new products, calling for the disposal of old products, fuels the economy and encourages the need to work more to buy more. An individual loses his or her humanity and becomes a tool in the industrial machine and a cog in the consumer machine. Additionally, advertising sustains consumerism, which disintegrates societal demeanor, delivered in bulk and informing the masses that happiness can be bought, an idea that is psychologically damaging.
There are other alternatives to counter the consumer lifestyle. Anti-consumerism is a lifestyle that demotes any unnecessary consumption, as well as unnecessary work, waste, etc. But even this alternative is complicated by the extreme interpenetration of advertising and commodification because everything is a commodity, even those things that are actual needs.
Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human experimentation program, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continued at least through the late 1960s, and used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.
The published evidence indicates that Project MKULTRA involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis,[5] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.
clothes freak but a reasonably sane gui jamais plonge glaring obviously
looking for chemist players pomona interestingly sin king i pudding mean
either spice is the life of variety glass in people houses shouldnt be
signing controversial new laws on online copyright protection being ped
antic about whether or not im being pedantic we really need to bring in
a law that garages cant sell newspapers because we cant trust people to
read the aforementioned newspapers in an appropriate setting whilst not
driving in fact why dont we raise the price of newspapers to punish the 0.0001%
who currently read newspapers while driving starving walrus weirdos to
i hate phimosis but nothing makes you grow up better than purchasing
your own home and living in it for a couple of years it gives perspective while
i admire the idea of trying to prevent your children being propagandized
into a controlled machine whose consent to the modern world has been manufactured
and is there nobody who agrees with me about everything ive decided not to argue
anymore about is it a lovely cock or a big everything is nothing cock meant
for something bigger something better do you still feel this way if so then just
do it talking about it is all well and good but like most things in life you
just have to do it to find out all the difficulties and to see if it actually
works im sure you dont think that other people are going to just put you on
stage just because you are you if fear makes you procrastinate then that is part of life
A documentary shown on RTÉ in 1991. It features lots of footage of Dublin & famous Dubliners from the 1950s onwards. Patrick Kavanagh, Brendan Behan, Austin Clarke, Christy Brown, cars on Grafton St., Nelson's Pillar etc.....
Delicate Steve - "Wondervisions"
Hello Echo - "Hello"
Mock Orange - "Disguised As Ghosts"
Stephen Malkmus - "Mirror Traffic"
TV On The Radio - "Nine Types Of Light"
The Wave Pictures - "Beer In The Breakers"
Very honourable mentions:
Beirut - "The Riptide"
Elbow - "Build A Rocket, Boys!"
John Vanderslice - "White Wilderness"
Metronomy - "The English Riviera"
Moonface - "Organ Music Not Vibraphone Like I'd Hoped"
Wilco - "The Whole Love"
I didn't write this review of my music.
The music is available for free at
It was written by someone unknown to me.
My responses to the parts that surprised me are below.
"the world of psychelectroternative music is a fairly tight knit community" - community is a misnomer.
"the music wasn’t the primary objective in this project"? - It's all about the music.
"stayed awake for 48 hours straight, watched Clockwork Orange a few times, drank three bottles of Buckfast and started doodling around on a Casio" - It takes a lot of focus and concentration to write, edit and produce coherent music with so many notes and instruments.
"The songs titles read like they’re supposed to provoke a reaction of some kind" - I just try to have titles that have some originality and aren't completely bland, nothing more than that.
The world of Psychelectroternative music is a fairly tight knit community, as you can probably imagine. The blending of several styles of music can be a tricky business. Especially if you want people to continue to listen to your album for more than 43 seconds. This album was an interesting trip. Something tells me that [...]
The world of Psychelectroternative music is a fairly tight knit community, as you can probably imagine. The blending of several styles of music can be a tricky business. Especially if you want people to continue to listen to your album for more than 43 seconds. This album was an interesting trip. Something tells me that the music wasn’t the primary objective in this project.
God Didn’t Invent Himself is a collection of 10 tracks from a seemingly endless supply of material available online. But the music however, sounds like our boy, Ttable Whey, stayed awake for 48 hours straight, watchedClockwork Orange a few times, drank three bottles of Buckfast and started doodling around on a Casio. The songs titles read like they’re supposed to provoke a reaction of some kind, if I could only figure out which reaction, exactly. If I could only understand what they’re supposed to mean. For instance, Ejaculate Into My Vagina, the first track on the album. The title seems fairly obvious to anyone. So obvious, in fact, that I’m starting to believe there must be a hidden meaning, something subtle I’m missing… Why do I feel like it’s Sunday evening and I haven’t done my homework? Then we have, Does You Look Does. I’m not sure, does it?
Music is much like painting though. The creation of music is open to the listeners interpretation in the same fashion as an abstract painting is open to the interpretation of the onlooker. And in that sense, I get the impression that this music is much more personal to the artist than it will ever be to the listener. It makes me wonder. Perhaps, Ttable Whey is demonstrating the futility and contradiction of human existence. The harsh, dark reality of birth, life and death. He could be agonising over the illusion of Christianity that has been enforced upon humanity in an attempt to lead the populations of nations to live within a set of predefined moral rules. Or maybe he’s wrangling with the ultimate artistic question: Can my art ever truly be a representation of what I aspire to portray?
Then again, the more grounded listeners will agree with the standard approach: if it sounds like shit, then it’s probably just shit.
tucked into her belter touched off the garment of hem of an extra from third rock moon a
few minutes ago evasion of the broody snatch who else would madonna like to play keyboards
without vitriolic breadcrumbs clogging up the artifice if you are seeing the borders on
the dashboard as well as angela then you may need to select widescreen in display settings
even if the transvestite you are using is not a diplomatress
he tells me he is a source of kindness and healing in the hearts of man acrobats nature
and faucet if you say you love the irish that means you are racist towards other nation
alities it sounds as if you think someone with my personality could not come from ecuador
and hence you think when you meet some great artist from ecuador you would think that the
ir sensibilities could not come from someone who grew up in ireland eating being a realist
is so realistic for sinners who remonstrate in church carp arks hell is other people so i
remain alone you made the mistake of believing something that was said by someone to placate
you being facetious in the face of exasperation even skinnier standard bearers for purported
ly scope crepe sculpt might incarcerate deftfield can you be intimately involved with some
one and not be dependent on their hubris mug addled meta lurkers irking metal irkers luring
fat scapes of arboreal ardour was always too concerned with own personal philosophy as an
individual to have time or re sources to think about the philosophies of society and politic
al structure do you think i would have stuck around if i didnt love my family you should
write down the part about never aiming the shower header nozzle at that part of the car
penter or tile remember that the government does not have any money only people have money
i dont think 10% of the liquid in the worlds oceans will ever be made up of urine this has
nothing to do with the products or producers of feminism
it is to condition each generation easy through the young for accept the they present
not having past a to judge with until too old to remove of most conditioning the they
received have that why is slowly society our of freedom and individual it y is changing
to socialism and the whole content new stiff thing now favoured by terriers scolds ray
maybe relationship is just a constantly doing stuff that you dont want to do refuse to
feel bad i and so conscious all the time and feel bad when being alone leads to thin
king too much so drink that stops thinking too much but it might not work for a while
not lonely im in that dont crave company of others the eye just dont want to think too
the tones of your dulcet adams apple warn the cockels of my crock not be to hearty
before we have oral sex i need to warn you that i have pubic need much distraction
have lived my life now in the best conditions for sucklers to thrive thriftily verbatim
not waiting until old before start living and there enough tax money is wasted to pay
for to do nothing years for good grief everyone is on their own trip so rock your quagmire
self nowt or thyroid oomph not going to try to turn you on to the trip that i am rocking
out on for you need to find your own journey and pretty sure i can only live my trip on
my own if disagree with you on anything i i will leave you to it and follow my own path
rhythmically faceted babysitting opportunities that pass you by today will transcend the
lucrative times reform isnt costless we can repeatedly trampleresquely merge with external
gauntness but dont raise issues trying to spread out the ironic topping then sliding onto
the topsh elf like a demonic prancer on crutches for who you met in primary with 800 you rose
important thing about cop is the helmet a grandeur but the heaviest hard is
the shrink of the clothing bard fashion is awe lab out doing things in order
to get response from others perception of everything external to you that is
attached to you but what if you have given up self oral for viewers of penile
having any effort of the idea of djing for lesser people who do not have open
minds to or love of music like your love and you just dj for yourself ish after
the day of extensive sightseeing would like to spend night the touching cogent
ideas dining on the soul of your several successful car ears government being so
stoned and you will look together that you think your brain is unable to even
keep the involuntary muscles working and you think your heart is going to stop
and your sphincter is going to relax and you cant put one foot in front of the
other and you just fall to the ground and think you are about to be merry when
you die in the rural bay garb scene your beg has been noted if your arm pit is
uncut your outward expression of your utter happiness makes other people increasing
ly unhappy the bully likes to get the group focus to on the object of his bullying
to deflect attention from his own shortcomings and insecurities im so conservative
and procrastinatory when sobriety runs the gamut i love immaturity if you want
social then welfare you have to accept other govt interference and corruption
why should other people be forced to provide a safety net for other people 10%
of the liquid in the worlds oceans will never be made up of human urine thinkers
If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world.
After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud.
Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse. I will keep you, Suzy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy. Tear in eye, your dress will tear. So shall I! Oh hear my prayer. Just compare heart, beard, and heard, Dies and diet, lord and word, Sword and sward, retain and Britain. (Mind the latter, how it’s written.) Now I surely will not plague you With such words as plaque and ague. But be careful how you speak: Say break and steak, but bleak and streak; Cloven, oven, how and low, Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe. Hear me say, devoid of trickery, Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore, Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles, Exiles, similes, and reviles; Scholar, vicar, and cigar, Solar, mica, war and far; One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel; Gertrude, German, wind and mind, Scene, Melpomene, mankind. Billet does not rhyme with ballet, Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet. Blood and flood are not like food, Nor is mould like should and would. Viscous, viscount, load and broad, Toward, to forward, to reward. And your pronunciation’s OK When you correctly say croquet, Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve, Friend and fiend, alive and live. Ivy, privy, famous; clamour And enamour rhyme with hammer. River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb, Doll and roll and some and home. Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Neither does devour with clangour. Souls but foul, haunt but aunt, Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant, Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger, And then singer, ginger, linger, Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge, Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age. Query does not rhyme with very, Nor does fury sound like bury. Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth. Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath. Though the differences seem little, We say actual but victual. Refer does not rhyme with deafer. Fe0ffer does, and zephyr, heifer. Mint, pint, senate and sedate; Dull, bull, and George ate late. Scenic, Arabic, Pacific, Science, conscience, scientific. Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven. We say hallowed, but allowed, People, leopard, towed, but vowed. Mark the differences, moreover, Between mover, cover, clover; Leeches, breeches, wise, precise, Chalice, but police and lice; Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label. Petal, panel, and canal, Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal. Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair, Senator, spectator, mayor. Tour, but our and succour, four. Gas, alas, and Arkansas. Sea, idea, Korea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria. Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean. Doctrine, turpentine, marine. Compare alien with Italian, Dandelion and battalion. Sally with ally, yea, ye, Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key. Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver. Heron, granary, canary. Crevice and device and aerie. Face, but preface, not efface. Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass. Large, but target, gin, give, verging, Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging. Ear, but earn and wear and tear Do not rhyme with here but ere. Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen, Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk, Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work. Pronunciation (think of Psyche!) Is a paling stout and spikey? Won’t it make you lose your wits, Writing groats and saying grits? It’s a dark abyss or tunnel: Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale, Islington and Isle of Wight, Housewife, verdict and indict. Finally, which rhymes with enough, Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough? Hiccough has the sound of cup. My advice is to give up!!!
Bernays was the inventor of some of the most important and influential modern PR techniques. These include the press release and third-party advocacy.[citation needed]
Bernays was the inventor of the press release, following PR man Ivy Lee, who had issued a press release after the 1906 Atlantic City train wreck. One of the most famous campaigns of Bernays was the women's cigarette smoking campaign in 1920s. Bernays helped industry overcome one of the biggest social taboos of the time: women smoking in public (Stuart Ewen, Hunter College). Bernays staged the 1929 Easter parade in New York City, showing debutantes holding cigarettes. Bernays created this event as news, which, of course, it wasn’t. Bernays convinced industries that the news, not advertising, was the best medium to carry their message to an unsuspecting public.[citation needed]
One of Bernays' favorite techniques for manipulating public opinion was the indirect use of "third party authorities" to plead his clients' causes. "If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway", he said. In order to promote sales of bacon, for example, he conducted a survey of physicians and reported their recommendation that people eat heavy breakfasts. He sent the results of the survey to 5,000 physicians, along with publicity touting bacon and eggs as a heavy breakfast.[citation needed]
Bernays also drew upon his uncle Sigmund's psychoanalytic ideas for the benefit of commerce in order to promote, by indirection, commodities as diverse as cigarettes, soap and books.[citation needed]
In addition to the theories of his uncle, Bernays used those of Ivan Pavlov.[citation needed]
PR industry historian Scott Cutlip describes Bernays as "perhaps the most fabulous and fascinating individual in public relations, a man who was bright, articulate to excess, and most of all, an innovative thinker and philosopher of this vocation that was in its infancy when he opened his office in New York in June 1919."[citation needed]
content new stiff thing does carpet now match a pulpit skunk drapes notch
i flys mall air crafty fur funk one cant but wonder as to which part of
anna tommy the dye was to being applied but thats the price you pay for
disrespecting the alphabet bought the new hair-dye foam yesterday non-drip
my arse took me ages to get the colour off the floor the only way someone
can know if it is possible to cure homosexuality is they if themselves have
been cured of it people have to die in order to make life important just
like we have to work to make us fix seat underneath appreciative holidays
religion form e can never ever work because its essentially someone having
a spiritual experience of their own then attempting to describe it for others
to follow and that just never works contentment doesnt flow from too much
analysis unless you over-analysed many years ago and are now content to go
with(out) the flow content in the "knowledge" that there are no answers or
know ledge forth coming its like probably getting stoned (an experience that
is impossible to describe to anyone else) and then telling people about it
and expecting them to feel stoned or remember the mind-blowingness of it
for the rest of their lives ive been finished the article since august ive
just been waiting to move on to the next life since then while i am still
here i have to continue to spout meaningless bullshit because it is painful
to be a complete hermit sorry that a lot of it appears here where the only
I write music. Download my mp3s for free and enjoy my album covers that celebrate the sexy older man in all of us at ->
On the day god created himself there was a flash of lightning from the person who invented lightning.
"Are You Experienced" - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
"Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band" - The Beatles
"White Album" - The Beatles
"Abbey Road" - The Beatles
"Waiting For The Sun" - The Doors
"The Velvet Underground and Nico" - The Velvet Underground
"Led Zeppelin 2" - Led Zeppelin
"Astral Weeks" - Van Morrison
"Arthur or The Decline and Fall of the British Empire" - The Kinks
"Are The Village Green Preservation Society" - The Kinks
"Eli And The 13th Confession" - Laura Nyro
"Gilberto Gil" - Gilberto Gil
"Blue" - Joni Mitchell
"Songs in the Key of Life" - Stevie Wonder
"More Songs about Buildings and Food" - Talking Heads
"Closing Time" - Tom Waits
"L.A. Woman" - The Doors
"Eldorado" - Electric Light Orchestra
"Houses of the Holy" - Led Zeppelin
"Breakfast in America" - Supertramp
"Desire" - Bob Dylan
"The Man Who Sold The World" - David Bowie
"Marquee Moon" - Television
"Siren" - Roxy Music
"Hunky Dory" - David Bowie
"The Kick Inside" - Kate Bush
"A Wizard, A True Star" - Todd Rundgren
"Lola Vs Powerman And The MoneyGoRound" - The Kinks
"The B-52s" - The B-52s
"Lionheart" - Kate Bush
"Taking Tiger Mountain(By Strategy)" - Brian Eno
"Ladies Of The Canyon" - Joni Mitchell
"You're living all over me" - Dinosaur Jr
"The Stone Roses" - The Stone Roses
"Too Rye Aye" - Dexy's Midnight Runners
"Green" - REM
"Spring Hill Fair" - The Go-Betweens
"Iron Maiden" - Iron Maiden
"Skylarking" - XTC
"The Dreaming" - Kate Bush
"Hup!" - The Wonder Stuff
"From Langley Park To Memphis" - Prefab Sprout
"Charm & Arrogance" - Toasted Heretic
"Document" - REM
"You Can't Hide Your Love Forever" - Orange Juice
"Surfer Rosa" - Pixies
"The Affectionate Punch" - The Associates
"Hounds Of Love" - Kate Bush
"Ghost In The Machine" - The Police
"Double Nickels On The Dime" - Minutemen
"Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me" - The Cure
"Disintegration" - The Cure
"Memory Serves" - Material
"Doolittle" - Pixies
"Promenade" - The Divine Comedy
"The Good Will Out" - Embrace
"Songs for a Blue Guitar" - Red House Painters
"Crooked Rain Crooked Rain" - Pavement
"Dummy" - Portishead
"Attack of the Grey Lantern" - Mansun
"Come on Die Young" - Mogwai
"13" - Blur
"Giant Steps" - Boo Radleys
"In Sides" - Orbital
"Brighten the Corners" - Pavement
"Dusk" - The the
"Viva Dead Ponies" - Fatima Mansions
"Green Mind" - Dinosaur Jr
"Dubnobasswithmyheadman" - Underworld
"Dog Man Star" - Suede
"Second Coming" - The Stone Roses
"First Band on the Moon" - The Cardigans
"Odelay" - Beck
"Dirty" - Sonic Youth
"Midnite Vultures" - Beck
"Mezzanine" - Massive Attack
"Emperor Tomato Ketchup" - Stereolab
"A Steady Diet Of Nothing" - Fugazi
"Wowee Zowee" - Pavement
"Disintegration" - The Cure
"Rest Proof Clockwork" - Plaid
"Guerrilla" - Super Furry Animals
"Brutal Youth" - Elvis Costello
"Dots and Loops" - Stereolab
"Agaetis Byrjun" - Sigur Ros
"Poses" - Rufus Wainwright
"Rings Around the World" - Super Furry Animals
"Magnolia Electric Co." - Songs:Ohia
"Regeneration" - Divine Comedy
"Is a woman" - Lambchop
"Rockin' The Suburbs" - Ben Folds
"Vehicles And Animals" - Athlete
"Apologies To The Queen Mary" - Wolf Parade
"Destroyer's Rubies" - Destroyer
"The Loon" - Tapes 'n Tapes
"Winter Hymn, Country Hymn, Secret Hymn" - Do Make Say Think
"At War With The Mystics" - Flaming Lips
"Demon" - Envelopes
"Trials Of Van Occupanther" - Midlake
"Friend Opportunity" - Deerhoof
"Has A Good Home" - Owen Pallett
"The Meadowlands" - The Wrens
"Come on Feel the Illinoise" - Sufjan Stevens
"We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank" - Modest Mouse
"Release The Stars" - Rufus Wainwright
"Bring It Back" - Mates Of State
"Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?" - Of Montreal
"Friend And Foe" - Menomena
"Easy Beat" - Dr Dog
"Fever To Tell" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Red, Yellow & Blue" - Born Ruffians
"Sky Blue Sky" - Wilco
"Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!" - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
"The Mysterious Production Of Eggs" - Andrew Bird
"Gulag Orkestar" - Beirut
"Elephant Eyelash" - Why?
"There Is No Enemy" - Built To Spill
"Skeletal Lamping" - Of Montreal
"Here Comes The Wind" - Envelopes
"Chemical Chords" - Stereolab
"Bitte Orca" - The Dirty Projectors
"Dragonslayer" - Sunset Rubdown
"Fab Four Suture" - Stereolab
"Tones Of Town" - Field Music
"The Eraser" - Thom Yorke
"Stars of CCTV" - Hard-Fi
"Lonely Avenue" - Ben Folds
"Broken Bells" - Broken Bells
"Man Alive" - Everything Everything
"Heartland" - Owen Pallett
"LP4" - Ratatat
"The Age Of Adz" - Sufjan Stevens
"Nine Types Of Light" - TV On The Radio
"Mirror Traffic" - Stephen Malkmus
"Disguised As Ghosts" - Mock Orange
Some of my favourite songs not on aforementioned albums are...
"Lover, You Should've Come Over" - Jeff Buckley - "Too young to hold on And too old to just break free and run"
"The Drowners" - Suede - "Would someone give me some fun as the skin flies all around us?"
"The Dancer" - Pj Harvey
"Woodstock" - Joni Mitchell
"I Know It's Over" (live) - The Smiths
"Fake Plastic Trees" - Radiohead
"All Out Of Love" - Air Supply
"Nightswimming" - REM
"Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" - Queen
"Line Up" - Elastica
"Piano Man" - Billy Joel
"Hyper Ballad" - Bjork
"Caravan Of Love" - The Housemartins
"The Winner Takes It All" - Abba
"Close To Me" - The Cure
"Galveston" - Glen Camp Bell End
"In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" - Neutral Milk Hotel
"Cruiser" - Red House Painters
"Hey Jude" - The Beatles
"River Guard" - Smog
"Blue Line Swinger" - Yo La Tengo
"Bird Dream Of The Olympus Mons" - Pixies
"HotelLounge" - dEUS
"Something Changed" - Pulp
"Second Best" - Pedro the Lion
"The Vagabond" - Air
"Daddy's Car" - The Cardigans
"Your Daddy's Car" - The Divine Comedy - "Can you feel the sadness in our love?"
"Everything In Its Right Place" - Radiohead
"Ribcage" - Elbow
"Hand In My Pocket" - Alanis Morrissette
"Laughing" - REM
"On Your Own" - Blur
"Neil Jung" - Teenage Fanclub
"Mersey Paradise" - Stone Roses
"Harder Better Faster Stronger" - Daft Punk
"Say It Again" - Badly Drawn Toy
"Leave Them All Behind" - Ride
"Slow Life" - Super Furry Animals
"The Cedar Room" - Doves
"Imagine" - John Lennon
"Save Me" - Aimee Mann
"Mr. Harris" - Aimee Mann - "You've waited too long and I've waited long enough for you"
"Johnny Mathis' Feet" - American Music Club
"Negative Vibes" - Damien Dempsey
"In My Arms" - Rufus Wainwright
"In The Mouth A Desert" - Pavement
"The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" - The Postal Service
"Good Advices" - REM
"Tomorrow Never Knows" - The Beatles
"No Surface All Feeling" - Manic Street Preachers
"Welcome To The Cheap Seats" - The Wonder Stuff
"I Don't Know Where It Comes From" - Ride
"Me And The Major" - Belle And Sebastian
"All Along The Watchtower" - Bob Dylan
"Eclipse" - The Beta Band
"Letter From An Occupant" - The New Pornographers
"Style" - Orbital
"Flying Lesson [Hot Chicken ..1]" - Yo La Tengo
"A Boy Like Me" - Patrick Wolf
"Paper Plane" - Status Quo
"Sally MacLennane" - The Pogues
"Peg" - Steely Dan
"Mass Romantic" - The New Pornographers
"Bittersweet Bundle Of Misery" - Graham Coxon
"Free Range" - The Fall
"Station Approach" - Elbow
"Do Not Feed The Oyster" - Stephen Malkmus
"You're My Best Friend" - Queen
"Harvest For The World" - The Christians
"Murmur One" - Add N To X
"Dry County" - B-52s
"Herman Loves Pauline" - Super Furry Animals
"The Entertainer" - Scott Joplin
"Whatever" - Oasis
"Slow Bicycle" - Múm
"Brat" - Green Day
"Life's What You Make It" - Talk Talk
"I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" - Wilco
"Helicopter" - Bloc Party
"The Good Life" - Weezer
"Forecast Fascist Future" - Of Montreal
"New Song" - Howard Jones
"Move" - Miles Davis
"The Dubious Circus Co." - Clifford T Ward
"Wild Is The Wind" - David Bowie
"Two Spaces" - Frank Black
"All These Things That I Have Done" - The Killers
"Somewhere Only We Know" - Keane
"Margin Walker" - Fugazi
"7.30" - Pernice Brothers
"Accused Of Stealing" - The Delgados
"Galapagos" - Tortoise
"We Could Be Kings" - Gene
"Two Thousand Places" - Polyphonic Spree
"Airbag" - Radiohead
"Still Flat" - Built To Spill
"Transatlanticism" - Death Cab for Cutie
"This Magnificent Bird Will Rise" - Deerhoof
"Here's Your Future" - The Thermals
"Stockholm Syndrome" - Yo La Tengo
"Suggestion" - Fugazi
"Know Where To Run" - Orbital
"Holes" - Mercury Rev
"Australia" - The Shins
"Instant Street" - Deus
"Arubaluba" - Camel
"Go Or Go Ahead" - Rufus Wainwright
"Majesty Snowbird" - Sufjan Stevens
"Lex" - Ratatat
"Happiness" - Elliott Smith
"You To Thank" - Ben Folds
"Sick, Sober And Sorry" - Gene
"Let Down" - Radiohead
"Slow Yourself Down" - Camel
"Stereotypes" - Blur
"Speedy Marie" - Frank Black
"Greedhead Detector" - Julian Cope
"Could Be You" - Blur
"Timber" - Kind Of Like Spitting
"Nothing Rhymed" - Gilbert O'Sullivan
"Kid A" - Radiohead
"Positive Tension" - Bloc Party
"Air" - Talking Heads
"Kissing The Lipless" - The Shins
"Ocean Pie" - Shed Seven
"Caves Of Altamira" - Steely Dan
"Silver Trees" - The Kingsbury Manx
"Blindfold" - Red House Painters
"Panther Dash" - The Go! Team
"Ibi Dreams Of Pavement" - Broken Social Scene
"Sowing The Seeds Of Love" - Tears For Fears
"Fools Gold" - The Stone Roses
"Brick" - Ben Folds Five
"Breathe On It" - The Hidden Cameras
"Woman Of The World" - The Divine Comedy
"Fashion Crisis Hits New York" - The Frank And Walters
"The End Has No End" - The Strokes
"O Green World" - Gorillaz
"Race For The Prize" - Flaming Lips
"I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor" - Arctic Monkeys
"Scorpios" - Adam And The Ants
"Rip It Up" - Orange Juice
"Song From The Blue Room" - Boo Radleys
"Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" - Manic Street Preachers
"Don't Die Just Yet" - David Holmes
"Best Days" - Blur
"The Things That Dreams Are Made Of" - Human League
"Have You Fed The Fish" - Badly Drawn Boy
"Circus Envy" - REM
"When The Musics Over" - The Doors
"Jimmy The Exploder" - The White Stripes
"Take It Away" - Paul McCartney
"SunShower" - BusDriver - "Artistic merit is questionable"
"This House Is A Circus, Berserk As Fuck" - Arctic Monkeys
"Level" - Raconteurs
"I Was Born Yesterday" - Divine Comedy
"Hospitality On Parade" - Sparks
"Helen Lundeburg" - Sonic Youth- 'Ambiguity Estuary!'
"Objects of My Affection" - Peter, Bjorn and John - 'Life has a certain ability of breathing new life into me'
"I Always Come Back To Your Glove" - Samantha Mumba
"Volcanoes" - Islands
"Matinee Idol" - Rufus Wainwright
"The Taming Of The Hands That Came Back To Life" - Sunset Rubdown - She said, “My sails are flapping in the wind.” I said, “Can I use that in a song?” She said, “I mean the end begins.” I said, “I know. Can I use that too?”
"People's Parties/The Same Situation" - Joni Mitchell
"The End Of Medicine" - The New Pornographers
"No Children" - The Mountain Goats - 'I hope you die. I hope we both die.'
"Hook" - PJ Harvey
"The Space Race" - Destroyer
"Water" - PJ Harvey
"Misty Mountain Hop" - Led Zeppelin
"Mayonnaise" - Smashing Pumpkins
"Rapture" - Pedro The Lion
"Rivers" - Destroyer
"Sing Me Spanish Techno" - The New Pornographers
"Our Way To Fall" - Yo La Tengo
"Dummy Discards A Heart" - Deerhoof
"Thank You" - Alanis Morrissette
"Slow Motion" - Flaming Lips
"Jo Jo's Jacket" - Stephen Malkmus
"Big Trucks" - Pedro The Lion
"Red Rabbits" - The Shins
"These Are The Eyes" - Bodies Of Water
"Water And A Seat" - Stephen Malkmus
"Waiting To Hit" - Lift To Experience
"Clowne Towne" - Xiu Xiu
"Hometown Unicorn" - Super Furry Animals
"Stadiums And Shrines II" - Sunset Rubdown
"Ice Hockey Hair" - Super Furry Animals
"Vulnerability Avoidance" - Ttable Whey
"Winged/Wicked Things" - Sunset Rubdown
"Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt" - DJ Shadow
"Waltz #2" - Elliott Smith
"Grace" - Jeff Buckley
"Halfway to Crazy" - Jesus And Mary Chain
"My Name Is Jonas" - Weezer
"Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft" - The Wedding Present
"The Way Of Perpetual Roads" - Destroyer
"To The Heart Of The Sun On The Back Of A Vulture, I'll Go" - Destroyer
"The Temple" - Destroyer
"Panis Et Circensis" - Os Mutantes
"Moonlight Drive" - The Doors
"To The Birds" - Suede
"The Transfiguration" - Sufjan Stevens
"I'm A Flirt"(the version that lasts 5:18) - R Kelly (I Shit You Not)
"Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur" - Sigur Ros
"Science Vs Romance" - Rilo Kiley"
"Can't Smile Without You" - Marry Baniloa
"Myriad Harbour" - New Pornographers
"My Rights Versus Yours" - New Pornographers
"Gentle Moon" - Sun Kil Moon
"You Are A Light" - Pavement
"The Sublimation Hour" - Destroyer
"Release Me On the Floor" - Figurines
"Budgie Jacket" - Felt
"Absolutely Cuckoo" - Magnetic Fields
"To Guard And To Guide You" - Lift To Experience
"This Woman's Work" - Kate Bush
"Siriustar" - Deerhoof
"Jackie, Dressed In Cobras" - New Pornographers
"Beetlebum" - Blur
"Organ Donor (extended overhaul)" - DJ Shadow
"Snoopy Waves" - Deerhoof
"Freebird" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
"Stuck On Amber" - Boo Radleys
"Martin, Doom! It's Seven O'Clock" - Boo Radleys
"Joel" - Boo Radleys
"Throughout Toast" - Ttable Whey
"Rise Above" - Dirty Projectors
"Decent Days And Nights" - Futureheads
"Just The Way You Are" - Billy Joel
"Who Am I?" - Will Young (I Shit You Not)
"At Home He's A Tourist" - Gang Of Four
"The Classical" - The Fall
"Roll Over Lay Down" - Status Quo
"19-2000" - Gorillaz
"Plasticities" - Andrew Bird
"Springfield" - Sufjan Stevens
"Fireworks" - Animal Collective
"Brassneck" - The Wedding Present
"Drunken Angel" - Lucinda Williams
"What Is gLove?" - Howard Jones
"Hey Snow White" - New Pornographers
"Safesurfer" - Julian Cope
"Find The Answer Within" (album version) - The Boo Radleys
"Your Hands" - Yoko Ono
"Ana Ng"- They Might Be Giants
"Dead" - They Might Be Giants
"Phenomena" - Akron/Family
"How We Fade" - The Thermals
"Strobe Light" - The B-52s
"Wide Boy" - Nik Kershaw
"Third Planet" - Modest Mouse
"Public Service Announcer" - Mull Historical Society
"IPC Sub-editors Dictate Our Youth" - Clinic
"Music: Response" - The Chemical Brothers
"Wrong 'Em Boyo" - The Clash
"Sky Saw" - Brian Eno
"Round The Bend" - The Beta Band
"My Baby Just Cares For Me" - Nina Simone
"The Kiss" - The Cure
"Oh What A World - Rufus Wainwright
"Katy Song" - Red House Painters
"From Now On" - Supertramp
"Frightened" - The Fall
"Can You Believe It?" - Fog
"Kreuzberg" - Bloc Party
"I'm Just A Killer For Your Love" - Blur
"A Walk Across The Rooftops" - The Blue Nile
"Tinseltown In The Rain" - The Blue Nile
"Djohariah" - Sufjan Stevens
"Witch Mountain Bridge" - Stephen Malkmus
"The Beast And Dragon, Adored" - Spoon
"Here Comes Everyone" - The Wonder Stuff
"Visions Of Johanna" - Bob Dylan
"The Shins" - Flake Music
"Bird Of Paradise" - Snowy White
"Cowbird" - Super Furry Animals
"Plaza Trinidad" - Destroyer
"I Luv The Valley OH" - Xiu Xiu
"As Long As That" - The Go-Betweens
"Drain You" - Nirvana
"Somebody To Love" - Queen
"Someone Somewhere" - The Wannadies
"He Doesn't Know Why" - Fleet Foxes
"Captain Badass" - Songs: Ohia
"Patron Saint Of Mediocrity" - A House
"Triumph Of Disintegration" - Of Montreal
"Snow In San Anselmo" - Van Morrison
"Where Have You Been Tonight?" - Shed Seven
"Lifelines" - Doves
"Fake Tales Of San Francisco" - Arctic Monkeys
"What Difference Does It Make" - The Smiths
"This Mess We're In" - PJ Harvey and Thom Yorke
"Out Of The Blue" - Robert Wyatt
"Cortez The Killer" - Neil Young
"A Man Inside My Mouth" - The Cure
"Pass The Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind" - Yo La Tengo
"Sons Of The Silent Age" - David Bowie
"Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space" - Spiritualized