Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hero - Kate Bush

This is great.
Unbelievable that she mentions Cliff Richard in the same vein as David Bowie, though.
Proof that genius is very close to madness.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Johnny Carson and Glen Campbell

Lucifer the Llama

Pavement - Cut Your Hair + Interview

A classic moment in modern rock music from my formative years. I was around 20 years bold.

Why is this picture here?

This is Keir Hardie. Answers on a postcard to Oulart, Co Wexford.

Hero - Kevin Barnes

Hero - Emily Wilding Davison

Turn the volume of YouTube down and watch this clip while listening to "I Heard You Looking" from the album "Painful" by Yo La Tengo. Thank You!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Slacker - The Movie - In Full

To watch the full movie, paste this url into a new browser tab.

To watch the trailer (not recommended), click below ->

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tearoom Trade

Interesting research from the 60s about men who cottage.

Donal óg Cusack - Thank You!

Anyone who has played a team sport (especially soccer,gaa,rugby) knows how rare it is for a top sportsman in a team sport (or any sport) to come out openly as gay during their playing career.
Has it happened in American Football, Basketball, Baseball ? I don't think so.
I don't think it has happened in any well known soccer club worldwide?
This is amazing that it has happened in Ireland.
Trailblazers we are. Donal Og is a trailblazer in breaking down stereotypes.

This is not about the sexuality of one brave individual. This is about the options available to young people throughout the country who find out their gay. It's a new door opened, a new avenue they can explore. Being gay shouldn't put you into a box, it shouldn't allowed individuals to make prejudicial statements about your lifestyle, and god forbid, what it is appropriate for you to do or not to. It's another hammer blow in a series of hammer blows against the marginalisation of gay people in Irish society, and I truly commend Dónal Óg Cusack for coming out of the closet.

If you disagree fine. I don't give a ******************** about you. What I do give a ******************** about is that 14 or 15 year old who believes his life is going to turn upside down because he just discovered that his sexuality is different from his friends, classmates, or teammates. This proves it needn't be that way. He can live his life almost as completely and as unremarkably as before, if he wishes, but merely go out with someone different at the weekend.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Impossible Dream

I'm not sure why I am putting this here. It is a bit ridiculous.
One will probably delete this at a later date but for now, try not to be too gayphobic.
I am gayphobic by the way but not homophobic.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pool Cage

Ellipsis Non-Gratis

Ellipsis Non-Gratis

from every pour of the jug of my pseudo pseudo soul comes extra sensory absurdism
non-gratisia jog lamb is fright slow bow being ex trap elated from the
(if you ever want to read reams of my absurdist writings reply to me and
tell me that you would like to read reams of my absurdist writings) people

you york is the new new york catchphrase for the unsatiable admitters that
a hypothetical bird never flew on one something or other
i have been dubbed the future of european pop by a toilet cleaner in grimsby
in the midst of scrubbing to stay in the pub lick fervour favour

bear beauty contests have clandestined my soul into a spare tyre wish-list
withstanding the pressurised carbon copies under terrys beard
of yankee doodle kraut wherein i am in consolable regions round about this whole credit crunch debacle
surrounding euphemisms of torpor in the penultimate schism of my malnutrioned dreams

whey did you remove the newspaper which i had carefully positioned at the foot of the boil
extra terrestrial towel supergrass fantasmagorica for weekends in dromoland castle
which diplocate that my idea of heave N is to sit on a tablechair in a nun furnished room
staring into the brittle distance between neither here nor there like a dufus

entrenched in the we are all so so delighted with our cocks brigade
why are so many people dead or in tumultuous fragrances absorbed
in grate E eating themselves to the higher power that is the windmill mile
by way of supporting the freneticism gouged into the eyeballs of a rare species of mountain goat darning needle

The Seduction Of Rameses

The Seduction Of Rameses

the mealing is fruit jewel for taffeta swashbuckling hordes
we should be bread because gambling is for gamblers
on nocturnal hatchets we precariously lodged
for the tweaking of medusa for the tweaking of medusa

hen fat people run-other people into the ground breaking sounds of deer hooves
realise using the word fat is not disrespectful but rather correct english
enjoyment of the unpredictability of who won the might meet in bars that have
the perfect blend of cruisiness and friendliness and boxers and wellies

keeping unmentionable architecture under unerring raps she deigned to flea
timber i shivered to a psychedelia tony-mono standstill was brown
second to phew that was close to the marzipan moped gliding
throughout the womens soccer team spirits smouldering eyelids shouldering

im not looking to be a sugar daddy i can
how and ever provide the security of a beautiful home
for a guy who is not as financially secure as I am
in the servile mastication of a foppish grinning sole in the servile mastication of THE foppish grinning sole

when the teacher asked the students who theyd most like to sneeze between
she never expected caleb to say dorothy parker and franz beckenbauer
said the showband to the hammer snower while blowing his rose
petals in a crablike fashion across the broom handles bristles

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Franco Nero in The Salamander

Oh Co Yo Know

Once in Japan, Ono became lonely and depressed; not only was her marriage effectively over, but she received more negative reviews for her performances in conjunction with John Cage. After an overdose of pills, she was committed to a mental institution and kept under extremely heavy sedation. Fortunately, she was rescued by Anthony Cox, a jazz musician, film producer, and friend ofLaMonte Young's who had traveled to Japan hoping to study calligraphy with her. Cox threatened to publicize the callous treatment Ono had received at the institution (her sedative dosage was abnormally high), and secured her release; the two became romantically involved, and when Ono became pregnant, she made her divorce from Ichiyanagi official and married Cox. Their daughter Kyoko was born in 1963, but Cox's sometime volatility put a strain on the relationship, and they separated in 1964. Cox returned to New York, and Ono followed a few months later, after which the couple reconciled.

Jack Kerouac shooting pool (so sexy)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Charles Bukowski being driven around Hollywood

Hero - Charles Bukowsi

“It's possible to love a human being if you don't know them too well.” -Charles Bukowski

'There will always be something to ruin our lives, it all depends on what or which finds us first. We are always ripe and ready to be taken.” -Charles Bukowski

“To do a dull thing with style-now THAT'S what I call art.” -Charles Bukowski

“Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.” -Charles Bukowski

“There are worse things than being alone,” -Charles Bukowski

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Proof that Pitchfork.Com has its head up its own arse.

6 Beatles albums get 10 out of 10.
Rubber Soul
Sgt Peppers
Magical Mystery Tour
White Album
Abbey Road

"Its flipside, "Baby You're a Rich Man", is less successful, ...It's the one lesser moment on an otherwise massively rewarding compilation."
How a 10 out of 10 album can have a "lesser moment" is beyond me.

Then they go and pretend that their approach is that the music is the most important thing to consider when reviewing albums. Ha ha.
"...but whether it's an album, a collection of separate pieces, or whatnot matters little when the music itself is so incredible."

"But the backstory of The Beatles, while fascinating, is inessential to the album's appeal." (methinks it is the merely the backstory that elevates these review scores to 10 out of 10)

"And even Ringo Starr writes a decent song, a country & western number with weirdly thick and heavy production ("Don't Pass Me By"). " (a 10 out of 10 album has a merely decent song?!?)

"Here, (the White Album) they fail, and pretty often, too. But by allowing for that, they somehow achieve more. " but surely not a perfect 10 out of 10?

"The work in question is large and sprawling, overflowing with ideas but also with indulgences, and filled with a hugely variable array of material, some of which might sound great one day and silly the next."

They seem to get higher marks just because they are the Beatles.

How can any fuckin eejit reviewer give an album 10 out of ten when it features self-indulgences, a decent song, or a variable (quality) array of material that fails pretty often?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Get Out Of That Garden EP

Here is the uncompleted album. I will call it an EP. Now that I am back working again, I am not sure when I will get time to write the second half.
Download it from mediafire below.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Favourite Films - Happiness

"People who can be shocked should be shocked more often." - Mae West

If you like to be surprised...

If you thought there were no more taboos to be broken...

My Favourite Film - The Purple Rose Of Cairo

Text below is taken from

The movie is set in New Jersey during the Great Depression, and it concerns a woman named Cecilia (Mia Farrow) who frequently escapes from her dreary job and her abusive, cheating husband by going to the movies. Indeed, she loves movies so much that, one day, a character named Tom Baxter (Jeff Daniels) steps right off the movie screen to be with her. This sends the people who made the movie into a panic; if Tom were to commit any crimes while running around in the real world, the studio that created him and the movie in which he appears might be held responsible.

Gil Shepherd (also Daniels), the actor who played Tom, comes to New Jersey and woos Cecilia away from Tom by promising to take her away with him to Hollywood. Cecilia, believing that Gil represents the "real world" while Tom is only imaginary, falls for this and breaks up with Tom. Tom, heartbroken, returns to the movie that he had left -- presumably unaware that the studio will destroy all copies of the film once he is back on the screen, to ensure that something like this never happens again.Cecilia goes home to pack her bags, tells her husband she is going to Hollywood, and runs to the movie theatre to meet Gil. But there, she learns that Gil has already left, and left her behind.

Her "real world" solution was, itself, an illusion. Saddened, she does what she always does: she steps into the movie theatre -- where she watches the scene from Top Hat (1935) in which Fred Astaire sings 'Cheek to Cheek' while dancing with Ginger Rogers.And there, Cecilia falls in love with the movies all over again.The scene hinges entirely on the subtle transformation in Cecilia's face as she watches Top Hat. When she enters the theatre, at the back of a long-ish shot, she is pretty sad and dejected. Within that same shot, she walks down the aisle until she is fairly close to the camera, at which point she picks a seat and settles into it. The rest of the scene is shot from this angle, looking at Cecilia's face.

The fact that the final scene keeps our focus on Cecilia's face and the "face" of the movie screen makes us more intimately involved in the relationship between Cecilia and Top Hat than we were in the relationship between Cecilia and the movie featuring Tom Baxter. We have been primed to expect bigger things. And as the music swells to its climax, we feel that anything can happen.A side note about the music. The lyrics we hear run like so:

"Heaven, I'm in Heaven And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak

And I seem to find the happiness I seek When we're out together dancing cheek-to-cheek

Heaven, I'm in Heaven And the cares that hung around me through the week

Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak When we're out together dancing cheek-to-cheek

Oh I love to climb a mountain And to reach the highest peak

But it doesn't thrill me half as much As dancing cheek-to-cheek"

Two points. First, the middle verse resonates with Woody Allen's own belief -- expressed most recently and uncompromisingly in Match Point (2005) -- that it is luck, rather than fate or design, that steers our lives, and that blind chance can be very capricious indeed. It is striking how Astaire compares his good fortune to a gambler's loss, without drawing any sort of obvious contrast.Second, there is a theological subtext to this film as a whole, and to this scene in particular. The song -- and its refrain of "Heaven, I'm in Heaven" -- is heard at the beginning of the film as Cecilia stares transfixed at a movie poster, and it is heard again here at the end as Cecilia rediscovers her faith in the movies. In between, she takes Tom to a church and they stand beneath a crucifix:

"Tom: It's beautiful. I'm not sure exactly what it is.

Cecilia: This is a church. You do believe in God, don't you?

Tom: Meaning...Cecilia: The reason for everything, the world, the universe.

Tom: Oh, I think I know what you mean. The two men who wrote The Purple Rose of Cairo, Irving Sachs and R.H. Levine. They're writers who collaborate on films.

Cecilia: No, no, I'm talking about something much bigger than that. No, think for a minute. A reason for everything. Otherwise, it'd be like a movie with no point, and no happy ending."

Having ditched Tom Baxter and inadvertently sentenced him to oblivion, and having been ditched by Gil Shepherd and left behind in Depression-era New Jersey, Cecilia has lost not just one possible happy ending but two. In this way, Woody Allen draws a contrast between "real life" and the movies -- and, implicitly, between "real life" and the promises made by religion.But he still needs, or at least wants, the illusion of those promises. Everything we do will end in death; even movies end, and when they do, the projector is turned off, which prompts one of the "movie" characters in the clip above to say, "You don't understand what it's like to disappear, to be nothing, to be annihilated." And because he believes everything will end in death and oblivion, Woody is skeptical of the efforts made by art and religion to help us believe that there is some sort of meaning to this life.The best we can do, he suggests -- here and in other films -- is to create the illusion of meaning. Hence the final close-up on Cecilia's sad, subtle smile, as she once again comes under the spell of an escapist movie. Someone once asked Woody why he didn't give his film a happy ending. He replied, "That was the happy ending."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Cinema with the strange address

Interestingly enough the Screen Cinema of d'Olier Street, Dublin is actually on Hawkins Street. It caused me to miss my bus this morning because I thought I was on d'Olier street because I was on the street where the Screen Cinema is - but regrettably I was actually on Hawkins St.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


"Life is much too important to be taken seriously." - Oscar Wilde

This video cost a hundred million dollars to make. It is the way all music videos should be made - instead of the stupid conventional crap (in my opinion).

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This Heterosexual Man Speaks A Lot Of Sense

embedding not allowed.

People who can remember choosing to be heterosexual instead of homosexual

Why Gay Marriage is so so wrong

Black Francis interview - 1989

Great Black Francis interview from 1989 - He is in upbeat mood here.

Pavement - Infinite Spark - live

My favourite artist of all-time with a beautiful live rendition of Infinite Spark

Monday, March 2, 2009

To Love is To Suffer

“To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.”

Commiserations To All English Humans

Ireland 14 - 13 England

Sunday, February 15, 2009

this doesn't mean i am gay

I never knew anything about Quentin Crisp until yesterday but I agree with stuff he says here.

Amusing but true.

Commiserations to all Italian Americans

Italy 9 - Ireland 38

Saturday, February 14, 2009

the weather is so gay today that i will have to wear a coat

The Weather Is So Gay Today That I Will Have To Wear A Coat

Leave The Keys Una

i use mushy peas as a mixer for my vodka when the mood strikes doom and sand and
i better put on me socks before the widowing scoundrel takes the washers off me taps
we are so understanding of the human condition arent we so great?
and the daz ad slowly regains consciousness with the door

i am officially ubiquitous who would have thought it a middle aged back scrubber from Mountmellick
ah everyone deserves it just as mucho as moi
well we were forced to philosophise about what exactly is genuinely morally acceptable and the meaning of morality
so i told them not to divulge that story under any circumstances or the consequences are beyond my control

please hang on a minute while i weld this lunchbox to your leg task if my song
arranges Emile Heskey And The Zola Buddies into a Parlour Dawn Clap Trap
then the 15 Cent Purse Lice will nudge the then into a now frightfully clawing to the boolean
japanese undergrowth that never knew dissing til the day it arrived

calling all diy enthusiasts to please give an estimate for this insurance claim
i dont know why but why comedy is all about the timing of the unexpected pine lunch
and half eaten louse bastions cowering around hay pennies tripping on a sid vicious misconception
canyon canyon where four art galleries perished in suspicious circumstances

gimme a break now youre about as masculine as my fucking mothers mohair cardigan
how does a nervous middle aged woman clean her teeth youve guessed it diarmuid
well the un-pruned prose retaliation has some ponderables for the security guards of the metaphysical diamond
and when plato and socrates buy anew a washing machine that will be something to behold

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Favourite Albums of 2008

This list may change because there are hundreds of albums from 2008 that I haven't had time to listen to yet.
In Alphabetical order of the artist's name my current favourites are:

Born Ruffians - Red, Yellow and Blue
Envelopes - Here Comes The Wind
Mates Of State - Re-arrange Us
Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
Stereolab - Chemical Chords

Currently writing

I am currently writing songs for my forthcoming album which will hopefully come out in 2009. It is going well.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ttable Whey - Bark Drown EP - available for download

Download my Bark Drown EP.
2 songs I wrote and recorded in 2008 ->

Now included as the last 2 songs on